Total Solar Eclipse, the USA and War

The day of the Great American Total Solar Eclipse is the day Trump spoke for his administration’s decision to send additional American troops to Afghanistan. The Total Solar Eclipse activated Trump’s natal Mars because the planet is within a few degrees of where the eclipse fell. Mars is High Focus when Rising and in a Conjunction with the Ascendant. In its normal function, the keyword for Mars is INITIATIVE, but when in High Focus the keyword becomes INDOMITABLE. This non-stoppable drive is something that the public has witnessed in Trump’s character for some time, but now that he is in a position of real power it can cause shock waves across the globe. Leaders of countries worldwide must take the President’s words seriously.

When initiatives are set in motion, counter-actions from resisting individuals or groups can block the direction of energies coming from the original source. This is when confrontations can escalate into full-fledged war between contending entities. Mars means war only when initiatives are frustrated. Otherwise, Mars merely means, starting to put energy behind an idea to commence action.

North Korea poses a threat to its neighbors and to the United States because its nuclear initiatives bode ill in a world that wishes to keep a balance of peace among nations. From September 2nd to the 6th, 2017, transit Mars and Transit Station Mercury joined in Conjunction at 29 degrees Leo where the recently Solar Eclipse took place. In these few days, the conflict with North Korea’s missile testings accelerated the rhetoric within the US that is a block to the ambitions of the young North Korean leader. Mars’ signature is written all over this potential catastrophe, in the fact of Trump’s Mars being activated by the Solar Eclipse and the Transits of Mars and “supportive” Mercury. But the likelihood of outright war is also evident in the chart of the United States.

Transit Saturn has been making an Opposition Aspect with the US natal  Mars since late December 2016 and early January 2017 when Trump was inaugurated the 45th President of the United States. At this time, Transit Saturn was making a Conjunction with the President’s natal Moon, which also Opposes his natal Sun, because of its natal Sun/Moon Opposition. This means that Trump’s Sun is in Conjunction with the US natal Mars. This configuration is a powerful stress upon the core dynamic between the two entities of the United States populace and its surrogate leader President Trump. And Transit Saturn has been prodding the promise of war especially at the time of its Station at 21:11 Sagittarius on August 26th. It is another supportive indication of imminent danger shown primarily by the Solar Eclipse that crossed the continental United States. It will be interesting to see what takes place when Transit Venus visits 29 degrees Leo on September 19th and 20th.

The group of planets circled on the left of the chart show Trump’s natal Mars eclipsed on August 21, in Opposition to the US natal Moon. The US Moon, representing the populace, is directly engaged with the indomitable actions of a president who is not shy of touting his erratic, unpredictable urges off-the-cuff, toward enemies national and international.




A solar eclipse is a Super-New Moon. It is a time to “plant seeds” for significant change in the daily pattern of our lives. Light is not the only influence the Sun and Moon have on living things. All heavenly bodies exude an electromagnetic field, which has its influence on other heavenly spheres and life in general. These invisible energies are activated in mysterious ways through interactions of the planets, the Sun and Moon, asteroids and other significant points represented symbolically in astrological charts.

Eclipses are strongest when near or opposite a planet in the horoscope. All other influences are general and are associated with the meaning of the houses where the eclipse falls.
An eclipse can indicate the end and rebirth of behavioral patterns hidden deep within the psyche. When drawing the substance of the unconscious into the sphere of the conscious mind, through meditation or breathwork, a natural catharsis can take place that clears outmoded content. Through courageous observation of personal issues, the need for transformation can be fulfilled. The theme of the crises to be cleared is determined by which houses the solar and lunar eclipses fall in your personal horoscope.

It is not an accident that the Sun and Moon are at the distances where when they are in line with the Earth that the diameter of their disks are the same size. This strategic alignment produces a powerful thrust of energy toward the Earth that motivates a comprehensive evolution of all matter. A solar eclipse occurs twice a year, along with a lunar eclipse either before or after. These are one of the most profound astronomical and astrological events that influence our lives, although there are many other significant celestial occurrences that promote great change.

The shadow of the moon travels the surface of the Earth and marks the countries and the people designated for reorientation. The current eclipse in the astrological sign of Leo represents the heart center and effects the way that we as individuals interact with others and where we express ourselves as unique beings separate from the collective. It is a time to acknowledge the shadows within that await the light of conscious day to be resolved through Love, as one of the features of spiritual enlightenment ruled by the sign Leo.

