Apple II was introduced to the public April 16, 1977. Steve Jobs’ Progressed Moon, an aspect with the duration of three months, was exactly opposite his Natal Uranus at that time. Uranus is all things unique and out of the box. But in this case it was something very unusual inside a box. Uranus is associated with electronics and out-of-the-ordinary, innovative and unconventional products and experience. The planet is associated with independence and individuality, something that millions of individuals worldwide are experiencing to the fullest extent, ever since Apple II came on the market. Individuals can express themselves freely and personally, directly to the rest of the world. The “box” offered humanity an unhindered connection to an interactive global society. All this thanks to the work and intelligence of a few passionate innovative minds.
The natal placement of Uranus is unique in that the original Sabian Symbol describing it is A leader of men erect and fearless suddenly finds thrown across his right shoulder an invisible mantle of power.
The keyword is DESTINY, however there is much more astounding information to be read in the entire description of the symbol. Jobs was known to show a dramatic manifestation of genius to the world, but he was also known to have been quite self-centered as well. Both of these attributes can be found in the positive and negative description below.
Although Uranus is not High or Point Focus in the chart, it does take part in a Grand Square and is Conjunct Jupiter, which greatly expands its influence. The Grand Cross is a Focal Determinator and facilitator of physical manifestation. The world of matter is based on a firm foundation of the 90 degree angle. In a completely well-balanced configuration it is immovable. Uranus adds its genius for innovation to the native’s mentality, and in the sign of Cancer it expands without limitation.
Synchronous with the introduction and record sales of his empowering product, was Jobs’ Progressed Jupiter Station in 1977. This is the astrological confirmation of the importance of his life-altering contribution to the global population. Natal Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and in the Sabian degree ofA prima donna singing. The keyword is EXCELLENCE. Progressed Venus had been Conjunct Natal Mercury throughout 1976 , showing that there was a strong focus on finalizing the details of his product that would soon bring financial and personal success.
The only limitation for Jobs was his relatively short life. Illness is a concern with a placement of the Sun in the 6th house of health issues. And interestingly, his name is certainly fitting the meaning of the 6th house, because the 6th is about hard work and effort in the workplace, and service and jobs in general. Resigning from his own company is not unusual for someone with the Sun in the 6th, because sensitivity to those above and below you is part of the 6th house experience. He does have planets in the 10 house of authority over others, and he did wield his power ruthlessly over employees at times, but the Sun in the 6th house is forever encountering difficulties for himself. Tinkering with something or refining an idea until it is perfect is part of the 6th house experience.
Thanks to the wide 17 degree orb of the Sun, there is a Grand Trine that facilitates his inner ingenuity. He was not so much the inventor, but the visionary and marketer, and he instinctively knew how to keep things in pyramiding development. The Sun makes an Opposition to Pluto, the planet facilitating mass production, and in the Sabian Symbol of A rainbow. The keyword is SIGNIFICANCE, mirroring the category of Significance with which Pluto takes part as a supernumerary planet in company with the Uranus/Neptune planetary pair. When positive, the degree is “a sense of very real spiritual power and presence in all personal effort and desire, and when negative, an uncritical acceptance of every passing hope or dream on which to depend.” Jobs was known to pursue spirituality and lived an austere life style. The Far East had a calling for him in his early years, and the “zen” simplicity of style merged into his product designs as well as in his home decor.
Jobs had a Cardinal Natural Disposition and that led him to be opportunistic, restless, political, immediate and impatient in all his interests. His Temperament Type is a Splay, thanks to the Grand Trine that holds the three segments together. His captivating and pyramiding personality developed over the course of his lifetime and became the archetype of one who influences others by sheer personal power. He endowed everyone with the ability to express their own individual gifts through the ubiquitous personal computer. This is a positive characteristic of the Grand Trine in one’s natal chart.
Shown with green lines is a Point Focus Saturn of a T-cross if the Opposition of Mercury to Pluto is allowed with an orb 57 minutes over the 10 degree limit. This points to Shrewd creativity, when handling personal possessions as indicated by its placement in the 2nd house. The Sabian Symbol is Hunter starting out for ducks. The keyword is ENTERPRISE. Saturn is in the creative sign of Scorpio and this offers Jobs a powerful control over the resources he considers his own. If he seemed hard and cold at times it would be to protect an inner sensitivity that was not easily seen by others. His self-seeking Cardinal Disposition was the outer personal image of a sometimes overly sensitive Sun in Pisces Trine Saturn in Scorpio.
Mercury was Retrograde Stationary going Direct one day after Jobs was born. Being born when any planet is Stationary empowers that planet to dominate the life. Endowed with cleverness and a penetrating perception, Jobs’ mind was super-powered to produce a plethora of products, all designed to enhance the lives of every person on the planet fortunate enough to afford these now essential personal accoutrements.
Steve Jobs died from complications of pancreatic cancer on October 5, 2011. He was 56 years old, and this corresponds with the extremely important Progressed Lunation happening at that time. Progressed Lunations show a period of about 3 years of life-changing experiences. Circumstances as they were previously, now come to an end, and a new seed and cycle begins. In Jobs’ case the Progressed Lunation took place in his 8th house of the ultimate transition, death. The struggle must have been fierce with the Progressed Sun and Mercury passing over Natal Mars in Aries the previous year. The Progressed Moon intensified the Conjunction and brought things to an ultimate end. The profound effect that his death would have in the lives of others is clearly an 8th house emphasis. How others view and accept us is an 8th house matter.
The gifts his ideas gave to the world will forever be remembered, because his contribution changed the world forever. His life-work empowered, and continues to enhance, the ordinary citizen with the personal computer and other devices needed to launch individual self-expression.
The Sun is the central source of information/intelligence infused into the separate attributes of the circling planets. The reflected light and magnetic energies of the planets in turn influence the final combination of signals received by humans on Earth. The interrelationship of the Sun and planets and their continuous undulating and spiraling configurations imbue the Earth and its inhabitants with the motivating energies needed to play out the purpose of their lives.
These informative energies of the solar system travel through the human body via the seven energy wheels, more commonly known by the Sanskrit word, Chakras. These energies coalesce into thought forms arriving eventually at their destination in the personal mind of a human being. Other creatures and life-forms get their dictates from the same source, however, humans are endowed with a mirroring factor we call consciousness. Here within the mind’s imagination, is where ultimate realization takes place where it transforms its ideation and imagery into outer material forms of creative expression manifested by the hand of humankind.
