Mark Zuckerberg – Founding Face of Facebook


The internet has become a matrix of opportunities for young entrepreneurs to become giants in the world of social media. One of the most powerful of these leaders is
Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder, executive chairman and CEO of Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook, Inc.) which is currently available in 112 languages serving
approximately three billion active monthly users.

Facebook is actually a borrowed concept, as several American universities already had what they called a Face Book, which was designed to encourage students to get to know one another. There was a printed component as well as an elementary online version. Harvard University had a serious concern for privacy when using its online platform which rendered the service virtually inadequate. This faulty situation prompted Zuckerberg to disregard the university’s privacy policy and turn to his own programming skills to create something more free-wheeling, exciting and user-friendly. The natal astrological configuration that identifies his indomitable drive and disregard for protocol is certainly the Mars Moon Occultation. His ability to reach out and touch everyone is the mark of a preponderance of opposition aspects.

As Zuckerberg proceeded to develop the software for what he first called, controversy ensued, and he was threatened with expulsion from Harvard because of the alleged breach of privacy and other disconcerting mischiefs. Zuckerberg’s preceded with its primary use for entertainment. It suggested that users compare students’ appearances to whether they were Hot or Not. The entrepreneur’s motivation was driven by his judgment that most student photos on the university owned platform were unattractive. A comparison of contradictory perspectives is the core characteristic of the See-Saw Temperament Type.1 The powerful pull of planets created by a preponderance of oppositions is the core dynamic drawing endless controversy over the native’s career objectives.

Young Zuckerberg became a computer and software programmer, thanks to his father’s foresight and financial investment in his son’s education. He had private tutoring sessions at a very early age in computer science and fencing and became fluent in several languages.


The planetary configurations at the moment of Zuckerberg’s birth suggest a potential for the native to excel in the field of communications. The planets create the See-Saw pattern because they form two distinct groups that oppose one another. At its best, this one of the seven Temperament Types epitomizes direct communication, compromise, cooperation, and the sharing of ideas across a divide, or at its worst, it creates conflicts of interest, polarization, and noncooperation.

The See-Saw patterning depends upon the opposition aspect’s magnetic effects to act as a bridge between the two competing planetary segments. The opposing energies promote a mirroring effect of awareness and in this case the interest of the native is most alert to conceptual principles and abstract considerations, as suggested by his Natural Disposition2 in fixed signs. The Natural Disposition technique discloses the general interests of a person and how they are drawn out of themselves in pursuit of their life objectives. If the opposition aspect forms in cardinal signs one’s focus of attention is in the immediate moment with a general self-serving lean toward opportunism. When the zodiacal signs of the opposition are mutable there is an interest in the welfare of others characteristic of the humanitarian type.

The Temperament Type in this chart has a Skew in its See-Saw patterning which is formed by the opposition (edge to diagonal edge of the two segments) from Mercury to Pluto. It reveals the extent to which the native can reject social norms and go beyond expected behaviors, especially in regard to the mental processes which are represented by the two planets. Unfortunately, the ability to depart from normal patterning can lead to blind alleys creating a negative manifestation of the otherwise unique and positive potentials of the Skew. It reveals possible twists in the perception and unusual perspectives that can lead to a disservice to the self and others when not acting as an asset for the individual. The oppositions of Venus to Moon, Mars and Saturn are the core dynamic showing enduring inner stability.

The chart falls in the category of a Loose Destiny3 because of the presence of an exact within a 23-minute orb sextile between Jupiter and Saturn. The native has the freedom to associate with anyone and everyone without much regard for moral or political considerations or pressure. This has been shown by Zuckerberg’s willingness to socialize with conservatives as well as liberals with whom he is more likely in agreement and to put emphasis on free speech while opposing the censoring of controversial Facebook posts on the appearance of political propaganda. In a speech to students at Georgetown University Zuckerberg stated,

I understand the concerns about how tech platforms have centralized power, but I actually believe the much bigger story is how much these platforms have decentralized power by putting it directly into people’s hands.4

Just as expected, his See-Saw equilibrium results in Zuckerberg supporting both sides of an argument and together with his fixed Natural Disposition he promotes the principle of independent decision-making and free speech.


