Former First Lady, Barbara Bush – Was a Lucky Wife and Mother

Matriarch and former first lady, Barbara Bush was the wife of a US President as well as the mother of one. There is only one other dynastic incident in US history like it, and that is Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams and mother of John Quincy Adams. Barbara Bush was well-respected and sometimes criticized for her unapologetic manner of speech and unimpressive image. She spoke of herself as lucky, and her good fortune shows in her horoscope.

There is heightened planetary activity in the Progressed to natal and Transit to natal horoscope, and the graph shows Barbara Bush’s Progressed Sun was just entering into a stressful and telling Square with her natal Sun when she passed. Progressed Mars had already been stressing her vitality in December of 2017 when it was exact in its Square Aspect.

The astrological wheel shows the great fortune and luck the matriarch referred to in her life, by the beneficial placement of Jupiter next to her natal Moon in the 2nd house. The original Sabian Symbol of her Moon at 17 Capricorn is,  A mature but long repressed young woman is bathing surreptitiously in the nude and finding a release in spirit. Here is testimony to the hidden joy in feeling she experienced in spite of the need to appear outwardly mature and well-bred. The first lady’s planet of beneficence, Jupiter, has the original Sabian Symbol at 22 Sagittarius, The defeated general yields up his sword but in failure he wins for his cause a dignity that is real success. This shows us that although Barbara Bush herself did not hold office, she did indeed experience success and dignity through association – Jupiter in close Conjunction with her natal Moon, the indicator of public interaction. Mars and Pluto Transits exactly Conjunct natal Moon and Jupiter respectively, and point to the intense pressure of the planets’ effects on her frail condition that contribute to her difficult yet graceful final days. Transit Pluto Stationing to go Retrograde within 5 minutes of arc with natal Jupiter on the day of her death speaks volumes.

The news coming after her death brought back the time of her controversial speech at Wellesley College, and the time of great sorrow from the loss of their three-year-old child to leukemia. But she stood her ground to prove the metal of her mighty soul, and natal Jupiter Aspected by Transit Pluto will ensure that she will be remembered well, in spite of occasional rebuffs and traumas experienced on the road to her otherwise fruitful life. And Progressed Venus is seen near the time of her passing in poignant Square to natal Jupiter that is the prime “target” of the Stationary Transit Pluto. Together, with all the other Progressed and Transiting planets at the time of her death show an impossible set of planetary pressures to overcome.

Supporting all other Aspects on the actual day of death is the Station of Saturn going Retrograde in wide but telling Opposition to natal Pluto in the 8th house of ultimate transitions. She will be missed by both Republicans and Democrats. This is the destiny of one who showed respect and concern for everyone, although with natal Mars and Pluto in the 8th house of the approval others, there are and will be challenges to her legacy as well.



President Trump’s Progressions into 2019 – Good Fortune Abounds – But . . .

Astrological prediction is guesswork.* Based on the experience of the astrologer, he or she attempts to prove astrology’s validity by stating what they think may happen in the future. The problem with predictions, whether astrological or psychic, is that the person on the receiving end of the communication is then emotionally and mentally invested in what the astrologer or reader portends will transpire. Predictions and self-fulfilling prophecy work hand in hand. The recipient nourishes the “promise” with their own unchecked desires and the hope that good fortune will eventually befall them. And it is likely that when a portion or all of the prediction manifests, it will likely set up a condition of dependence on the astrologer or reader for more of the same temptation to know what will happen in the future. Seeing things as they really are, with the acceptance of the reality of the present moment, leaves our minds open and free from stressful anticipation, and is the conscious path to Truth.

Those qualifying statements now being established, it is then the task at hand to determine the possible eventualities for the country through an examination of the Dynamic Aspects** of the US chart simultaneously with the chart of its elected President. While he is in office, the President is the country’s surrogate representative of the people, and through his horoscope the fate of the nation can be determined as it relates to the potentials found in the Country’s natal horoscope.

Examining the US chart for future trends, we find that there is a profound astrological event currently in progress. It is the Transit of Pluto orbiting on its way to the first Return to its natal position. This significant astrological Return correlates to the present extreme polarization of the political parties and the general upheaval in the day to day administration of the White House. It is important then, after establishing the state of current Aspects in the US chart, to look to the dynamic activity in the chart of the President. In this way the details and dates of possible successes and challenges that buttress the purpose of the Pluto Return and its meaning can be determined.