The missing link has always been a question to solve. Not in terms of humans in relationship to apes, but humans in relationship to the planets. The question is: What is the connective substance that allows a mirroring of planetary movements with events on Earth. The Electrical Universe is the answer, with the vibrational relationship of planets to Chakras. In that model, the planets in the Solar System experience continual electrical charges between each other, dependent upon their mutual positions. This relates to the fact that astrologers use mathematical calculations known as Aspects to determine the effect that planets have on humankind. The entire Solar System is thus in constant electrical excitation, and these charges effect the Earth’s biosphere instantaneously. There is no empty space in this model, however the atoms in the universe have a degree of separation and this is known as plasma. Within this realm electromagnetic intelligence moves and has its being.
In any electric circuit, the smallest particle of electrical energy is NOT the electron. The smallest particle of energy is the “unit quantum” of electromagnetic energy: it is the photon. Electrons are not particles of EM energy, neither do they carry the energy as they travel in the circuit. Electricity is ‘made’ of electrons and protons, while electrical energy is electromagnetism and is ‘made’ of photons.
March 20, 2003, is the date of the invasion of Iraq by the United States and European military forces. At precisely 5:33 pm, the first bomb explosions were heard in Baghdad, Iraq. US government officials assured the American public that the initiative of the Shock and Awe military maneuver would be of short duration. Viewing the bi-wheel of the US and invasion charts shows Transit Pluto coming to an Opposition to the US Natal Mars. This aspect alone reveals that the event would be a long and arduous one, contrary to the announcement that it would be a quick and passing event, which was followed by the “Mission Accomplished” speech on May 1, 2003. Transits involving Pluto are always of very long duration, because Pluto is the slowest moving of all the planets, and for that reason, the issues occurring at the time of its influence become life-changing for personal, national, and/or international entities.
The Transit of Pluto Opposite the US Natal Mars took place over a span of two and a half years to complete its mission. But an interesting feature of this long transit is that on March 23 of 2003, Pluto was Stationing for the first time within a degree of the US natal Mars at 19 Sagittarius 57 – only 15 minutes over the allowable orb for a Transit. But even more compelling is that Natal Pluto was Stationing Opposite George W. Bush’s Natal Uranus and North Node – these both being Conjunct the US Natal Mars.
Transit Saturn is also involved in the configuration by its presence in Conjunction with US Natal Mars and Bush’s Natal Uranus. It is a double hit on the initiative of the US, with pressures from those in authority as shown by its placement in the 10th house, i.e., George W. who initiated (Mars) the war in his unconventional way, true to the manner of Uranus which Transit Pluto was opposing in his Natal chart at that time. Uranus and North Node are circled in red in Bush’s chart.
It takes 248 years for Pluto to travel thru the signs and houses at approximately 11 to 30 years per sign, depending on retrograde motions and elliptical orbit. Because of Pluto’s very long Transits it is sometimes not taken into consideration that there is a period of influence that exceeds the generally accepted orbs. Issues in a personal life or that of a nation develop slowly, sometimes building imperceptibly over decades. The beginnings of Gulf War II in the minds of its creators began far in advance of exact aspects. But it is the exact aspects involving Stationary contacts that reveal the actual outward appearances of a slowly progressing inner resolve.
Conspiracy theories have been cropping up since the Twin Towers were demolished in 2001. Pluto is often involved in any situation where the truth is not easily revealed, although the keyword for Pluto in Mundane (political) astrology is Probity. The connections are clear, both in real life and astrologically, that presidents influence the general state of affairs of the group they are the surrogates for, whether for good or evil. Probity is a rare attribute and it is never certain as to its genuineness when viewing it from the outside. One must know oneself ultimately from within; Probity is in the mind of the beholder after all, and as a country goes, it is seen or not seen in historical context.
A look at Hillary Clinton’s potential relationship with the American people can be seen in her Natal planet contacts with the US planetary positions. The bi-wheel shows Hillary’s Moon in the outer wheel exactly Opposite the US Natal Neptune. This aspect is ideal for perceiving the needs of the American public and feeling obligated to do something about them. Mutable sign oppositions show an interest in the people and their welfare, above the immediate Cardinal need to fulfill oneself, or to follow ideals and principles from an emphasis of the Fixed signs. Hillary’s Moon in Pisces is sympathetic and compassionate toward all people everywhere. Oppositions engage others and magnetically pulls them together or polarizes them. Neptune is one of the planets of Significance, and with Hillary’s personable Moon in direct communication with the masses (Neptune), she is able to show that she is willing to hold up her end of the responsibilities of governing. Her slogan for the 2016 campaign is “stronger together,” and that sums up what this connection between charts can mean if she becomes the 45th US president. Her track record of putting children and women’s issues in the forefront of her mission through her early years is confirmation of her commitment toward others, and it is a testimony to the honest sacrifice she promises when possibly taking the reins to yet more service to her country.
There is a great deal revealed about her and her contribution in this aspect. Neptune is the planet of obligation and authority to fulfill a broadened and comprehensive vision, especially in the field of health and jobs. A Moon in Pisces is synonymous with compassion and self-sacrifice. The Sabian Symbol is Spiritist Phenomena. This degree and Moon position in Pisces polarizes her with the American people in both positive and negative ways. There may always be a cloud surrounding her past. But her overall contribution, on the other hand, holds much to be proud of, giving hope that the future brings more of the same.
The Part of Fortune in the two charts are within 1 degree of Conjunction. While Hillary is in service of the US government she will be assured of continuing material success, because this particular Part reveals the place of greatest potentials for the manifestation of personal vision. Hillary Clinton has benefited by being in public office, as well as benefiting all who come in contact with her sympathies.
Donald Trump has numerous planetary contacts with the US chart. His Sun position is Conjunct the US Mars, and his Natal Moon is exactly opposite. This configuration is very exciting and stimulating for both the US population and Trump. Early in his career, Trump was inspired to take on Manhattan. His real estate endeavors pulled NYC out of a slump, and NYC gave him a place to start building his empire. Trump received accolades from NYC officials for his efforts to turn NYC around.
The Sabian Symbol of the US Mars is a Labor Demonstration. And the symbol for Donald’s Moon is A Chinese Laundry. Here are indications of a general interest in business as opposed to Trump’s current interest in politics.
