Simon & Garfunkel Revisited

The Sound of Silence was Simon and Garfunkel’s first major hit. Looking at the development of their talents that were fused together through two-part harmony executing extraordinary lyrics brings the early 1960’s into focus. The tri-wheel chart features Paul Simon in the center wheel, Art Garfunkel in the middle, with Simon’s Progressions in the outer ring. Since Simon was the composer of the two, he has the honors of being the center focus with Artie’s (as Paul calls him) planets compared to his.

With natal to natal comparisons, and their birthdays a month apart, the slow moving planets from Jupiter to Pluto are virtually in the same positions. They are seen as a generational factor and so of lesser importance in a comparison. The major activity can be seen in Simon’s faster moving Progressions to Garfunkel’s natal wheel.

The planetary connections between the two talented musicians are shown through the planets of efficiency; Mars, Venus and Mercury in Progressions from Simon to Garfunkel.

The early 1960’s was the real start of their careers, although they had teamed up previously as Tom and Jerry in the 1950’s. The very slow but ever-increasing development and success of The Sound of Silence, written by Simon in 1961 was the cornerstone of what became the partnership under their real names as Simon and Garfunkel.  The success of those early years as a duo is dramatically seen by Simon’s 1963 Progressed Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Conjunction with Garfunkel’s same but natal planets. Progressed Venus is the only Progressed Conjunction that has to travel a bit to become exact, and in this case, gives longevity to the popularity of their talents. Simon’s Progressed Moon as well makes an exact aspect with Garfunkel’s Mercury in 1963, who became the prominent and elegant voice of the two. Simon’s natal Mercury was pleasantly sandwiched between his own Progressed Sun and Moon, giving the 9th house of notoriety a chance to fulfill itself. It should be noted as well, that Simon was in the midst of the 1963, Full Moon Progressed Lunation, in the 3rd to 9th houses – this being a very significant sign for success and fame.

The Transits too play a part in the picture of how these men made an impact on their generation and generations to come. There was the always profound indication of a Station Conjunction of an outer planet to both natal charts. Neptune’s Transit last several years passing Direct and Retrograde and Stationing to add emphasis to the Transit. It did so in the early 1960’s with many passes to Garfunkel’s natal Sun and to Simon’s natal Mercury.

Saturn also made an impact on both natal charts with an 1962 Opposition to powerful Pluto at 6 degrees Leo in both charts. The creative sign of Leo is that which brought numerous talented youth to prominence in the Hippie Generation. There were several passes and Stations to Pluto’s position, making it one more testimonial to the calculated rise in importance of the artful partnership that has become an icon in American history.

Although their inspirational words and sounds soar high above the usual fare required for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Simon and Garfunkel’s striking astrological configurations shown here, are destiny’s way of saying a work well done with the help of cosmic influences.


For more information on Simon and Garfunkel history: Hall of Fame Inductees




Why So Famous? Michael Jackson

Corresponding to the overdose of “medicines” to assist him to sleep, was the Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction from the 12th house of hidden procedures, in Transit Opposite Michael Jackson’s natal Retrograde Mercury, shown by the red lines in the chart. Also blurring his awareness is the natal Sun/Moon Opposition especially when the Moon is Conjunct the Ascendant. The moon on the Ascendant shows that his perspective is caught up in his own very limited scope of experience. The Moon needs to be further through the houses to show a sense of having had enough life involvement to make decisions based on previous consequences.

The Opposition of the Lights indicates inner conflict concerning being true to himself as opposed to his need to fulfill the public demands on him. The Sun is the self’s Purpose, which is its keyword and the Moon represents his Feelings toward others in general. The T-Cross to a High Focus Saturn on the midheaven gives testimony to the influence of the father in terms of his connection to the outside world and career and is virtually why he was catapulted into the public eye. Having a Conjunction of a planet with the Midheaven brings it into High Focus, and that planet being the Point Focus of a T-Cross as well is a striking astrological aspect leaning toward potential for fame.

The natal Sun Conjunct Pluto, shown circled in orange, is another indicator of his profound influence on others. A Sun/Pluto Conjunction is an expression of the King Complex, and in Michael’s case, he was literally the King of Pop. Elvis, the King of Rock n’ Roll, has the power of a Sun/Pluto Opposition and represents a variation of the King Complex and its power to influence generations. Added strength to the Complex is shown by Mercury and Venus also in Opposition, and Conjunct the Sun through its 17-degree orb of allowance.

There are multiple Conjunctions of planets around the wheel in Michael’s chart and some in Elvis’ chart also. This emphasizes the ultra-strength of combined planetary energies as directed outward to impress upon others the native’s potentials. In both cases, the performer’s influence penetrated deeply into the public’s psyche and on a global scale.