The Mode of Self-Integration technique analyses the four Planetary Pairs5 to note which are in major aspect and those that are not. The pairs are the Sun and Moon as Vitality, Jupiter and Saturn as Motivation, Venus and Mars as Efficiency, and Uranus and Neptune as Significance. Three of the four pairs are in major aspect in Zuckerberg’s chart, leaving the pair of Significance to play a prominent role in his psychological makeup and integration into society by virtue of its negative appearance. The unaspected pair provides a vacuum in planetary activity that drives the native to compensate for the lack and to be driven to accomplish deeds of great import on the world stage. The success of Facebook is an obvious example of the outcome of compensation in the life of its founder.

It is ideal to have two of the four Planetary Pairs in major aspect and two that are not in the identification of the most normal path to Self-Integration.6 However, Zuckerberg’s chart has three pairs in major aspect and one not. To determine the Mode of Self-Integration in these cases one must look for factors of patterning or weight within the dynamics of the chart to determine its mode. Using patterning, the planetary pairs of Vitality and Efficiency cross the divide between the two opposing segments and identify Objective Function as the way in which this native must interact with outer experience. Adding to the emphasis of these pairs in opposition aspect is that they are also in conjunction with each other’s pair. Object Function obligates the native to take their cues from the environment for life direction as opposed to Subjective Function where there can be more resistance to outside influence. Circumstances in Zuckerberg’s life are most often defined by the needs and dictates of others through outer opportunities and social pressures.



Opposition aspects connect the 2nd to 8th and 3rd to 9th houses and emphasize the sharing of resources and communication of ideas respectively. The 2nd house contains information about the native’s resources and shares those with the possessions and capacities of others through the 8th. Pure and basic communication of the 3rd house is carried over to the 9th house of broader knowledge and understanding and public dissemination. Facebook facilitates this exchange and Zuckerberg’s Sun in the 9th reveals his role (Sun) as a publisher.

In a speech to a graduating class at Harvard University in May 2017, Zuckerberg commented about meaning:

Today I want to talk about purpose. But I’m not here to give you the standard commencement about finding your purpose. We’re millennials. We’ll try to do that instinctively. . . Instead, I’m here to tell you finding your purpose isn’t enough. The challenge for our generation is creating a world where everyone has a sense of purpose.7

The Sun in horoscopy reveals the purpose of the incarnation. Zuckerberg’s Sabian Symbol for his Sun degree is A large well-kept public park, and as parks suggest, they are the playground for interaction with others for the simple pleasure itself. The park for this native is the online platform he created that now connects anyone wishing to use Facebook to others of like mind. The Sabian Symbol reflects the social joy of Facebook.

TAURUS 25 A large well-kept public park This is a symbol of the everyday integrity of society at large, and of the community divisions of labor through which each person gains the resources for well-being and self-enjoyment which obviously he could never create for himself through his own isolated efforts. There is here an emphasis on the common experience of mankind as the setting for an individual’s worth and achievement in their more characteristic lineaments, and for his consequent self-discovery and self-realization. The keyword is RECREATION. When positive, the degree is a high devotion to the practical welfare of all people collectively, and when negative, a complete surrender of personality to mass judgments and transient superficialities.


There is a unique formation in the chart that is held in high regard by astronomers as well as astrologers. From the Earth’s perspective, the Moon can temporarily block the appearance of any planet behind it and when it is within 1 degree of orb it can empower the planet so that its meaning is more pronounced. Some astrologers, however, believe an occultation diminishes the planet’s powers. In Zuckerberg’s case Mars is the initiator and provocateur because of its hidden and therefore negative emphasis is brought to the forefront of attention through others’ periodic attempts to block the native’s initiative. At the same time a pronounced Mars encourages the explorative impulses that for example gave birth to Facebook. The Moon indicates the native’s feelings as it assists the purpose of the Sun when in major aspect. The opposition of the Lights reveals a tendency to draw criticism and conflict as well as serve to manifest personal goals.


There are no planets in square aspect in the natal chart but there is an abundance of oppositions and sextiles. This is beneficial for striking a balance when engaging with others because oppositions encourage interconnections and sextiles give support and assistance. The numerous oppositions polarize yet tie the separate segments together, but they lack a release of tension that would be provided by a squaring planet perpendicular to the opposition known as a T-Cross. The three planets would then give the chart a Focal Determinator.8 Unfortunately, with no squares in the chart there is no possibility for antagonistic confrontations to be diverted toward an alternate point of tension release. Zuckerberg must face head-on any challenges brought to his attention. The times he was called to Congress to account for his acts and policies serve as good examples of this dynamic.