The US activities under the Mars influence stimulate Trump personally to fulfill some of his ambitious purpose (Sun) and to have a general touch with the US public. The aspect is strengthened emotionally through the US Mars Opposition to Trump’s Natal Moon. In general, the planets of Vitality in Trump’s chart give him a place to put his energies; that is in the economic heart of the country. Branding his name on any project that will tolerate it is part of his marking his territory and fulfilling his ego through the Sun and Moon; the Sun representing his ego and the Moon representing his need for public recognition.
Trump’s Natal Saturn and Venus straddle the US Mercury making him ultra-sensitive (Saturn) to the basic mindset of the American public’s attitude and perspective. He pours his money (Venus) into projects where he can gain the most for his investments both financially and in terms of personal status and gratification. The US Mercury Sabian Symbol is A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder. It is a degree of destiny and power.
What these three presidential figures in this post have in common, with Bill Clinton included, is the Sharp Destiny shown by a Jupiter/Saturn in Square aspect. This is an aspect putting pressure on the individual to act in accordance with good conscience. All four have been scrutinized to an astounding degree, and especially Bill Clinton. Herein lies the difficulty of being born with this type of aspect and destiny. This is a good indication that if there is wrong-doing in the life of the native, it will surely be brought to the public’s attention.
If one wants to locate the source of Trump’s refusal to follow advice to be more mature and presidential it is in the placement of his Natal and High Focus Leading Uranus. A High Focus Uranus usually acts independently of rational behavior, even to its own detriment. It’s uncontrollable and at times extremely disturbing. It can repulse rather than attract, and with each new radical and spontaneous comment, it is bringing him ever farther and farther from his objective to be popular in the public’s eye. A Natal Uranus in Opposition to Natal Moon polarizes others in a shocking manner, with verbal (Gemini) insults thrown into the arena in constant disregard for the feelings of others (Moon).
In light of the recent video of Oct. 10, it is hard to tell yet whether this storm will actually have an ultimately negative effect on the Trump campaign. The fact that there are no really strong Transit and Progressed indications of outer planets making hard aspects with his Natal planet locations shields him from the devastating effects it would have if the chart was truly “hot” at this time.
Trump’s Progressed Sun is just coming out of the 12th house of experience behind the scenes to move toward a more overt presence in the lives of others. It is also leaving the sign of Leo where the native has had the license to indulge in self-expression without restraint. Now that the Progressed Sun is doing an ingress into Virgo, there will be a necessity to make serious adjustments in character in order to more successfully associate with the members of his chosen milieu.
Throughout the long history of humanity’s presence on Earth great minds have attempted to reveal the mysteries of life’s origin and its purpose. Some curious and penetrating minds gazed outwardly into the vast visible universe while others turned their focus inward to discover the nature of reality within their own being. The enigmatic universe consistently challenges us to seek answers to timeless inquiries. Astrology offers a lens through which we can discern our place within the vast mosaic of life and provides guidance on how to align ourselves with the discoveries of those who have unveiled life’s mysteries from both within and without.
Astrologers look for indications in a natal horoscope that reflect the realities of a person’s life and what makes them think, feel, and respond the way they do. To understand and expand one’s character, it is often advantageous to study the lives and horoscopes of accomplished individuals who can act as role models. One of the most intriguing charts of prominent world leaders alive today is that of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, born at 4:38 am on July 6, 1935, in what is now Taktser, China. How spiritual potentials reveal themselves is a special type of analysis, and the birth chart of the Dalai Lama shows several obvious signs of advanced, personal evolution.
The basic elements of a horoscope are the houses, signs, and planets, but it is the planets that bring the chart to life as they tie the houses and signs together through what are known as majoraspects. The five fundamental aspects are based on geometry. In astrological terms, the geometric relationships are called conjunction when they are positioned together within 10 degrees for planets, 12.5 when the Moon is involved, and 17 degrees with the Sun. Planets are in sextile when 60 degrees apart with the same orb allowances as the conjunction. The same follows for the square at a basic 90-degree separation, the trine at a 120-degree separation, and the opposition at a 180-degree separation. Among the five aspects, it is the opposition of planetary energies in cooperation or confrontation with each other that stands out to bring one’s focus of attention outward into the world of experience and at the same time magnetically draws people together. This direct planetary stress propels the individual toward a characteristic interest defined by the quadrature of the sign wherein the planets in opposition lie.
Three quadratures define the psychological lean of interest a person is inclined to entertain. This technique, called the Natural Disposition, is the first of several that are described in detail in the Essentials of Astrological Analysis by Marc Edmund Jones. An opposition of planets in the mutable sign quadrature encourages interest and desire for engagement with people in general, with a concern for their wellbeing before one’s own. Oppositions in the cardinal sign quadrature create a focus of attention upon one’s own benefit with attention to immediate issues in anticipation of opportunities primarily for self-advancement. With oppositions in the fixed sign quadrature, remote or abstract interests take precedence above and beyond the need to help others or for concern for one’s advantage. Mutable sign oppositions encourage humanitarianism, the cardinal sign Opposititions support a charismatic personal presence, and the fixed signs promote a philosophical approach to life.
The chart of the Dalai Lama contains two active oppositions that vie for dominance in the direction of interest. The mutable opposition gives him a keen concern and dedicated involvement with the welfare of the Tibetan people and all of humanity, and the fixed sign opposition reveals a pressing curiosity and interest in the concepts of religion, psychology, philosophy, and science.
To resolve these conflicting interests the attention must give precedence to the characteristics of the absent cardinal opposition, which then becomes known as negative cardinal, simply because of its lack of presence in the horoscope. Here is the necessity for the Dalai Lama to focus primarily on his life-long, personal responsibility as a world leader. He was born to be an example of spiritual achievement and to take the lead in the political situations in which he continuously found himself. Cardinal signs are associated with the angular houses and therefore issues of the moment are dramatically played out in the immediateness of the political crises that plagued his early years.