The Stellium of planets in the 6th house in Michael’s chart shows that there is more effort than usual needed to achieve his potential with continual adjustments in self required while finding his place in the background scheme of things. Planets in the 6th house require the native to carve out a place in life through plain and simple hard work. For Michael, the 6th also points to misfit idiosyncrasies and unusual illnesses and accidents that followed him throughout his climb to success, and this includes his failure to sustain the rigorous routine that led ultimately to his untimely end of medical negligence and drug dependence.

The Progressed Moon just leaving a two-month Square to natal Jupiter in the 8th house of ultimate transitions is the indicator of the inner stress and outer excess the singer endured in the months leading up to his death.


Toshiro Mifune, the face of Akira Kurosawa’s Stories

Actor Toshiro Mifune and director Akira Kurosawa had a collaborative destiny in film par excellence. Both were superb in the expression of their individual talents but it is to Toshiro Mifune that we will focus our attention. We’ll look to see what it is in the heavenly bodies that reflect what took place during his career as an actor in Kurosawa’s films.

Toshiro Mifune was born in China to Japanese parents and followed in the footsteps of his father’s career in the arts, albeit in motion pictures as opposed to still photography. His first presence on film was when he was a baby and his father used him as a subject for an advertisement project. Later, as an adult, Mifune was catapulted into stardom as an actor thanks to his good looks and larger-than-life prowess on the big screen. His dominating presence and acting style have been compared with that of Marlon Brando, and like John Ford who featured John Wayne in many of his films, Kurosawa repeatedly placed Mifune in the leading roles in his.

The world recognition of this Japanese team’s contribution to cinema came about through accolades that were given to western, blockbuster remakes of these Asian prototypes. Kurosawa’s 1954 epic Seven Samurai, starring Toshiro Mifune, was the inspiration for The Magnificent Seven released in 1960, and again in 2016 with yet another all-star cast. George Lucas’ Star Wars, released in 1977, was inspired by Kurosawa’s 1958 forerunner The Hidden Fortress where Mifune became the archetype for Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Japanese team’s 1961 Yojimbo was used as the concept for the 1967 spaghetti western, A Fist Full of Dollars which made Clint Eastwood into an international star, and there are many more remake examples of this creative team’s repertoire too numerous to list here.

Interestingly, Kurosawa considered his precursor John Ford, the famed Hollywood director, to be his idol. He admired and used Ford’s techniques in lighting and cinematography to lay the foundation for his own early films, including the 1950 film Rashomon, which received worldwide acclaim for its camera angles and style. Here again the lead was played by Mifune, who was chosen for the role because his emotional power was riveting which is just what the part required.

Astrological support for Mifune’s impressive character renditions was provided by the energy-charged Pluto, Mars, and Uranus trio of planets that are the components of a coveted Grand Trine in water signs. This Focal Determinator is a configuration that passes one planet’s energy to the others in turn in circular fashion, building character and personality along the way. The circulating energies promote a pyramiding effect that taps the inner talents with which the native was born, for the purpose of furthering its ongoing development. In contrast, opposition aspects facilitate one’s outreach into the objective world. The two very different types of aspects work together to manifest outwardly what the Grand Trine generates from within.

Akira Kurosawa

The 120-degree aspect was and still is considered a blessed feature to have in a horoscope, however, the Grand Trine was thought to be a hindrance by ancient astrologers because of its tendency to create habitual grooves of activity whether for good or ill. It also indicates an inclination to pamper or protect oneself within the confines of its own subjective reality and this can often interfere with the native’s ability to take advantage of normal opportunities that oppositions offer. Mifune’s dependence on alcohol was his way of avoiding direct interaction with challenges to his will. However, the Grand Trine still endowed him with the ability to reach a pinnacle of success at least in the world of Japanese cinema and foreign audiences up to the task of tackling subtitles.

If a negative pattern of activity is set in motion by a native and supported by the grooving propensity of a Grand Trine, as with Mifune’s periodic alcoholic binges, there is the possibility to break from this downward spiral through the activation of a planet in square with any of the three planets in the balanced triangle. A planet in a 90-degree aspect to the Grand Trine can disrupt a destructive momentum by creating an inner struggle that allows the native to withdraw, however difficult it may be, from negative habit patterns. The opportunity for such interruptions of conditioning is when there are significant transits or progressions activating the planet in square to the Grand Trine, especially by conjunction or opposition. The withdrawal from the ongoing repetitious act offers a reset in attitude and encourages new and more constructive patterns to be established. Going forward, the Grand Trine will then support a new groove of experience the same as it did for the negative cycle needing to be discarded.

Mifune’s chart configurations show that he has the capacity to break from repetitive, negative behaviors, thanks to the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in square with Mars that takes part in the Grand Trine. In the creative sign of Scorpio, Mars bestowed upon the native a magnetic, sexual panache. This made the actor highly desirable to audiences and that resulted in high box office revenue for the filmmakers.

The Jupiter-Neptune exact conjunction is the source of the magnitude of the actor’s big screen presence. Neptune relates to conscious imagery, with movies being the extension and projection of man’s imagination. Jupiter in tight conjunction with Neptune expands the illusory and phantasmal influence of which Neptune is characteristic.