The Progressions and Major Transits for the President are the keys to understanding what is expected to transpire in the coming years. Shown here, in the graph of Progressions to natal planets, is a list of Aspects ranging from 2017 to 2020. The graph shows the President’s Progressed Moon making a Conjunction to his natal Pluto from December 29, 2017 to February 18, 2018. This two month period corresponds to significant activities taking place behind the scenes, because the Conjunction of planets is in Trump’s natal 12th house. The meaning of this house placement includes clandestine events, and quite literally points to the extramarital affair with the adult-film star Stormy Daniels that now has come into the open. The Progressed Moon brings the event to the public’s attention, because the Moon, among other things, is the indicator of one’s emotional engagement with the outside world.

Corresponding to this time is another event of great import. It is the inappropriate telephone message to Vladimir Putin to congratulate him on his bogus electoral victory. The US President was strongly urged by his aides not to congratulate the Russian leader, but Trump’s unrestrained motivations offset his otherwise more judicious reasoning.

The graph shows that from 2017 through 2020, the majority of the Dynamic activity is supported by Major Aspects of Conjunctions, Sextiles and Trines. There may be constant challenge to the current administration from Transits that beset the President, but on the most part, the Major Progressed planets create a powerful momentum for success. There are no challenging Progressed Squares or Oppositions, including from the Moon, during these years. This is extraordinary good fortune for the President and the Republican Party.

Among Trump’s favorable Progressed Aspects is the beneficent Conjunction of Venus to natal Jupiter at 17 degrees 27 minutes of Libra. This is shown in the graph by the turquoise bar with the red arrow, and in the horoscope by the green arrow at the bottom left of the chart. The Aspect commenced June 29, 2017 and that date corresponds to the first in-person meeting between Trump and Putin at the G-20 in Hamburg, Germany. The meeting was doubly significant, because Putin’s natal Saturn is in exact cross-tie Conjunction with Trump’s Jupiter in Libra. A planetary cross-tie between individuals can activate the relationship when a Progressed planet from either individual’s chart Aspects that point. In this Progression, Trump experiences the beneficial effects of Venus to natal Jupiter, and includes President Putin in the advantages and successes for the period of approximately one year. This Aspect also includes the controversy over silencing Stormy Daniels with a payoff during the campaign in 2016. Another corresponding event is the successful passing of tax legislation. These issues are related to 2nd house financial matters.

The characteristics of Trump’s Jupiter and Putin’s Saturn tell of the differences they bring to the relationship. Putin’s Saturn brings a more serious tone to their interactions by his general reserve and well-organized approach. Trump is more spontaneous and enthusiastic. The cross-tie located in Trump’s 2nd house of personal finances suggests he may have been the beneficiary of some monetary reward at some point in the past or at the least refers to the hope he had of building a Trump Tower in Moscow. Putin’s Saturn undoubtedly reflects the non-cooperation, as of yet, to fulfill Trump’s ambitions concerning this venture.

The Sabian degree shared by these two men is foreboding, and can easily be foretelling. It is, Two men placed under arrest. Taken symbolically, the men seem to be unusually tied together through some great admiration or perhaps some transactions or agreements that are not yet fully known to the public. On the other hand, there might be something for which the two may have to reconcile, either in regards to each other, or more impactful if relating to something of a political nature that may have been inappropriate, as the negative of the symbol suggests.

18 Libra is, Two men placed under arrest. 

LIBRA 18 Two men placed under arrest This is a symbol of the maximum demand that may be made of any individual for self-consistency, and of the absoluteness of compulsions on human nature to provide a balance between inner and outer capacities. Implicit in the reversed symbolism is the importance of the self’s responsibility to its own essential characteristics, not as a limitation arising from the role it plays in life but as the necessity that the potentials of value in any given situation be brought to some point of immediate and effective function. The keyword is CONSEQUENCE. When positive, the degree is a heightened challenge to every special talent, and when negative, total inappropriateness of impulse and act.

For the duration of the Venus Progression, supportive Aspects can emphasis the connection between the two parties; for example, Mercury Stationed on March 23, 2018, to go Retrograde at 16 Aries 54. This was in direct Opposition to the 18th degree of Libra where the two men share their Sabian degree potentials. The Station correlates to the very date of the reelection of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia, and the congratulatory phone call from President Trump shortly after.