He is regarded as His Holiness because he plays the role of the most elevated devotee of Mahayana Buddhism and is tirelessly working toward the betterment of the people he was born to lead. The immediacy and excitation of the cardinal influence endows the native with a charisma that has a profound effect on all who are fortunate to encounter him in person as well as via remote viewing. He has become the beacon of liberation for his followers and is known throughout the world since exiled from Tibet at the time of the Chinese invasion. Regardless of his holding to the ideas inherited by Buddha or his simple interest in people, he has become the embodiment of the concept of compassion. This is the power of the negative cardinal dynamic at work in his life and chart. Cardinal individuals are politically minded, and for most of the Dalai Lama’s life, the weight has been on his shoulders to strategize the outcome and governance of his displaced people. He will go down in history for his character above and beyond his dedication to the teachings of Buddha.
One’s overall response to life, in general, is determined by the Temperament Type, defined by the planetary patterns the planets together form when viewed geocentrically. The planets arrange themselves into seven basic patterns around the horoscopic wheel, with the pattern formed at the moment of one’s first breath determining the overall temperament of an individual. The patterns first used by the British astrologer Charles Carter were called the Bundle, Bowl, and See-Saw. In the mid-20th century, Marc Edmund Jones expanded the number to seven to include what he named the Bucket, Splash, Locomotive, and Splay. He went on to define each of the seven in far greater detail than had been explained previously. The Dalai Lama’s horoscope forms a Locomotive Temperament, which along with the Splay is based on a division of the circle by three, making the pattern and characteristics of the native more complex than the five patterns based on a division of 360 degrees by two.
The Locomotive temperament builds on the possibility of a Grand Trine in a chart as it encourages a pyramiding development of personality. The soul projects itself through the Cutting or Leading planet and in the Dalai Lama’s chart that planet is Saturn, which becomes High Focus. Saturn’s powerful conservative influence in the profound focus of a Locomotive urges the Dalai Lama to follow the strict traditions of Buddhism.
The Locomotive is characterized by a driving force that is spurred on and further developed by the ever-spiraling and revolving Grand Trine, given thrust by the High Focus leading planet in an opposition aspect with any other planet. In the Dalai Lama’s chart, Saturn moves in the direction of the open trine to project his personality onto its environment. The Dalai Lama’s driving and persistent mission is to help humanity deeply understand the way of Buddhism through compassion and kindness toward others. Saturn’s keyword is Sensitiveness, and it is associated with the practice of meditation that leads to the spiritual attributes of self-awareness and patience.
The specifics of the pattern show a well-constructed Grand Trine in fairly tight orb that strengthens its thrust through Leading Saturn and its opposition with the Moon and Neptune. The opposition does not have a squaring planet and so leaves the High Focus planet uncontested by any Point Focus planet formed by a possible T Cross.
The ten planets are divided into pairs; the Sun and Moon are the planetary pair of Vitality, Jupiter and Saturn are the pair of Motivation, Mars and Venus are the pair of Efficiency, and Uranus and Neptune are the planets of Significance. Mercury and Pluto are supernumerary with Mercury belonging to Efficiency and Pluto to the planets of Significance. It is most favorable to have two of the pairs in major aspect and two not so that the individual needs only to integrate two prominent modes of interaction to have ease in determining the self’s focus in life. The chart of the Dalai Lama has all planetary pairs in major aspects, causing the psyche to become overfilled with possibilities that create a plethora of outer involvements with which to engage and integrate into cohesive activity. There is often a feeling of becoming inept with too much internal and environmental stimulus and opportunity. However, analyzing the pairs and choosing two out of the four to be prominent helps to focus the attention on a specific direction to counter any confusion caused by overstimulation. There are special techniques found in the chapter on Self-Ordering in the Essentials of Astrological Analysis that show how to determine which two are the more prominent of the four.
Saturn and Jupiter are the planetary pair of Motivation. Conscious sensitivity to high moral standards becomes a prominent motivation when this pair stands out over the others. The High Focus, Leading planet Saturn forms a trine to Jupiter. Saturn’s role is meditative and reflective, illuminating one’s attitudes and behaviors within one’s own awareness. When experiencing conscious pain, it is due to Saturn’s pressure to face unsuspected errors in behavior needing correction through the recognition of personal shortcomings. Adopting an attitude of acceptance and surrender to this humbling process results in the release of the pressure of conscience. Suppressing the truth about oneself to avoid a painful conscience is escapism. When one accepts one’s limitations, psychological obstacles become stepping stones to future spiritual expansion. Jupiter as the positive and outward ambassador of the personality works hand-in-hand with Saturn’s double-checking in the continuous correction process of the personal self. The Dalai Lama performs spiritual practices that include regular meditation which is synonymous with the meaning of the planet Saturn and a characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism itself. Jupiter and Saturn in trine aspect indicate a Loose Destiny as opposed to a Sharp Destiny that has the effect of an extreme need to always hold to high moral ideals. The Dalai Lama has made use of the ease of self-expression characterized by a loose adherence to strict motivations yet in his case, he willingly has aligned with truth, thanks to his High Focus Saturn and its serious attentions.
The keyword for Saturn in normal strength is Sensitiveness, but when emphasized in High Focus, the keyword becomes Shrewd. The Dalai Lama has had to use his subjective ingenuity toward Chinese officials who oppose his birthright. His Holiness has had to be extremely careful to the point of shewdness in the way he approaches his “enemies,” and applies the Buddhist principles of forgiveness, non-violence and compassion toward those who have violently infringed upon his domain. True to the nature of the expanding water element, the Dalai Lama’s exile has worked to the world’s advantage. Had he only been able to rule and lead in his own remote country, without interference from outside forces, he would not have become an overwhelming influence for the good of the world community. His philosophical beliefs are supported by his most tolerant and gracious host and adopted country India, and have brought spiritual progress to an otherwise limited outreach. The Dalai Lama also has expanded his understanding of spirituality through exposure to Hinduism which has made him even more capable of being considered a world leader, as opposed to simply a leader of the limited community of Tibetans.
When a chart has all planetary pairs in major aspects, the determination of the Self-Integration is chosen through symmetry and weight within the planetary Gestalt. The Dalai Lama’s chart shows that Jupiter and Saturn and Uranus and Neptune pairs are forming interesting symmetrical patterning. Both pairs are in trine with their “partners” and cross over the north and south hemispheres. Mars and Venus and the Sun and Moon pairs also create symmetry but do not integrate the two separate segments of the horoscope. All four pairs form major aspect relationships to create a complex and extremely interesting configuration. However, it is essential to discard two of the four pairs to influence a native to draw their conscious attention to the two that will assist in bringing a satisfactory mode of self-integration within easy reach. Out of the six possible Modes of Integration, the Dalai Lama is categorized as Subjective Function. This means that the Dalai Lama is a person who ultimately follows his own counsel. He turns within to confer with his conscience and responds to external challenges with a comprehension based on his personal experience and developed wisdom. In contrast, a person with Objective Function can easily follow the direction of others and is often content with bonding with their work and projects. To be subjective in function is very fitting for one who must play a leadership role in the guidance of others based on internal principles and inner inspiration.