LEO 29 A mermaid This is a symbol of humanity’s insatiable appetite for experience on the side of psychological self-assurance, and of the nascent eagerness of the soul for a private and personal participation in every possible facet of self-fulfillment. There is an ineradicable purity of man’s make-up at core, and in consequence an ultimate repudiation of all the compromises which seem to be demanded in everyday relationships. The individual forever seeks and responds to the creative needs of life itself. The keyword is IMPORTUNITY. When positive, the degree is a completeness of quickening to inner instincts of the being and a real willingness to trust them, and when negative, a lack of discrimination and an awkward insensitivity.




US Progressed Stationary Direct Mercury Happening Now

Here’s a little known fact about the astrological aspects now active in the US chart: Many astrologers know about the coming Pluto Return, but few have mentioned the present Progressed Station of Mercury! Yes, I am talking about the PROGRESSED not the present Transit Mercury that commenced on August 12, 2017. Progressed Stations are a big deal, and multiplies the forces for change that the Total Eclipse on August 21 will usher in.

Just count 241 days from July 4, 1776-1777, in the ephemeris and you will see the D standing for Direct for the Mercury of the US chart. Stations in Progressions are a profound but much-overlooked source of planetary influence. And this one affects all Americans and the world. We’re in for big change, as if no one noticed.😉

The Station Direct takes place at 21 degrees Aquarius, Sabian Symbol: A woman disappointed and disillusioned. And there is plenty of that going on now in both political parties.

AQUARIUS 21 A woman disappointed and disillusioned This is a symbol of the inevitable distress of the human soul whenever it seeks any enduring entertainment from elements without anchorage in its own nature, dramatized in the negative symbolism by the futility of its attempted fulfillment through a capitalization on purely physical assets of self. The deeper potentials of the being afford the real possibilities of self-discovery, and personal frustrations are a challenge to a genuine self-realization rather than a denial of opportunity. The keyword is CLEARANCE. When positive, the degree is the self’s inherent gift for pressing on and gaining increased powers with every setback, and when negative, the acceptance of all defeat as final.




Simon & Garfunkel Revisited

The Sound of Silence was Simon and Garfunkel’s first major hit. Looking at the development of their talents that were fused together through two-part harmony executing extraordinary lyrics brings the early 1960’s into focus. The tri-wheel chart features Paul Simon in the center wheel, Art Garfunkel in the middle, with Simon’s Progressions in the outer ring. Since Simon was the composer of the two, he has the honors of being the center focus with Artie’s (as Paul calls him) planets compared to his.

With natal to natal comparisons, and their birthdays a month apart, the slow moving planets from Jupiter to Pluto are virtually in the same positions. They are seen as a generational factor and so of lesser importance in a comparison. The major activity can be seen in Simon’s faster moving Progressions to Garfunkel’s natal wheel.

The planetary connections between the two talented musicians are shown through the planets of efficiency; Mars, Venus and Mercury in Progressions from Simon to Garfunkel.

The early 1960’s was the real start of their careers, although they had teamed up previously as Tom and Jerry in the 1950’s. The very slow but ever-increasing development and success of The Sound of Silence, written by Simon in 1961 was the cornerstone of what became the partnership under their real names as Simon and Garfunkel.  The success of those early years as a duo is dramatically seen by Simon’s 1963 Progressed Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Conjunction with Garfunkel’s same but natal planets. Progressed Venus is the only Progressed Conjunction that has to travel a bit to become exact, and in this case, gives longevity to the popularity of their talents. Simon’s Progressed Moon as well makes an exact aspect with Garfunkel’s Mercury in 1963, who became the prominent and elegant voice of the two. Simon’s natal Mercury was pleasantly sandwiched between his own Progressed Sun and Moon, giving the 9th house of notoriety a chance to fulfill itself. It should be noted as well, that Simon was in the midst of the 1963, Full Moon Progressed Lunation, in the 3rd to 9th houses – this being a very significant sign for success and fame.

The Transits too play a part in the picture of how these men made an impact on their generation and generations to come. There was the always profound indication of a Station Conjunction of an outer planet to both natal charts. Neptune’s Transit last several years passing Direct and Retrograde and Stationing to add emphasis to the Transit. It did so in the early 1960’s with many passes to Garfunkel’s natal Sun and to Simon’s natal Mercury.

Saturn also made an impact on both natal charts with an 1962 Opposition to powerful Pluto at 6 degrees Leo in both charts. The creative sign of Leo is that which brought numerous talented youth to prominence in the Hippie Generation. There were several passes and Stations to Pluto’s position, making it one more testimonial to the calculated rise in importance of the artful partnership that has become an icon in American history.

Although their inspirational words and sounds soar high above the usual fare required for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Simon and Garfunkel’s striking astrological configurations shown here, are destiny’s way of saying a work well done with the help of cosmic influences.