The Progressed Venus to natal Jupiter is approximately two years in duration and will continue to keep these two men actively engaged. A date to watch in this regard is June 13, 2018, when the Progressed Aspect is Exact. Noteworthy manifestations correlate to the Progression when the two planets Enter into contact, are Exact, and when the Progressed planet Leaves the Aspect. However, a myriad of corresponding events may take place during or near the two year period and should be considered relevant, even if not falling on specific dates in the ephemeris.

The good-natured Venus to Jupiter benefits begin to wane after June 13th when the Aspect is complete. It then proceeds to move toward the end of the planetary interaction, as it leaves the Aspect shown on May 30, 2019. This date synchronizes closely with Trump’s Progressed Moon Aspects in 2019 and with the Pluto Station Opposite natal Saturn in his chart.


The Progressed Venus to natal Jupiter brings the probability for highly gratifying events, especially with the buttressing string of harmonious Progressed Moon Aspects continuing through 2020. There is also a helpful Progressed Mars Sextile to Pluto active through October 2019 and a gracious Venus Trine Uranus until November 2019. Then a stark turning point to this advantageous momentum in Progressed to natal planets comes with the advent of Progressed to Progressed planets in 2019, as well as a powerful challenging Transit for which to take notice.

The graph listing the Progressed to Progressed planets shows an extremely challenging Aspect occurring in the horoscope of the US President in 2019. This astrological event occurs in everyone’s life, at a maximum of three times during a lifetime. It is the Progressed Lunation that completes each of the possible thirty-year phases of experience. Unlike the Progressed Lunar Return that corresponds with the timing of the Saturn Return, the Progressed Lunation occurs at different times in each person’s life. The Aspect depends on the relationship of the Sun and Moon in the natal chart. The Progressed Lunation occurs when the Progressed Moon catches up with the Progressed Sun, and with that Conjunction, it ends a previous cycle to make way for new seed ideas and activities to be commenced in the mind, heart and reality of daily life.

A Progressed Lunation has an approximate duration of three years. One and a half years before the Exact Conjunction of Sun and Moon will define the period when experiences from the previous thirty-year cycle begin to wane. It is the time when present attitudes and involvements gradually move toward closure. Often in the midst of the waning process, the native experiences sadness as one senses an impending finalization without the knowledge of what the future will bring.

Just like the seed that is planted in the ground that has no apparent existence until time and nourishment call forth new life to the light of day, so too the new cycle of experience remains hidden until the appropriate hour of revelation. President Trump, and the US population will have to accept and surrender to the changes that are inevitable in 2019 through the President’s Progressed Lunation.


The Transits just before the Lunation are profound. They are Transit Pluto and Transit Saturn Opposite President Trump’s natal Saturn. He’ll be half way into his third Saturn Return and the whole astrological scenario will be amplified by the presence of Pluto joining in on the powerful Opposition of Transits. On April 25, 2019, the Transit Moon will be briefly stimulating the astrological event. Transit Mars is quickly going to Conjunct natal Uranus also, so there should be some significant manifestation of events during this time.

Along with the Transit Oppositions, and before the Progressed Lunation, Trump’s Progressed Moon will Conjunct natal Mars – the point of his indomitable initiative. Shortly after that, the Progressed Moon will Conjunct his Ascendant. This it does as it comes out of the obscurity of the 12th house where all fears and psychological maladjustments have lingered. On the Ascendant, the Moon will bring to life a new perspective on things, as well as bring about new skills to officiate new circumstances. A few months later, the Progressed Moon finally comes to the climactic Conjunction with Trump’s Progressed Sun at 3 degrees Virgo. This is the Progressed Lunation. The degree is, Two angels bringing protection. This symbol promises a favorable influence, and is in stark contrast to the more ominous degree of Trump’s Jupiter, Two men placed under arrest. It is likely that through thick and thin, Trump will come out smelling like a rose to his supporters who see him as angelic, and to those who feel he needs to be curtailed, he will remain a thorn in the side of democracy. Two angels may indeed trump two men constrained.

The Progressed Moon begins its Conjunction with Trump’s Progressed Sun on August 19, 2019. It is Exact on September 16, 2019, and Leaves the Aspect on October 15, 2019. Although the Aspect is two months in duration, it is actually felt a year and a half before Exact and a year and a half after. The potentials during this time will emphasize both the positive and negative definitions of the Sabian Symbol.