Unique Chart Features

There are five retrograde planets in Mifune’s natal chart that encourage the highly introspective nature of the native and this emphasizes the already internalization of the Grand Trine. The sympathy and compassion for his fellow actors and the tender side he revealed to some are traits related to the three planets in Pisces. Uranus is the Cutting planet of his powerful Locomotive Temperament Type, with the pattern being fairly ideal since the chart includes the desired Grand Trine with a Core Opposition formed by Uranus applying to the moon separating from the aspect. The keyword for Uranus is Independence, However, in High Focus its keyword becomes Experimentative. With a strong sense of freedom to act as he was intuitively inspired, Mifune was given Uranian free rein in the interpretation of the characters he portrayed in Kurosawa’s films. The Locomotive temperament imbues a driving force of personality, and the momentum of the Grand Trine furthers the projection of the native’s personality onto others. Men could easily identify with the forceful, masculinity he projected, and women could melt under his fiery influence.

There is no exact time of birth documented for the actor, so one can only assume several birth hour possibilities. When supposing that Mifune’s birth was in the earliest hours of April 1, 1920, his Sun’s Sabian symbol would be The president of the country. What is fascinating about the description of this symbol is the several references to playing a role among his fellows and the impact that position would have in bringing the native notoriety.

ARIES 11 The president of the country This is a symbol of high ego on the impersonal side, evident in the complete and naïve dedication of the individual to some part he chooses to play among his fellows. Implicit here is the selection of such a role as will have a maximum breadth of recognition, so that the player may be established in a reality which he would be quite unable to sustain by himself. There is a subordination of all other considerations to one primary act of individual assurance. The keyword is IDEALIZATION. When positive, the degree is the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would be­come the creative representative of eternal value, and when negative, an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness or vain pretense.

As the day progressed, however, the Sun moved to the following degree and image. Had Mifune been born just before noon or thereafter the symbol would have been A flock of wild geese. This symbol’s detailed description could also reflect the native’s actual role in life. However, it is best to avoid giving too much credence to the Sun’s Sabian image until the true time of birth emerges, which in this case is highly improbable. For comparison’s sake, the alternative symbol follows:

ARIES 12 A flock of wild geese This is a symbol of the irresistible aspiration and indomitable desire for freedom which represent the real core of personality, and which in everyday affairs are often the sole manifestation of an individual’s immortal potential. Here there are vagaries of immediate caprice to the point of irresponsibility, but through them is the undeviating course characteristic of the migratory fowl and so a promise of obligations to be met and ideals to be realized. The keyword is INSOUCIANCE. When positive, the degree is a completely naïve independence or an ever-immediate capacity for rising above any given involvement in experience, and when negative, thoughtless disinterest in anything of real value to the self.

The powerful impact on audiences of Mifune’s screen persona is provided by the Locomotive temperament that is buttressed in the chart by the multiple conjunctions of planets around the wheel. Planets that “join forces” through 0 to 10 degrees orb arrangement, amplify their potential to impress their energies onto others. This can be seen by the actor’s influence over the director when having his way continuously in terms of acting style and presentation. Spontaneous contributions were encouraged, and this can be seen astrologically by the exact opposition from the native’s Sun to Kurosawa’s Jupiter. Mifune’s ego complimented the director’s enthusiasm with each offering the other a vehicle of personal self-expression and gratification.

Mifune’s Moon-Saturn conjunction shows he was calculating and possibly passive rather than spontaneous in his acting methods, and he was known for preparing the nuances of his characters’ nature and mannerisms far in advance of his performances. The trine to the Sun from the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is all the planetary influence he needed for the smooth interpretation of the compelling characters he played.

The Kurosawa-Mifune collaboration consisted of 16 films, with Mifune’s career spanning from 1948 to 1965. In all, the actor appeared in 150 feature films. Although it is hard to think of him appearing in any films as great as those made with Kurosawa, a possible contender might be the 1954 Samurai Trilogy directed by Hiroshi Inagaki in which he portrayed with gusto, the renowned and undefeated swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi.


Bill O’Reilly On Fire and Deposed

The recent self-induced calamity in the life of Bill O’Reilly is a fall of catastrophic proportions and an extremely embarrassing one in terms of his lost footing as a television host on Fox News Channel. He is also an author, journalist, syndicated columnist, and political commentator with leanings to the far Right. Throughout his career there has been controversy over his racist remarks on the air as well as allegations of sexual harassment behind the scenes. His untoward behavior with woman has risen from rumor to public exposure. The result is satisfaction given to self-respecting women and supporters of fairness and respect in the workplace. There are at least five women who have received in total 13 million dollars to be appeased and to keep quiet about their uncomfortable ordeals and lost opportunities because of his misuse of power.