Multiple opposition aspects promote a virtual superhighway of conceptual thinking either in cooperation or in confrontation with opposing parties. It reflects Facebook’s social networking as a platform for connecting friends, family, and local and global communities with each other. Oppositions are the ultimate vehicle for the communication of feelings and ideas. Conveniently, that is one of the purposes of Facebook.

The preponderance of oppositions shows the chart’s symbolic propensity for real-life interaction and includes conflicts of interest. Discord and contention have followed Zuckerberg throughout his youth and at present disputes are more magnified. The US government has been calling to account Facebook’s founder for harm done concerning the sharing of 87 million Facebook users’ profile data that ended up useful to *Cambridge Analytica. Pluto in the 2nd house of the native’s resources is in direct opposition to the resources of others represented by Mercury in the 8th. This allows personal resources to become the property of those who can tap the native’s possessions.

On March 24, 2018, Zuckerberg posted on his Facebook page:

We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you. I’ve been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

This was a prelude to April 10, 2018, when Facebook’s creator appeared before the US Senate in a joint session of the Commerce and Judiciary committees. Corresponding at the time of the hearings was an emotionally charged square between the progressed Moon and natal Venus. The very Venusian values the native lives by and promotes for others to enjoy were being scrutinized, as were the mishandled 8th house resources Facebook had collected from its users. The yellow graph shows a progressed series of challenging aspects that continued into February 2019 with the aspects especially active during the confrontation in Congress that lead to Facebook agreeing to pay a £500,000 fine to the Information Commissioner’s Office over the Cambridge Analytica scandal.9 This ended more than a year of litigation between the regulator and the giant social network, although reports had it that there was still much to be discovered concerning the scandal.

The progressed Moon squaring natal Venus is something that without the experience of natal squares may seem quite foreign and difficult for the individual to fathom. Although progressed squares occur throughout life, it is those occurring in adulthood that stand out and a publically broadcasted appearance before Congress indicated greater than normal stress. Events may coincide with the enter, exact and leave phases of the progression that points to a turning point in experience brought about by an intense, internal struggle. The progressed square indicates a challenge to personal values and the demands and adjustments necessary to align with the values of the American public.

In a fashion that mirrors the chart’s See-Saw temperament, opposing perspectives came to bear on October 23, 2019, when Zuckerberg once again appeared on Capitol Hill to testify before the House Financial Services Committee regarding questions about Facebook’s Libra crypto project. The topic unexpectedly turned to a litany of other Facebook issues giving Freshman Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the opportunity to drill the executive on the subject of political ads that propagate lies that ultimately affect voter results. The social media giant held to his position when he explained after much bantering about, In most cases, in a democracy, I believe that people should be able to see for themselves what politicians that they may or may not vote for are saying and judge their character for themselves.10

Here the private principles and values of his Natural Disposition were what the native fell back on in answer to accusations that he was allowing content that should be censored by his company, a practice that would disregard a person’s right to evaluate the information for themselves. A free society’s opposing views reflected in the multiple oppositions in the chart, once again reveal that the native is staying true to his basic natal potentials when it comes to maintaining a balance between his own and others’ opinions of right and wrong.

Unquestionably, there are dubious practices that have developed since the time of Facebook’s world debut, however, the advantages that individuals worldwide have been able to access, including and most importantly self-promotion far outweigh the limitations that inevitably should be addressed.


Progressed Mars at the bottom left of the middle progression wheel has traveled retrograde throughout Zuckerberg’s lifetime. In 2018 it came within 1 degree and 30 minutes of conjunction with natal Saturn. Here added to the stress of this aspect is the station-direct Mars performed shown circled in red on the June 1984 ephemeris graph.

June 20th on the graph is thirty-seven days after birth and refers to the native’s thirty-seventh year. The pressures and sensitivities of conscience (Saturn) become intensified under the influence of a station from any progressed planet but when the station is conjunct or opposite a natal planet, the intensity is exacerbated. It is certain that circumstances at the time presented considerable challenges. The station of Mars at 11 Scorpio 42 on May 5, 2020, occurs within 22 minutes of natal Saturn. Marc Edmund Jones refers to planetary stations as a time for a critical regrasp of experience. One needs to prepare for these rare times in progressions to let go of current circumstances and allow new avenues of expression to take hold. The apparent reversal of the path of a planet in progression correlates with an appointed turnaround of circumstances in life. The gradual buildup of pressures concerning Facebook’s questionable mode of operations perfectly fits with the effective time period of the Mars progressed station at the zodiacal degree of natal Saturn.