The Grand Tine in the chart of the Dalai Lama is a Focal Determinator. The free-flowing water sign element encourages the native to expand his presence outwardly to embrace and be embraced by all with whom he comes in contact – that is the nature of water, to permeate, absorb, and expand. When a Grand Trine is present in a Locomotive pattern it gives the Leading or Cutting planet the power to project the message/meaning of the entire configuration of planets into the open space of the empty trine. The result is an ability possessed by the native to project their will, character, and purpose onto others. Saturn leads all the planetary energies into the empty trine and so becomes High Focus and therefore the most important configuration of the chart. The highly focused, superpowered Saturn amplifies its archetypal nature in terms of self-awareness and self-control, accompanied by an ultra-reflective personal conscious awareness. Moral standards take precedence in life and rigorous discipline is the way the Dalai Lama holds to his beliefs. The Grand Trine offers the pyramiding and ever-increasing powers which assures that the native will have little resistance in the projection of his psychic onto all who are touched by his persona and graceousness. The Grand Water Trine is a sign of advanced spiritual achievement expressing itself in the present incarnation.
Often astrologers believe that the Grand Trine can be a detriment because of its nature to groove into patterns of negativity in contrast to the equal possibility of creating positive habitual behavior. What the Grand Trine actually represents is a degree of harmony and flow in approach to life. With the Dalai Lama’s practice and deep understanding, this Focal Determinator gives him an outlet for the continuous manifestation of enlightening reason as the first response to daily challenges that the opposition from Saturn to Moon and Neptune present.
The Grand Trine endows flowing ease and approachability and creates a driving force of personality, backed by the power of the Locomotive pattern, and with the caution of Saturn at the helm allows for precise dissemination of his knowledge and wisdom. The water signs are permeable, receptive, and sensitive to feeling and compassion, especially when in the sign of Pisces. As the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people in exile, he must remain strong in his beliefs and practices and present a message that encourages his people to adhere to their ancient roots. If the birth time is correct, then the placement of the Leading planet and sign are in the all-important 10th house of Authority among men and sets him up as a truly inspiring leader of mankind.
At age 6, progressed Jupiter stationed direct, corresponding to the enthronement ceremony held in Lhasa.
The Dalai Lama was recognized and enthroned when he was just five years old. The event corresponds to the progressed Jupiter station-direct, shown in the ephemeris of July 1935 – five days after birth. Each day after birth is equal to each year of life. The planets in the ephemeris for age five are calculating the planets’ movement for the 5th year of life, and so on. The station of Jupiter symbolically represents the laying of responsibility as a leader on the mere child; the paternal benefactor-to-be. Progressed Stationary Jupiter proclaimed the coming stewardship of a person who would shine light and good fortune on all, and profess compassion for people everywhere. Jupiter is the guru, the teacher on a scale of higher possibility.
Progressed stations represent a pause in time and space to rearrange things, within and without, in the greater journey of continuous personal growth. The Dalai Lama’s official enthronement ceremony as the spiritual and political leader of Tibet took place on November 17, 1950, in Lhasa when Lhamo Thondup was to become the Dalai Lama. The progressed Saturn at the time was completing its opposition to the birth Moon as foreseen in the natal potentials. The exact aspect brought the leader into his responsibilities at the tender age of fifteen.
Marc Edmund Jones, in his Scope of Astrological Prediction states:
Planetary Stations are established when a planet in secondary progression appears to come to a rest in the zodiac and begins to move retrograde instead of direct or vice versa. . . . The phenomenon in progressions always identifies a subtle or psychological shift in the fundamental course of life such as requires a critical regrasp of experience and often proves to be an adjustment over an appreciable span of time whether marked by some single sharp event of easy identification or by a complex syndrome of changes of less obvious interrelation.
The Sabian Symbol for the High Focus Saturn Leading in the Locomotive pattern of the Dalai Lama’s chart is Men seeking illumination. This is a remarkable example of how the symbols can at times manifest in literal fashion. A portion of the symbol from Sabian Symbols in Astrology states:
Pisces 11 Men Seeking illumination This is the symbol of the immortality of man as dramatized in some form of an apostolic succession, or living tradition of spiritual achievement. The divine spirit is fundamentally a matrix of itself, since its continuance depends on its unswerving maintenance of the purity of motive and expression it has contributed to the humanity it has created in its own image. . . . When positive, the degree is high accomplishment in an effective alignment with ultimate reality.
The “apostolic succession” mentioned in the symbol’s definition confirms how Dalai Lamas are chosen. They are assigned their lofty position directly from descending spiritual forebearers. It is truly stunning how the symbol describes Tibetan culture’s lineage procedure.
July 17, 1989, was the year representing the high point of a life’s work when the Dalai Lama won the Nobel Prize for Peace. This was a very special year for the Dalai Lama in that the very important Progressed New Moon is at its exact point in time and very close to the following Progressed Lunar Return. These aspects also include the Part of Fortune at 5 degrees Virgo, A man dreaming of fairies.
According to Marc Edmund Jones, “The Part of Fortune is your special horizon of success and it will give a significant insight into the potentials of accomplishment through the sign, house, and symbolical degree where it is found.”
5 degrees Virgo is unique in the 360-degree possibilities, as this particular one is a member of a handful of degrees that reflect an air of other-worldliness because they are represented by images of imaginative creatures such as fairies, elves, and the like. They are referred to as Elfin degrees by Marc Edmund Jones, and in this case, the symbol describes the incarnation of a special individual who is not able to live for himself alone, but as the manifestation of something greater than himself.
Individuals with these degrees are often obligated to be of service to others just as the Dalai Lama exemplifies a great candidate and representative of special purpose. Not all individuals understand the calling when possessing these degrees, and instead may fall short of the required capacity for sacrifice. However, the Dalai Lama is not only qualified to be a leader in the furthering of human development, but as the symbol implies, his character is ever imagining and dreaming of the perfect world of compassionate understanding.