In today’s media transparency it is almost impossible to shield oneself from reaping the justified backlash coming from unorthodox acts even if you throw big money at people. And why is this one not getting away with his backstage antics? Here in a brief analysis of O’Reilly’s Natal chart with Transits and Progressions, we’ll track the development of a conscience now needing to repent at best, and at worst continue his uninhibited, disrespectful advances toward random women, albeit now in the shadows of life outside Fox News.

Being born with Saturn Conjunct the Sun can be challenging and sometimes painful, but it also can indicate a very focused and purposeful life. The higher road takes you to prominence and personal responsibility, which is true in O’Reilly’s case. But one can fall from the heights if the higher way is not chosen because of vulnerability to the id. It is Saturn’s task to create awareness through self-reflection or by social pressures. The planet’s Transits and Progressions open the door for acknowledging and correcting failures brought to light, and the process is accomplished through the function of good conscience. Saturn is in fact the Solar System’s counterpart and indicator of personal growth. Bill O’Reilly is in the middle of some very serious Transits and Progressions, and the planetary pair of Saturn and Jupiter are major players, as well as aspects with the Significant planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto foretelling of big change.

At this time, Progressed Saturn is only a slight 13 minutes passed exact Conjunction of O’Reilly’s Natal Sun. This is conscience or Karma coming home to roost, and the aspect can be seen by the short red line at the top of the chart leading from Progressed Saturn in the middle ring to the Natal Sun in 17Virgo36.

There are no Squares or Oppositions to the Sun in this chart to suggest that the soul will take the hint and transform its unacceptable behavior. Most likely the discomfort of the Saturn Transit will last the length of the aspect and if not curbed in other ways and by outside forces, the tendency will be to take the charges lightly, leading to a continuation of the career as a writer.

Transit Jupiter in the outer ring shows a temporary Conjunction with O’Reilly’s Neptune in the sign of balance in relationships. A Neptunian desire to cloud the reason with alcohol and/or drugs may be considered at this time. But the policeman characteristics of Jupiter may very well arrest Neptune’s tendency to deviate from normal boundaries of respect when in the company of women and people of color. In other words, this may be the perfect time and opportunity to curb his perpetual problems and extreme points of view by getting professional advice.

Transit Uranus Opposes Natal Venus which signals the sudden and unexpected downfall at the hands of a few good woman. And if the time of birth is close to noon, the moon Opposite Venus may be the Natal “tell” of potentially disruptive interactions with the opposite sex.

Finally, a look at the powerful Station of Transit Pluto Conjunct Natal Jupiter in the degree of Two awards for bravery in war.  This Retrograde Station of Pluto, shown at the bottom left of the chart, is exact on April 21 – a mere one day after the announcement of O’Reilly’s dismissal from Fox News Channel. Apparently, The awards in this case are going to the women who have stood up to this traumatizing and demeaning episode in their lives.

Pluto brings out the truth in circumstances, and a transformation of consciousness is often part of the opportunity. And it is not only for the perpetrator in this instance, but it is a call to transformation of other victimizers worldwide, thanks to the public nature of this scandal that brought justice in the end. The fact that O’Reilly walked away with an additional $25 million is his reward, not so much for a brave and righteous attitude in the situation however. Indeed the negative of the Sabian Symbol is: strutting self-exploitation. There is a record of this type of behavior recorded in his news broadcast through the years, as well as through testimony of those who recently came forward to receive their well-deserved awards for bravery.



Jane & Lily = Grace & Frankie

Actresses Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin are revolutionizing the paradigm of longtime acting. Their successful Netflix series, Grace and Frankie, sends a message to all those who are 70 + years, that there is life after “old age” and plenty of it. A delightful banter is what keeps the show interesting for best friend buddies who were previously at odds in their way of life and perspective. Now forced to live together in their mutually owned beach house, after the husbands have come out and proclaimed their gay intent to marry, they are co-dependent and loving it.

Jane was fascinated by Lily years ago and offered a part to her in the comedy Nine to Five. The concept of men verses women in the work place was a hit then, and the longtime friendship produced another great premise and example, in Grace and Frankie, of the power of women to survive in a man’s harsh world.

Now for a look at the overall comparison of two special planetary groups in partnership analysis. They are Mars, Venus, Mercury and Sun, Moon, Ascendant.

The connection  between planets in the charts of the two ladies is striking. There are few compatibilities in terms of same planet to planet comparison in the category of Efficiency; Mars, Venus and Mercury. None of the three indicators are in compatible elements. This reveals their ability to play on each other’s vast differences.

The ideal situation is when there are two harmonies and one not between the three factors in each category. Taking the Sun, Moon and Ascendant, the ladies’ Moons and Ascendants are compatible in Triplicity, and that points to what is called One Point Inharmony of Suns in the category of Vitality. A focus of disharmonious Suns equals incompatible Wills. They may differ greatly in temperament and perspective on life, but it is their “willingness to work in harness”* that facilitates the ability to manifest a message greater than each could accomplish alone. The combo of the two idiosyncratic personalities is the crux of what makes Grace and Frankie so unique in the world of girlfriend relationships. This astrological contrast and conflict of Wills fits so conveniently into their characters’ portrayal of antagonistic screen personalities.