The ephemeris graph shows a horizontal green line underlining the 34th day after Zuckerberg’s birth on May 14, 1984. This day is equal to his thirty-fourth year of life. The future anticipates a significant dynamic aspect of Progressed retrograde Pluto turning direct in its opposition potentials with natal Mercury. The opposition polarizes the two planets of “higher and lower” mentality. By age fifty-five, before Zuckerberg’s second Progressed Lunation and Saturn Return, progressed Pluto will be stationary-direct within ten minutes of natal Mercury. When the time arrives, Zuckerberg should have all his “ducks in a row” just as his natal Mercury suggests with its Sabian Symbol at 30 degrees Aries, A duck pond and its brood. 

The blue circle at the bottom of the ephemeris graph relates to the 46th day after birth and represents Zuckerberg’s 46th year of life when progressed Mars will exactly conjunct natal Saturn.

Progressed Pluto’s exact aspect is destined to occur. The progressions of Mars and Pluto tell the story of an ambitious man caught under the combined influence of Pluto’s urge for power and influence as it is spurred on by the aspirations of the indomitable drive of Mars. The keyword for a prominent Pluto is Transcendence, which is necessary when there is no alternative release of energies available through the squaring of the third planet to an opposition that could form a T-cross. The native will have to ultimately rise to the occasion and accept that he will need to face conflicts head-on.


The founder of Facebook has achieved a high degree of worldly success beyond all expectations which is revealed in his Saturn Sabian Symbol degree that follows.

SCORPIO 13 An inventor experimenting This is a symbol of the joy in effort put forth on the imaginative or intellectual side of life, and of the creative achievement by which the human individual is able to make a special niche for himself in some particular sphere of activity. Here is a complete dependence on the ingenuity and resources of self-hood and an emphasis on the fact that there is no area of reality in which it is not possible to expand man’s usefulness and to facilitate some unique contribution. The keyword is CLEVERNESS. When positive, the degree is a capacity for accomplishment beyond all normal expectations, and when negative, a superficial dawdling over things to be done and futile dreams of great genius.

Jones’ alternative symbol is revealing in an almost humorous way. In a rattle trap old wooden barn an earnest man works in a maze of apparatus; invention at the point of success. The symbol quite easily brings to mind the mass of electrical cords often gathered around a computer geek and his computer.


Resources and References

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, are found in the Essentials of Astrological Analysis, Marc Edmund Jones, Sabian Publishing Society 1960:

(1) Temperament Type, Chapter 2, pgs 27 Essentials of Astrological Analysis

(2) Natural Disposition, Chapter 1, pgs 12

(3) Loose Destiny (and Sharp), Comparison of Horoscopes, pg 343


(5) Planetary Pairs, Chapter 3, Self-Ordering, pg 108

(6) Mode of Self-Integration, Chapter 3, pg 151


(8) T-Cross, Focal Determinator, Chapter 4, pg 193-203



*Joseph Chancellor was one of two founding directors of Global Science Research (GSR), the company that harvested Facebook data using a personality app under the guise of academic research and later shared the data with Cambridge Analytica.


Steve Jobs and Apple II


Introduced Apple II was introduced to the public April 16, 1977. Steve Jobs’ Progressed Moon, an aspect with the duration of three months,  was exactly opposite his Natal Uranus at that time. Uranus is all things unique and out of the box. But in this case it was something very unusual inside a box. Uranus is associated with electronics and out-of-the-ordinary, innovative and unconventional products and experience. The planet is associated with independence and individuality, something that millions of individuals worldwide are experiencing to the fullest extent, ever since Apple II came on the market. Individuals can express themselves freely and personally, directly to the rest of the world. The “box” offered humanity an unhindered connection to an interactive global society. All this thanks to the work and intelligence of a few passionate innovative minds.

The natal placement of Uranus is unique in that the original Sabian Symbol describing it is A leader of men erect and fearless suddenly finds thrown across his right shoulder an invisible mantle of power. 

The keyword is DESTINY, however there is much more astounding information to be read in the entire description of the symbol. Jobs was known to show a dramatic manifestation of genius to the world, but he was also known to have been quite self-centered as well. Both of these attributes can be found in the positive and negative description below. 25cancer2

Although Uranus is not High or Point Focus in the chart, it does take part in a Grand Square and is Conjunct Jupiter, which greatly expands its influence. The Grand Cross is a Focal Determinator and facilitator of physical manifestation. The world of matter is based on a firm foundation of the 90 degree angle. In a completely well-balanced configuration it is immovable. Uranus adds its genius for innovation to the native’s mentality, and in the sign of Cancer it expands without limitation.