There are subtle vibrations associated with Elfin degrees. It is the difference between standard broadcasting and cable broadcasts. The cable can tune into higher frequencies, with people with these degrees able to tune into higher electromagnetic vibrations of meaning and purpose. The degree should always refer to the planet or point that coordinates with it, and if it is a Focal Determinator or simply a random point in the horoscope it will be strengthened or weakened respectively.
A Progressed New Moon is a powerful aspect with powerful consequences for good or difficult times. There is usually a period of 3 years where there is a closing of old ways and an opening of new opportunities. There is also the tendency for a crisis to arise during this time, because the ego may tend to hold on to the past, and the Progressed New Moon is a time of rebirth that opens to new cycles symbolized by a new seed of life being planted. Here in the chart and life of the Dalai Lama is an epic and rewarding moment, and it is further enhanced by the Progressed New Moon taking place on one of the very few Elfin degrees.
The Dalai Lama was also awarded the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor on October 17, 2007 for extraordinary service during the George W. Bush administration. The aspects of import at the time were progressed Venus conjunct natal Moon and transit Saturn opposite natal Saturn.
When reviewing the chart of the Dalai Lama, it is apparent that he was born for a special purpose. The native of the horoscope has well expressed the profound potentials revealed by the unique configurations featured and analyzed in this astrological report.
The Sabian symbols in the chart of the Dalai Lama:
Jupiter, SCORPIO 14 Telephone linemen at workThis is a symbol of the interconnection which links all phases of existence with all others, and of man’s special genius for expanding the relationship between the most widely separated and distinctive aspects of experience. Implicit in the symbolism is a responsibility on the part of all higher life for all lower, and a faithfulness of all lesser things to the requirements of the greater. Here is emphasis on self-specialization as the root mode of all individual being. The keyword is AITACHMENT. When positive, the degree is an effective penetration of human competence into each pertinent complex of everyday living, and when negative, unnecessary concern over the affairs of others.
Mars, LIBRA 19 A gang of robbers in hidingThis is a symbol of the periodic exercise of man’s freedom of spirit and soul in a complete if often unhappy deviation from his normal impulses or attitudes, dramatized here on the side of a practical or everyday self-fulfillment. Emphasis is on every person’s disturbing capacity for antisocial or even self-perverted practices, or for self-involvement in potentials which may have imaginative but hardly intelligent sustainment in his consciousness. The reversed symbolism reveals his need for initiative, and for a more challenging perspective. The keyword is DIVERGENCE. When positive, the degree is alertness to every threat against a true
individuality, and when negative, abnormal mistrust of everything worthwhile.
Neptune, Virgo 13 A strong hand supplanting political hysteriaThis is a symbol of the real weight of human personality as emphasized here by the direct intervention of outstanding individuals in the affairs of their follows. They must provide an over-all ordering for each moment of history if it is to count for much in the lives of the others around them, since there is always a counsel of confusion to take over when events are allowed to drift or when the immediate leadership proves deficient. The greatest opportunity for self-discovery lies in the transient crises of everyday living. The keyword is POWER. When positive, the degree is consistent effectiveness in dramatizing personal potentials, and when negative, loss of all opportunity by timid action.
Moon, VIRGO 11 A boy molded in his mother’s aspiration for himThis is a symbol of the immortality of man as dramatized in his physical heredity, or in a succession of tangible achievements and possessions down through a family line. The soul is fundamentally a matrix of itself, since in a sense the ideals it holds create its outer habiliments among its kind and contribute to its embodiment on some congenial plane of human affairs. The coming of the self into experience is always in response to these inner and almost irrevocable compulsions. The keyword is EXACTION. When positive, the degree is personal excellence sustained in its own creative consciousness, and when negative, insensitive conformity to superficialities.
Venus, LEO 29 A mermaid This is a symbol of humanity’s insatiable appetite for experience on the side of psychological selfassurance, and of the nascent eagerness of the soul for a private and personal participation in every possible facet of self-fulfillment. There is an ineradicable purity of man’s makeup at core, and inconsequence an ultimate repudiation of all the compromises which seem to be demanded in everyday relationships. The individual forever seeks and responds to the creative needs of life itself. The keyword is IMPORTUNITY. When positive, the degree is a completeness of quickening to inner instincts of the being and a real willingness to trust them, and when negative, a lack of discrimination and an awkward insensitivity.
Sun, CANCER 13 One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb This is a symbol of that belief in his inherent supremacy over all other orders of nature by which man is characterized most fundamentally, dramatized by his quite normal confidence in his ability to deal with every eventuality of day-by-day activity and relationship. Any individual must rule his environment or surrender his own potentialities forever. Here is practicality brought to the point of ruthlessness. The keyword is DETERMINATION. When positive, the degree is exceptional steadiness and a high sense of self-responsibility in every issue of the moment, and when negative, unnecessary aggressiveness and a self-defeating shortsightedness.
Pluto, CANCER 26 Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports This is a symbol of a pure mastery of experience in its outer aspect, and of a full capitalization on the potentials of all being in a personal and ultimately immortal realization. The static symbolism is a warning against idle self-indulgence and an emphasis on the fact that any lessening of practical responsibility is primarily a can to self-strengthening and a prelude to some greater outreaching. The keyword is REPOSE. When positive, the degree is a relaxation valuable for the momentary sustainment of human aspiration whenever it is strained beyond its powers of self-regeneration, and when negative, the loss of all reality in a needless softness of living.
Mercury, GEMINI 26 Winter frost in the woods This is a symbol of the cosmic significance in any momentary cancellation of the more immediate interests and private concerns, and the emphasis is on the supremacy of the needs and powers of nature over the aspirations and conveniences of man. Implicit in the static symbolism is the call for a reorientation in the individual’s point of view, and for some further discovery of the self’s potentials. Normal life is brought to a point of sharp suspension so that the larger magic may be manifest. The keyword is SPLENDOR. When positive, the degree is the creative transformation by which older cycles give way to newer ones, and when negative, a reduction of the useless to a total annihilation.