Aspect interaction:

The planetary aspect interaction of the two charts shows that Lily’s Mercury is within one degree of Conjunction with Jane’s Moon. When there is a Conjunction or Opposition of planets between charts within one degree of arc, there is a real bonding and sharing of potentials. The quick and hilarious mind (Mercury) of Lily Tomlin buttresses harmoniously Fonda’s intense (Moon) acting style.

Progressed Contacts and Potentials:

The Tri-wheel dramatically shows, with an update of Progressed factors, the astrological reason for the present and mutual activity in the lives of the two actresses. The middle ring shows Fonda’s Natal Saturn being pleasantly activated by her own Progressed Venus. And Tomlin’s Progressed Jupiter joins the configuration to add expanded dimension and enthusiasm to their unique performing partnership.

Stimulated Saturn in Fonda’s Natal chart reveals, that the rewards (Venus) of hard work and maturity (Saturn) is so much a part of the fascinating possibilities of her late-life adventures.

*Marc Edmund Jones’ Essentials of Astrological Analysis page 331, Comparison of Horoscopes.




The 27 Club’s Most Known Members – old and new – Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse.

Wikipedia: “The 27 Club is a term that refers to the belief that an unusually high number of popular musicians and other artists have died at age 27, often as a result of drug and alcohol abuse, or violent means such as homicide or suicide.”

Mandatory Credit: Photo by MARC SHARRATT / Rex Features (16987c) The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Jimi Hendrix at the Marquee Club, London Various - 1967

We will explore the horoscopes of some of the 60 known deaths of the members of that notorious club; Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Amy Winehouse.

The Progressed Moon in any person’s horoscope returns to its Natal position in about 27 years after birth. We will look at this Progression in each of the 5 horoscopes analyzed and see if there is a common thread that is tied to this first cycle of the Moon in nativities.

Jimi Hendrix was known as the most innovative guitarist of the 1960s. He has Natal Uranus in exact Opposition to Natal Mercury. His unusual (Uranus) fingering (Mercury) of the strings of the guitar brought him to the height of the mountain of talented musicians of the hippy generation. The red lines in the charts show the Progressed Lunar Return. The blue lines point out the other Progressed aspects of interest, and the green lines show significant Transits.

The red line shows that Jimi’s death is still within orb of the time of the Progressed Lunar Return. A period of 6 months before and 6 months after the exact Conjunction is the sphere of influence. It is a most intense time in the life, because the Moon is the indicator of the emotional field of experience. This is tied to the mental constructs leading ultimately to the individual’s actions, whether for good or otherwise.

In Jimi’s case, there are Transits of Uranus and Pluto to show the gravity of the situation surrounding his death. Shown in short green lines at the top of the chart is T. Uranus that has been making contact with Jimi’s Natal Neptune for some time prior to his death. T. Pluto is also shown with a short green line to point out the slowly approaching Conjunction with N. Neptune. The seriousness of “playing” with drugs during this time is indicated by these two profound Transits.

Jimi’s rise to fame jimihandrixis noted in this 9th house situation and T. Uranus gives Neptune its burst of sudden notoriety in the field of music, and also shows the exposure to the mass drug culture of the times. Several of these hard aspects in Transit indicate that there had been prior troubles in Jimi’s life, but the Progressed Saturn in exact Opposition to Natal Venus from the 6th to the 12th house is the real indicator of the difficulty in passing through this trying time unscathed.

The T. Moon position is shown by the long green lines from the bottom of the chart. The true position of the T. Moon is not certain as the exact time of death is an estimate. But one can surmise that the T. Moon did make an Opposition aspect with N. Mars and a Conjunction with T. Saturn shortly before, at the time of, and shortly after the event of his death. Often it can be seen that the major Transits and Progressions show the development of a grave issue, and the T. Moon kicks off the potential tragedy at the most poignant hour. More on the Transit Moon in a horoscope visit: Robin Williams – a suicide to prevent.

THE NATAL CHART – A brief look.

The nativity features are a Bowl Temperament Type, with the Mutable Disposition delimiting the Bowl (Venus/Saturn Opposition in Mutable signs). This Type points to a desire to please people, and the upturned Bowl shows the impulse to pour out the contents of his talents without restraint. There is no Point Focus planet to form a T-Cross with the Opposition which would allow a necessary positive direction for his tensions. His musical abilities instead are his manner of self-expression and release.

The Sun/Moon pair are in Trine along with the Trine of the planets of Significance, Uranus/Neptune. Mars/Venus and Jupiter/Saturn pairs are not in major aspect with themselves. This leaves the Sun/Moon and Uranus/Neptune to decide the Self-determination which is Subjective Function. This “proves” that it would be difficult to assist Jimi in handling his problems as he is highly motivated through following his own council. Objective Function could have allowed him to make major decisions based on input from sources appealing to him from his environment.