Virgo 3 Two angels bringing protection This is a symbol of the absolute certainty which any individual may develop in the terms of his conscious faith, and of the power in human character which becomes the hallmark of his spiritual orientation. There are the traditional legions of heavenly forces whichever move to sustain the soul in its outreaching to eternal values, facilitating the simple and consistent convergence of all good things toward their own kind. High-mindedness here pays very pleasant dividends. The keyword is SECURITY. When positive, the degree is a sure conviction that enables man to proceed to an effective fulfillment of his dreams, and when negative, vain pretense and self-importance.

Progressed Lunations are a time of great change in a person’s life, where they leave behind current involvements to nourish the seed of future experience yet to be determined. It is likely that Trump will either not run for a second term, or he will be voted out of office.

*The purpose of this post, and all others on this blog, are not necessarily to predict events, but to point to the astrological coordinates that synchronize with the realities that have and will inevitably play out in the daily developments of life on Earth. Profound astrological Aspects always reveal the times when there are significant potentials uncovered, whether for good or ill, and astrologers are notorious for making wrong assumptions, although they are always aware that the signs mean something, they rarely are able to predict ahead of time what those signs truly represent. The Solar System is a mechanism of how things manifest in the universe, but mystery always prevails.

** Dynamic: The Progressed and Transit planetary activity.

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. – The Assassination

Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. His progressed Mars was exactly opposite his High Focus natal Saturn at 25 Sag 21.

26 Sag: A flag-bearer. Original symbol, The scene is an old-fashioned battle; in the hot hand-to-hand fighting a flag bearer distinguishes himself.

Below are a few stunning highlights from Marc Edmund Jones’ description in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

” . . . Implicit in the symbolism is the call for a high self-sacrifice, and for the development of such new dimensions of experience as will permit the self to realize its transcendental aspirations. Every resource of normal life is commandeered for the greater potentiality. The keyword is NOBILITY. When positive, the degree is spiritual exaltation through some dramatic or vital service to all. . . ”


Although Lois Rodden gives the time of birth for King to be an A rating, the Moon is always in question with a birth time of 12 noon. Transit Pluto may or may not have been Opposite natal Moon, but if the birth time is correct, that Transit is a definite sign of profound pressure leading to the ultimate transformation – not always, but certainly when it shows itself to be present in such cases, it is no surprise. And by the end of May 1968, Pluto would be Stationary Direct at 20 Virgo 10. Transit Pluto was in the process of a turnaround even two months earlier than the exact Station because the planet moves so slowly.

The emotional depth and intensity of King’s last and most prophetic speech, “I’ve been to the Mountaintop” is unmistakably the mark of a Pluto influencing the Moon. Improvised and straight from the heart, that speech is as powerful an event to coincide with the dynamic planetary pressures that also brought the gunman to memorialize and martyr the man forever.

Bobby Kennedy Assassination – The Usual Aspects

One mother and child among thousands, though some say close to a million Americans and RFK supporters, turned out along the tracks to pay their respects to the slain body of one of the United States’ most beloved presidential candidates of all time. The casket, propped up on chairs in the observation car, was made visible for bystanders awaiting their chance to pay their last respects. The train normally taking four hours to complete its journey, rolled poignantly along for eight hours from New York City to Arlington National Cemetery. It was a sad day and devastating times in US history, and the details of Kennedy’s rise and fall from political power is documented in Chris Matthews’ book, Bobby Kennedy – A Raging Spirit.

There is no need to show the myriad of possible corresponding astrological features of this or any other event for that matter, to prove the point of the immediate and intimate connection between the heavenly spheres and life on Earth.

The purpose of this blog is to confirm that on the most part, there are obvious Aspects related to events that show up inevitably when taking an honest and knowledgeable look into a horoscope. Astrologers have numerous ways of pointing out synchronicity as it relates to life and the planets. Among them are those who advocate for traditional configurations as well as those made by Asteroids, Midpoints, Harmonics and more, all revealing the continuous symphony of astrological possibilities.

Here with the chart at hand of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, can be seen the obvious Major Aspects between the Transits and Progressions to his natal planetary positions. The Transits will be limited to Conjunctions and Oppositions within 1 + degrees of orb, and with Progressions, the five Major Aspects will be taken into account. By no means is this to be considered an exhaustive view, as stated above. It is the simple recognition of how eagerly illustrative the planets can be to the curious eye.


Jupiter in progression is shown at the top of the chart circled in blue with RFK’s natal Moon. Jupiter just passed the exact Aspect to show that for a time, there was great popularity in the candidate’s outreach (Jupiter) to the general public (Moon). Jupiter’s positive attributes are the obvious indicators of the win in the primaries over his opponent Eugene McCarthy.