Uranus, TAURUS 5 A widow at an open grave This is a symbol of the impermanence of physical things whenever man permits reality to come to center in the static representation, and thus neglects the creative contribution through which he has responsibility for the larger whole. Implicit in the reversed symbolism is the need for an inner and constant return to every enduring value achieved by the self, and for a complete and immediate release from all outworn elements of experience. The keyword is REORIENTATION. When positive, the degree is man’s genius for personal aplomb or an effective transcendence of disappointment and delay in an ever-spiraling self-discovery, and when negative, surrender to frustration or descent to ineptitude.
Saturn, PISCES 11 Men seeking illuminationThis is a symbol of the immortality of man as dramatized in some form of an apostolic succession, or a living tradition of spiritual achievement. The divine spirit is fundamentally a matrix of itself, since its continuance depends on its unswerving maintenance of the purity in motive and expression which it has contributed to the humanity it has created in its own image. The emergence of the human self into experience is similarly a manifestation of the potentialities to which it must devote itself to be itself. The keyword is DEDICATION. When positive, the degree is high accomplishment in an effective alignment with ultimate reality,
and when negative, obvious hypocrisy.
*For an example where the laws of the physical world do not apply concerning the retrograde motion of planets, see blog post: Retrograde Planets Prove Universe is Mind
From his exile in India, the religious and political leader the Dalai Lama has since 1959 stood at the head of the nonviolent opposition to China’s occupation of Tibet.
When the Nobel Committee chose the Dalai Lama, it emphasized that he based his Buddhist peace philosophy on reverence for all living things and the idea of a universal responsibility that embraces both man and nature. It weighed heavily in the Tibetan leader’s favor that he had shown a willingness to compromise and seek reconciliation despite brutal violations.
The award of the Peace Prize gave the Dalai Lama the opportunity to present a plan for the restoration of peace and human rights in Tibet. In the plan, he recommended that the country be turned into an ecologically stable and demilitarized zone that might serve as a buffer between major Asian powers. The object was to set in motion serious negotiations on the future status of Tibet, but this was rejected by the Chinese government.
“Direct rise from lowliness and obscurity to power and influence.” This quote from the I Ching – Chinese Book of Changes,1 aptly describes Winston Churchill’s life leading up to WWII and his rise to heroic accomplishment after his appointment as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Churchill was at a very low point in his political career in early 1940 when he began using his skillful rhetoric to awaken the British populace concerning Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich and the Nazi threat across Europe. Churchill was 66 years old when Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who advocated to appease Hitler, was forced to resign by both the Opposition as well as his own Conservative party. Churchill was subsequently catapulted into the position of Prime Minister in his stead. Churchill’s secondary progressions for the year 1940 show a significant dynamic2 aspect corresponding to critical change in store for both the native and the country for which he was the surrogate leader. As Churchill took power, his progressed Pluto was stationing to go direct. Astrologers often overlook the profound influence of a progressed station; however, they are indicators of life transitions which can disrupt the flow of a native’s habitual pattern of activity. In this case of the Prime Minister who led England to victory, we witness how his vital, progressed stationary Pluto corresponds to the long-lasting peace of future generations of not only his own country, but of the entire world.
Pluto’s keyword shifts from Transcendence to Probity when highly active in the nativity. When in its positive manifestation, the planet encourages a native’s total submission to higher principles revealed through enlightened intuition and empowers leaders with wisdom when confronting formidable enemies. Churchill, himself, credited heavenly powers for the protection he received when mingling with civilians immediately after the bombings of London during the Blitz. The planet represents a universal force interacting within society through those who hold the reins of temporal powers. Pluto is the prime architect during times of great causes and their global consequences, in contrast with the swift-moving planets that have jurisdiction over more mundane and local considerations.
February 4, 1875 is equal to Churchill’s 66th year. Pluto Stationary Direct.
Swiftly coming into power and authority, or an abrupt and complete loss of it, often comes about during Pluto’s transits and progressions to the natal chart’s planets. These radical changes in a person’s life are mapped and mirrored by Pluto’s aspects whether in regard to interactions with the natal chart’s planets, or in a possible standalone progressed period. Marc Edmund Jones gives important details of progressed stations in his Scope of Astrological Prediction:
Planetary Stations are established when a planet in secondary progression appears* to come to a rest in the zodiac and begins to move retrograde instead of direct or vice versa. If the change is to retrograde the indication is more personal or intimate and if to direct it is more impersonal.
The phenomenon in progressions always identifies a subtle or psychological shift in the fundamental course of life** such as requires a critical regrasp of experience and often proves to be an adjustment over an appreciable span of time whether marked by some single sharp event of easy identification or by a complex syndrome of changes of less obvious interrelation.
Pluto in 1940 plays a role in both transits and progressions as they correspond to the dramatic show of the rise of the politician with a passion to defend his country and obliterate the Third Reich. On May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill took the reins of government and ultimately led his people to victory. On the very same day that he stepped into the job, the Germans were at the door of Holland, yet another country incapable of defending itself from formidable Nazi aggression. Although Churchill had a history of failures as well as successes, he was appointed to do the mammoth task that was carved out for him by fate. Not only was progressed Pluto stationary at the time he took the helm, but throughout the war years from 1943 to 1945 transit Pluto was aligning itself in opposition to his natal Saturn. An activated Saturn obliges a person to assume personal and grave responsibilities. This gave the native an opportunity to make use of his acquired wisdom and to be Shrewd (Saturn’s keyword when in High Focus) when faced with a powerful adversary. Saturn acts in disjunctive fashion as it drops all superfluous pursuits to focus solely on immediate objectives.
In Churchill’s book, Painting as a Pastime, he tells us that he was prey to the “worry and mental over-strain experienced by persons who, over prolonged periods, have to bear exceptional responsibilities and discharge duties upon a very large scale.” This revealing statement combines the long-term broad outreach of Pluto aspects with the personal and inescapable responsibilities brought on by Saturn’s involvement. Both planets draw leadership qualities to the forefront. With an inadequate response to the planets’ “demands,” there can be a real crisis in consciousness. Fortunately for the world, Churchill was equal to the task.
The transit chart for 6:00 pm May 10, 1940, shows the real-time, orbiting planet placements as they interact with Churchill’s natal chart. The planetary contacts are few but powerful and correspond to the request from King George VI3 for Churchill to take on the role of Prime Minister. Transit Jupiter also brings forth leadership qualities to the situation as the fortuitous planet makes an exact conjunction with Churchill’s natal Neptune at the time. The Jupiter aspect refers to the authority the new Prime Minister enthusiastically assumed within the strain of compelling obligation. Transit Uranus is also present through its exact conjunction with natal Pluto, revealing the impetus toward Churchill’s sudden catapult to power, virtually giving him untrammeled control. Lastly, the transiting Moon at the Midheaven, the place of authority, sextiles his own natal Moon to complete the symbolic layout of influential aspects mirroring the extraordinary, corresponding event of taking charge.