The Bowl Type is led through the houses by Uranus, which is then considered in High Focus in Jimi’s 5th house of unrestrained self-expression, inventive character and unconventional behavior. It is the indicator of his highly unique and individualized mode of musical performance and the keyword becomes Experimentative – which is precisely what brought his style to such heightened popularity.

His Leading Uranus Sabian Symbol degree is revealing:

GEMINI 3 The garden of the Tuileries  This is a symbol of the self-confidence and authority which come to man through social position and wealth, and of his ability to bring all his capabilities to some graceful and exquisite self-expression. Here are the more exalted or immortal constants of everyday values, evident as they are given a solid foundation in human achievement or are preserved through a concern for them by people in general. The keyword is LUXURY. When positive, the degree is the creative stability which enables each individual to participate in the full gamut of satisfactions developed and cherished by his fellows as well as himself, and when negative, complete selfishness and a joy in lording it over others.

Jimi Hendrix photo by MARC SHARRATT  – 1967


Janis Joplin showed an immense talent for singing, just as Jimi Hendrix showed for his guitar performance. Janis had come out of an obscurity in youth, to the height of popularity which surprised her as much as her fans. She was unpopular as a student in her early days in Port Arthur, and took incredible pride in herself when returning at one point in her career to visit again those who previously marginalized her.janis-joplin2

The red line shows the Progressed Moon just a few months beyond its Lunation Return, and so very much a sign of the emotional intensity and upheaval of the times. But the chart shows that it is mostly Transits that “encouraged” the mounting stress on her life style, and those Transits include Neptune that brings the misuse of drugs once again into the picture. At the time of her death, Transit Neptune was approaching an Opposition to her Natal Uranus, and the Transit Moon close by indicates its “kickoff effect” of the more major Transit aspect in action.

Uranus, as well as being aspected by an Opposition by the transiting Moon, somewhere in the vicinity of the time of death, is making in Transit a Square to Natal Moon. This is a reciprocal planetary exchange bringing more force and importance to the configurations.  janisjoplin2

All the significant Transits are shown in green, and the faint lines show the supportive yet powerful indications of the entire Gestalt. Transit Jupiter does make an exact Square to important Natal Mercury, but the more profound undercurrent is provided by Transit Pluto and its approaching Conjunction with Natal Neptune. This is the bass note factor of a mounting stress upon the native.

There is one feature of the Progressed chart not to be ignored, and that is the Progressed Sun reaching the ascendant and just into the first house. The Sun finally coming out of hiding with its 30 year journey through the 12th house is shown by the blue circle on the left of the chart. Just when things might have looked brighter, the rest of the horoscope proved to be too much of a challenge to withstand.

A brief look at the NATAL HOROSCOPE

The Temperament Type is a See-Saw and shows the native’s capacity for communication across divided lines of thinking. She was a spokesperson in a sense with song for her generation, and drew attention from conventional singers, like Tom Jones in 1969, who introduced her to audiences that resulted in an expanded exposure to those with more traditional cultural tastes. Natal Pluto in Opposition to Natal Mercury is the Core Opposition of the See-Saw that drew some criticism by Jones who commented that their singing together was more of a screaming match then two unique artists sharing styles.

Born with a preponderance of retrograde planets proved her to be caught up most tightly in her own brand of thinking and behavior. Being born just days after Mercury Stationed puts her mind, attitude and demeanor into High Focus. Natal Mercury is Conjunct Venus in the 12th, and although grating to the ears at times because in the sign of Uranus’ Aquarius, still her voice proved to be the ultimate sounding board of an entire 60’s generation.

Janis’ Natal Mercury definitely stands out in several ways, not the least in its Sabian Symbol of A popularity that proves ephemeral. This points more to her lifespan in years rather than an indication of her career being forgotten. She truly has become a legend in her field, and she will remain on the minds and hearts of those who adored her for some time to come.

The entire symbol:

AQUARIUS 10 A popularity that proves ephemeral This is a symbol of the eternal challenge which comes to an individual at every point of climax in his experience, and of the swing of the pendulum between an endorsement and a repudiation of his efforts by his social group. He must learn to accept the applause as encouragement in his self-strengthening, but to look for any continued sustainment from his own stability of being. A courageous self-confidence and an unflagging faith are worthy of recognition, but only in their moment of significance. The keyword is APPROBATION. When positive, the degree is a gift for bringing the issues of life to a dramatic consummation at a time of crisis, and when negative, prodigal opportunism.

The symbol indicates that the challenge was to find stability within the self, and the potentials were there with three planets including the purposeful Sun in the 12th house of Subjective Self-sustainment. With better guidance in her early years on how to keep her Cardinal Sun and Moon under control, it could have curtailed its at times exaggerated attention on the personal self and there might have been a very different outcome in the life.