Synchronous with the introduction and record sales of his empowering product, was Jobs’ Progressed Jupiter Station in 1977. This is the astrological confirmation of the importance of his life-altering contribution to the global population. Natal Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and in the Sabian degree of A prima donna singing. The keyword is EXCELLENCE. Progressed Venus had been Conjunct Natal Mercury throughout 1976 , showing that there was a strong focus on finalizing the details of his product that would soon bring financial and personal success.

The only limitation for Jobs was his relatively short life. Illness is a concern with a placement of the Sun in the 6th house of health issues. And interestingly, his name is certainly fitting the meaning of the 6th house, because the 6th is about hard work and effort in the workplace, and service and jobs in general. Resigning from his own company is not unusual for someone with the Sun in the 6th, because sensitivity to those above and below you is part of the 6th house experience. He does have planets in the 10 house of authority over others, and he did wield his power ruthlessly over employees at times, but the Sun in the 6th house is forever encountering difficulties for himself. Tinkering with something or refining an idea until it is perfect is part of the 6th house experience.natal

Thanks to the wide 17 degree orb of the Sun, there is a Grand Trine that facilitates his inner ingenuity. He was not so much the inventor, but the visionary and marketer, and he instinctively knew how to keep things in pyramiding development. The Sun makes an Opposition to Pluto, the planet facilitating mass production, and in the Sabian Symbol of  A rainbow. The keyword is SIGNIFICANCE, mirroring the category of Significance with which Pluto takes part as a supernumerary planet in company with the Uranus/Neptune planetary pair. When positive, the degree is “a sense of very real spiritual power and presence in all personal effort and desire, and when negative, an uncritical acceptance of every passing hope or dream on which to depend.” Jobs was known to pursue spirituality and lived an austere life style. The Far East had a calling for him in his early years, and the “zen” simplicity of style merged into his product designs as well as in his home decor.

Jobs had a Cardinal Natural Disposition and that led him to be opportunistic, restless, political, immediate and impatient in all his interests. His Temperament Type is a Splay, thanks to the Grand Trine that holds the three segments together. His captivating and pyramiding personality developed over the course of his lifetime and became the archetype of one who influences others by sheer personal power. He endowed everyone with the ability to express their own individual gifts through the ubiquitous personal computer. This is a positive characteristic of the Grand Trine in one’s natal chart.

Shown with green lines is a Point Focus Saturn of a T-cross if the Opposition of Mercury to Pluto is allowed with an orb 57 minutes over the 10 degree limit. This points to Shrewd creativity, when handling personal possessions as indicated by its placement in the 2nd house. The Sabian Symbol is Hunter starting out for ducks. The keyword is ENTERPRISE. Saturn is in the creative sign of Scorpio and this offers Jobs a powerful control over the resources he considers his own. If he seemed hard and cold at times it would be to protect an inner sensitivity that was not easily seen by others. His self-seeking Cardinal Disposition was the outer personal image of a sometimes overly sensitive Sun in Pisces Trine Saturn in Scorpio.

Mercury was Retrograde Stationary going Direct one day after Jobs was born. Being born when any planet is Stationary empowers that planet to dominate the life. Endowed with cleverness and a penetrating perception, Jobs’ mind was super-powered to produce a plethora of products, all designed to enhance the lives of every person on the planet fortunate enough to afford these now essential personal accoutrements. ProNatalDeath2

Steve Jobs died from complications of pancreatic cancer on October 5, 2011. He was 56 years old, and this corresponds with the extremely important Progressed Lunation happening at that time. Progressed Lunations show a period of about 3 years of life-changing experiences. Circumstances as they were previously, now come to an end, and a new seed and cycle begins. In Jobs’ case the Progressed Lunation took place in his 8th house of the ultimate transition, death. The struggle must have been fierce with the Progressed Sun and Mercury passing over Natal Mars in Aries the previous year. The Progressed Moon intensified the Conjunction and brought things to an ultimate end. The profound effect that his death would have in the lives of others is clearly an 8th house emphasis. How others view and accept us is an 8th house matter.

The gifts his ideas gave to the world will forever be remembered, because his contribution changed the world forever. His life-work empowered, and continues to enhance, the ordinary citizen with the personal computer and other devices needed to launch individual self-expression.