Although not configured in any significant way is natal Mars. However, the Sabian symbol for the planet of Initiative is quite telling of a period in Churchill’s life that gives background to his accomplishments during WWI. He was First Lord of the Admiralty from 1911 to 1915 which his Mars Sabian symbol rounded to 17 degrees Libra expresses literally:
LIBRA 17 A retired sea captain This is a symbol of what ultimately must be an entirely personal enjoyment of reality, or an indomitable sustainment of man’s world in the precise terms of his own special participation in its varying aspects. There is here a completeness of self-consummation through a gift for bringing all prior factors of realization to focus in the present moment. The self is secure because it has made its peace with every separate potentiality of its being. The keyword is RELAXATION. When positive, the degree is an utter fidelity to the lessons learned from experience and a consequent unshakeable poise in embarking on any new enterprise, and when negative, idle contemplation of past achievement.4
If the birthtime is accurate, Churchill’s reputation as a great orator is shown in the 3rd house placement of his natal Sun. The 3rd house brings words and communication to the forefront and the Sun itself lays bare the purpose of one’s incarnation and the role one must play on the stage of life. The Sabian symbol for 8 degrees Sagittarius is Rocks and things forming within. COMPOSITION is the keyword, and when positive, the degree is “exceptional ability to mold or remold the course of events.” That he did, while taking part in the navigation of the Allies through the war years. The negative of the degree, “persisting inner confusion,” gives supporting evidence of the debilitating stress of a weakly configured Grand Cross, caused by Saturn and Pluto over the general orb allowance by two degrees. A Grand Cross, also known as a Grand Square, can lead to a diffusion of the native’s energies when attempting to reach out to too many directions at once. The four prongs of the Cross tend to vie for attention, making it difficult to focus on one important astrological, house Circumstance. Lacking the singular focus that a T Cross Focal Determinator facilitates, the Grand Cross instead, can cause one to lose their foothold in events when considering too many factors at once. However, thanks to Uranus in Churchill’s case, it acts as the in-orb Point Focus of a T Cross enabling him to carry his objectives to a positive conclusion rather than to live under the nightmare of fascist control. With all his Uranian ingenuity, he independently, and almost single-handedly led Britain and the Allies to a victorious conclusion.
The important progressed Sun in Churchill’s chart was also noticeably active on May 10, 1940, as it was applying to an opposition to Point Focus Uranus. At the very moment of his appointment as Prime Minister, Uranus was advantageously activated by the dynamic Sun with its task of fueling energy and light to the genius which ultimately brought peace to a war-weary world.
I Ching, Translation by Richard Wilhelm Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press. Hexagram 46, Pushing Upwards.
Dynamic aspects refer to transits and progressions. They are the planets that move into relationship with the static natal planets to activate the potentials of the horoscope.
“The matter was effectively decided by the afternoon of the 9th May. However, it depended upon the Labour Party formally agreeing that they would serve under Churchill in a c
oalition government of national unity. Despite the events of the early hours of the morning in Europe, on the 10th May the most senior figures in the Labour Party took the 11.34 am train from Waterloo station out of London. They traveled to Bournemouth on the south coast, where they were about to begin their Party Conference. They stuck rigidly to their procedural rules. It was not until 5 pm that the Labour Leader telegrammed London to say that they would serve under Churchill. Chamberlain immediately went to too see the King and ‘offered’ his resignation. The King then called for Churchill and ‘invited’ him to become Prime Minister. He did not formally assume the role until 6 pm.”
Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Marc Edmund Jones. Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood Washington. 1969
When light is broken into colors by a prism it reveals our Sun’s chemistry that goes beyond heating and lighting our world. The colors that appear in the spectrum are evidence of the physical properties that make up white light. Ancient astrologers and meta-physicians connected these basic elements of light and life with the energies found within our own personal auras. These auras are related to energy centers, also known as Chakras, located at points throughout the head and torso of the human body.
If we compare our Sun to the nucleus of an atom, we can see that the planets play the part of the protons and electrons that circle its central-intelligence core. The instructions passed through the interaction of these three components are entangled in our cellular structure as well. The solar macrocosm and our earthly microcosm share the same intelligent impulses and work together as a unit; “As above so below.”
The mystery of the universe is that we can observe its phenomena without knowing the true nature of its source. We observe the physical laws that are immutable and at the same time recognize the quantum fact of free will. We live in a realm of fixed natural laws with an ever accompanying desire to be free of outer limitation and influence. Dualism is realism, and we are locked into, yet can rebel against the interplay of the Solar System’s natural mechanics. We are a part of, and at the same time apart from rule and order. We are the conscious animated creature, designed to awaken through a process devised by the multi-leveled universe, starting for us, by the astrological dictates of the visible Solar System.
The intelligence and instruction of the Solar System is translated into our lives through the powers of cosmic osmosis. The electromagnetic fields of each celestial body meld into a synergistic expression that our minds and bodies absorb and translate into thoughts and feelings on our level. The process is gradual and relates to the planet’s variable speed in its moving in and out of interrelationships. These geometric relationships are called Aspects and they effect the planetary configurations in our natal horoscopes in specific ways. They are promptings for growth and call out awareness on our part. Then we ourselves in turn become an influence in our own field of activity to encourage others to reach their specific potentials.
The planets, although orbiting within a 30 degree declination to the Sun, form 3 dimensional electromagnetic sphere patterns that affect their neighboring counterparts. These planetary Gestalt forms are mapped in the private complex of our 2 dimensional birth charts. When real-time Transiting planets interact with natal configurations, and/or when internal promptings occur through Progressed planetary movements, their time-release promptings, though sometimes painful, are felt in the human mind, body and soul levels of experience.
The purpose of the study of astrology is to reveal and activate our potentials for successful living, and ultimately for self-realization. The method of planetary influences described above is the core of how astrological science works. The natal chart acts as our personal script, with the Transiting and Progressed planets acting as the catalysts for the manifestation of our inner potentials on the outer stage of life.