There was the promise of fame for years to come, but Amy Winehouse was caught in a cycle of destruction that took her life on July 23, 2011. UnfortunatetriChartly she was the victim of divorced parents that were both too detached and oblivious to what a marriage fallen apart can do to a young and vulnerable.

The tumultuous relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil was in a sense what gave her a very deceptive security that had been lacking due to the absent father.  Not shown here is the comparison of charts between the unfortunate couple. Amy’s Natal Pluto in needy Libra was exact to the degree in Opposition to Blake’s Sun in in impulsive Aries. Pluto opened up Amy’s psyche to a most vulnerable state possible and in times when he was not present she fell apart. With a stable family relationship and some loving discipline that was so needed, she might have been able to weather the inevitable storms that unfortunately became her downfall. Having no inner strength to rely on, and co-dependent, it became impossible for her to find strike a balance when fame finally took hold. Drugs and alcohol had long been a substitute for that inner balance, and when those elements became toxic, her body gave way and she joined the 27 Club.

The purple circle shows Amy’s Progressed Moon just entering her 8th house accompanied by Transit Pluto that always brings closer the shadow of death and rebirth. She was 5 months passed her Progressed Lunar Return and Transit Pluto tracking along with the Moon is enough to know that the astrological factors were very much in place to leave her susceptible to drug abuse and out-of-control emotions that a bit of spiritual light would have resulted in a happier outcome.

A feature of her horoscope that shows the weakness she had to deal with is the lack of an Opposition of planets that could have given her an anchor in the outside world. A genuine awareness was lacking from a too subjective point of view.

The multiple Conjunctions throughout her chart shows an exaggeration of energies that always amplifies its effects on others. The Bundle Temperament Type shows specialization rather than versatility and this in Amy’s case was a total dedication to her art and the man she was obsessed with. Mars is the Leading planet in her Bundle, and therefore in High Focus in the sign of Assurance, especially it comes to performing. The otherwise Initiative as the keyword takes on an Indomitable flare when it is a planet of focal determination. And she becomes unstoppable when acting out through the Sabian Symbol degree of, Chickens intoxicated. With this symbol in High Focus it is no wonder that she literally battled with drugs and alcohol.




Linklater’s Fairytale Trilogy – The Before Series


Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are director and actors who have created a cult image in the Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight trilogy, comparable to the captivating and long-standing cult film Dirty DancingIt begins with a study of the magnetic attraction between two lone travelers on a train which ultimately draws, in the same hypnotic fashion, an unsuspecting audience into the vicarious fascination of foreplay between the spellbound characters. Often these types of “keyhole” views on human love and attraction are only a pleasant diversion that is designed to complement the main and more serious theme in a film. But Richard Linklater cut out the unnecessary periphery and sacrificed any complicated and compelling plot to put the center of attention on the subjects as they do their romantic dance through the glorious streets and parks of Vienna. That is how they captured our hearts in the first of the three fascinating glimpses into the lives of these fictional heroes of personal love.

One might expect to see extremely overt interconnections between the three natal charts, but that is not the case on a superficial first look. So let’s look deeper. linklater_hawke_delpy2

Julie Delpy’s horoscope is in the middle wheel because it is the only one of the three whose birth time is known to the public. This puts her at center stage as the planets of the others are dropped into her chart’s houses.

There is a powerful connection between Linklater’s Pluto and Delpy’s Mars. It is an exact contact that has Delpy’s Mars making the opposition aspect. She represents Linklater’s subconscious projection of almost ideal and fairly-like creatures that portray his private vision of the magical world of the lovers’ characteristic and continual juxtaposing.

Delpy’s Mars creates a spark of classic Botticelli beauty which supports the dream-like romantic point of the film. Linklater’s natal Pluto degree is A man dreaming of fairies. It is one of the handful of elfin degrees in the Sabian symbol series that points to a person in touch with higher and subtler forms of perception. All of his films project this undercurrent of an otherworldly imagination.

These three creative individuals had the vision to take their audience through three stages of a normal relationship but in a way that is vicariously compelling. We unrelentingly hold to our hopes that they find fulfillment on screen as it offers hope for our own rewards in relationships of personal love.

A personal mirroring of excitement in love is shown in Hawke’s Mars very close to Delpy’s Uranus. The story has her always just a little bit distant (Uranus) from him as he is always in gentle pursuit of her (Mars). The conjunction is appropriate in the sign of Libra which is the sign indicating direct one-on-one relationships with others.


richard-linklater-julie-delpy-ethan-hawke-for-before-midnightLinklater’s Sun also sextile’s Delpy’s Uranus so the three creatives’ are brought together. Here, together they manifest Delpy’s Uranus degree, Three old masters hanging in an art gallery. From Jones’ mimeographed series it is Three old masters hang together in an art gallery; they have a room to themselves and seem to hold converse. In an interview with the two actors and director, they spoke proudly of having to meet together in their private rooms to create the storyline for the romantic drama. This shows the fascinating connection between the symbolic world of Sabian symbols and real-life manifestation.