For more information on Simon and Garfunkel history: Hall of Fame Inductees




Trump’s Transits and Progressions August 2017 and Forward . . .

The surrogate horoscope for the people of the United States: Donald Trump’s upcoming Progressions and Transits point the way.

Trump’s Progressed Uranus is inching toward his natal Sun. This creates an uneasiness and continuously unpredictable state of affairs for himself and the nation for which he is the leader. Progressed Uranus is also in an exact Opposition to his natal Moon where Transit Saturn is poised to make a Stationary Direct Conjunction on August 26 2017. Transit Saturn will activate his natal Moon/Sun Opposition from the other end. This tense and intense standoff of planets dominates the present political landscape, and adds to the already ominous signs of change that the Total Solar Eclipse “promises” the nation and world. Progressed Uranus urges Trump to act on his own, independent of all outside influences, while Transit Saturn obligates him to be sensitive to the people’s wishes and be responsible for the welfare of those to whom he is in charge.

Because Saturn is disjunctive in nature, there may be a very strong desire to retreat, give up or resign because of so many complications facing him that he is not prepared to handle as an ordinary citizen. And what we see in the open with Trump, is often very different than what goes on within the private world of his own psyche. The leaked phone call transcripts in the Washington Post on August 3, 2017 to the Mexican and Australian leaders revealed that what is said for public consumption is not necessarily the truth of what Trump actually thinks and feels.

Another interesting astrological harbinger of profound activity is seen with Trump’s Progressed Moon that in six to seven months will be Conjunct his natal Pluto. This Progression takes place in the 12th house with either disputed birth hour and it will inevitably bring out some truth from the depths. The 12th house is the domain wherein we hold our most secret thoughts and Pluto has charge of the deep recesses of the unconscious. It is the “closet” where we store our “skeletons.” There are no physical laws that can restrain the revelation of jangling bones from surfacing in the life of the President on this Aspect, and an entire nation will experience the revelations to come through its surrogate – the President of the United States.* Progressed Moon aspects last for their most intense periods about two months in duration. There are three periods of emphasis; when the Aspect is 1 degree from the natal placement it is activated with an obvious event or experience; when exact in degree and minutes; and when it leaves the Aspect and is 1 degree away. Significant events take place at these three times to confirm the Aspect is active, making this another method of rectification for those interested in working with a corrected birth chart.

There will also be a Progression of Venus coming to Conjunct Trump’s natal Jupiter on June 5, 2018. One would think that the benefics being Conjunct would mean all good things for the native and the nation, however the Sabian Symbol degree tells another very surprising story, it is; Two men placed under arrest. 

The threat of indictment is the cloud Trump speaks of hanging over his White House.

LIBRA 18 Two men placed under arrest This is a symbol of the maximum demand that may be made of any individual for self-consistency, and of the absoluteness of compulsions on human nature to provide a balance between inner and outer capacities. Implicit in the reversed symbolism is the importance of the self’s responsibility to its own essential characteristics, not as a limitation arising from the role it plays in life but as the necessity that the potentials of value in any given situation be brought to some point of immediate and effective function. The keyword is CONSEQUENCE. When positive, the degree is a heightened challenge to every special talent, and when negative, total inappropriateness of impulse and act.

Trump’s base and devoted followers consider the positive of the degree to be the dominant factor among his personal capacities and makeup, and the Democrats on the most part, and a growing number of Republicans in Congress view the negative of the degree to be the norm of Trump’s mode of operations. There are many instances were the “inappropriateness of impulse and act” is witnessed by those who are supportive of the president, and they clearly see these acts and minimize them as character idiosyncrasies of little concern.

Either way, the American people are sharing these coming Progressed and Transit Aspects with our president, who for better or worse will make his mark on the history of our country. Transit Pluto will be making Opposition Aspects with natal Saturn and Venus in the near and distant future, and both Progressed and Transit Jupiter are coming to a Square with natal Venus to signal more, much more to come . . . concerning the US economy as well as Trump’s personal financial operations. Squares can be exciting, but also revealing of troublesome issues to resolve.

*Update April 7, 2018: Correlating to the Progressed Moon during the early part of 2018, shows that the Stormy Daniels case against Donald Trump has legs. Also relevant as an important event is the determination that Trump is a Subject, but not a Target of the Special Counsel’s Investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 US elections. During this important Progression, Trump called to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his winning the bogus presidential elections in Russia. It is significant to note that both Trump and Putin share the 18th degree of Libra, Two men placed under arrest which is the degree where Trump’s Venus has begun its Progression Conjunct his Natal Jupiter, and where Putin’s Saturn shares that ominous point.