Libra 9 Three old masters hanging in an art gallery This is a symbol of man’s capacity for embracing a universal reality within his own personal experience. Here is representation of the fundamental faculties of self-expression as they may be established in effective alignment with each other, thereby furthering every pertinent aspect of human potentiality. Implicit is the concept of the past and the present as irrevocably in partnership, every individual’s heritage providing him with a foundation for the achievement he desires. The keyword is ACCORD. When positive, the degree is a gift for bringing people and events together in high appreciation of the greater values of life, and when negative, idle worship of tradition and destructive self-contemplation.

Linklater’s Mars opposite Hawkes Neptune is important because the initiative of the director puts the actor in the role on the silver screen. Hawke’s Mars is the reflective symbol of not only the first scene in Before Sunset, but shows a reflection of the actor’s real-life work as a writer. It also literally points to his first acting role in Dead Poets Society. The symbol for Mars in 11 Libra is: A kindly old professor from his battered desk peers over his eyeglasses at a class eagerly awaiting his words.


Man on Wire – Philippe Petit and the World Trade Center


In New York City, August 7, 1974, Philippe Petit walked on Wire from the top of one of the World Trade Center’s towers to the other. His motivation was to accomplish something personal (Jupiter) that would gain him notoriety with the public (Moon). This shows up conveniently in the Natal horoscope with Jupiter and the Moon set off from the other planets and independent of each other, as well as a Pluto/Sun Conjunction. But the really strong indication to be in the public eye and to accomplish some outlandish feat is the Mars/Uranus (indomitably radical) Point Focus of a T-Cross Conjunction embracing the Midheaven. It is well known that he was always a climber and that his parents and any other authority over him could not control his drive to explore. phillippepetit2

What was happening in the Transit and Progressed charts is interesting in that it involves the important Mars in several ways. The Progressed Mars (shown circled in purple) is in the degree of A case of apoplexy. This phrase is not as revealing as the original symbol description, which is; A normally good natured man of affairs is red to bursting to have his own way.

This symbol of the Progressed Mars in an uncanny way, literally explains the makeup of the native at the time of his exploits in New York. He was unstoppable. And that is the meaning of a very strong Natal Mars.

Progressed Mars: LEO 1 A case of apoplexy This is a symbol of an overwhelming potentiality, and of an ever-pressing necessity for genuine self-establishment and personal stability. Implicit in the reversed symbolism is man’s complete lack of inhibition in his everyday make-up, together with his ability to mobilize all his powers and even risk his own existence rather than accept any thwarting of his desires. Here is emphasis on the unbroken continuity between being and doing, or between identity and its continual manifestation of itself. The keyword is IRRESISTABILITY. When positive, the degree is creativity in the day-by-day expression of the self’s real possibilities, and when negative, thoroughgoing self-indulgence and imposition on others.

Pluto Transiting very close to Petit’s Ascendant is another indication of the obsession to become a powerfully known personality, by attempting a daring act that had never before been accomplished and most likely would never be again. Pluto indicates ultimate extremes and this fits perfectly into that picture. Supporting this in the Natal chart is the Conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in the 11th house – this shows an obsession with reaching his goals in life.

Transit Mars comes close to Natal Saturn on the day of his performance and Mars is in the degree of A harem. Normally I would focus on the symbol for Saturn which is important because of the birth potentials active throughout the life, and the Transits are just that, transitory. But the symbol of a harem is revealing in that when Petit completed his daring feat, just as he was being released from police custody, he was approached by an attractive young woman who wanted to be the first to congratulating him with an afternoon of intimacy in her hotel room. Petit was caught in the glory of his now notorious accomplishment and was unfaithful to his dutiful girlfriend, who was now just one more member of the harem. Saturn is only 3 minutes over the line and is so close to the harem degree, but in all honesty, we must acknowledge the true symbol of 8 degrees Virgo of a First dancing instruction. Perhaps it was a dance across the wire that Saturn indicates in its birth potential.

The symbol for A harem is worth posting here:

VIRGO 7 A harem This is a symbol of the withdrawal from reality in one aspect as a means for regrasping in another, here dramatized by an acceptance of regimentation as a species of insulation against life’s demand for some more dynamic manifestation of the self. Implicit in the static symbolism is the necessity for using any fellowship in lesser values as a self-strengthening in a definite and renewed struggle towards the greater. An enforced conservation of energies need not encourage a surrender of basic ideals. The keyword is RESTRAINT. When positive, the degree is a courageous and complete disregard of limitation by the rejection of its terms at any cost, and when negative, self-betrayal for momentary ease.

The words in red definitely speak to the mood of the moment – at least in the context of a very real opportunity that would not have happened had there been no risk or challenge.

Progressed Mercury is exactly in Opposition to Natal Moon, showing the activation of the Natal T-Cross with its focus on the Midheaven resulting in ultimate fame for an unusual and physically challenging feat.