While his personal philosophy of justice and goodness is shown activated by the Progressed Mercury Conjunct natal Mercury in the 8th house of other people’s approval, the violent act with a gunshot to the head is obvious with the Transit Mars in Opposition to the Mercuries, both natal and Progressed. This personal attack, shown by the pink line across the chart, was a result of Shihan Sirhan’s utter dismay over Kennedy’s support for Israel during the 1967 Arab Israeli War.

Pluto coming to Transit Opposite natal Uranus, shown with the red line, is testimony of the long development of both the speculation of running for the presidency, and the behind-the-scenes 12th house creation of animosity that led ultimately to the assassination.

The stress of all the factors at the time is the common appearance of a Major Square Aspect from the Progressed Moon. In this case, it is typical that it would be making this all too pressured Aspect to natal Saturn. Open opponents are shown in the 7th house and there it is in the sign of Scorpio which rules death as well as living and healthy creativity.


The brothers were held together through Opposition Aspects, both including the planet Saturn. It speaks of a sensitive appreciation of each other as well as a real and practical joint destiny to right the wrongs of a society corrupt and clandestine.

These are not easy planetary connections, but they are very close and powerful in the sense that they show the seriousness and the unfortunate to-the-death dedication to the relationship. Oppositions between charts speak of the ties that magnetically pull the two entities together for the purpose of which the two may decide.

Bobby gave John perspective, since without Bobby’s planets in Opposition to some of John’s, he would have to have relied on only himself for balance as there are no natal Oppositions in JFK’s natal chart. This most likely is a factor in the bodily exposure he allowed on that fateful afternoon in Dallas, Texas.

They had a powerful and soulful connection with JFK’s Saturn on RFK’s north node. Its Conjunction to JFK’s midheaven, promises a profound influence through death as well as while living. The brothers remain a constant American reminder of what is good in life and what truly makes America great.



Next Up – Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner was probably very uncomfortable on Friday October 27, 2017 when he learned through breaking news on CNN that Robert Mueller was about to indite someone in the investigation of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential campaign. Lucky for Jared that Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates were the ones on Mueller’s list for the time being. But not so fast, a look at Kushner’s horoscope shows he is up next or at least a possible suspect down the line. He will not escape some very big transformation in his life when Pluto starts its Transit over his natal Sun at 20 Capricorn 23.


Several Aspects in the chart show recent experience that involves Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These four planets represent the most intense challenges in life, and those that promise or threaten big change and calling to account of behavior. The two short red lines show Jupiter and Saturn, together in the October 2017 Progressions, just minutes beyond a Conjunction of Kushner’s natal Saturn at 9 Libra 44, The Sabian Symbol for this degree is, A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters. Here is an attempt to correct some of the feared charges that might be held against the young and naive but proud presidential adviser. Most likely he is being assisted by lawyers helping to “row” a troubled client toward safety. The meaning of the 6th house includes the need to adjust and correct errors and flaws in the dealings with others in the process of fitting into society. Kushner’s Jupiter and Saturn in Conjunction reveal a responsibility to live up to higher moral standards. It is a Sharp Destiny, and one that calls the individual to consider carefully the prodding of conscience. If one fails to do so, there are almost immediate consequences to be paid. Kushner’s father-in-law, the current POTUS has a Sharp Destiny as well, with a Jupiter/Saturn Square.

The October 2017 Transit Saturn, circled in red, is a reinforcement of the challenging Jupiter and Saturn Progressions by its Conjunction of natal Neptune. Saturn attempts to clarify, for future testimony, the cloud of confusion that gathered over the young man’s vague activities during and after the 2016 campaign.

The faint peach line points from Transit Uranus to natal Pluto showing an alertness to to the myriad duties with which Kushner suddenly found himself in charge. It also shows the possibility of those involvements to be of a profoundly widespread and perhaps deviant nature. Pluto, in better circumstances, stands for truth of the highest order, which does not seem the case at present in the young man’s regard. Uranus, if not subject to a high degree of discipline, can show a tendency to rogue activity on the part of the native.

The Progressed Mercury is an additional feature of the complex of interplanetary relationships, through its Opposition to the placement of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. Unfortunately, we do not have the house where this astrological event took place, which would have given a keyhole view into the details of how this planetary scenario could play out in future circumstances.


The most threatening of the Transits is the one on its way that is bound to cause great havoc in the life and career of one who could have been brought to greater integrity if it were not for mistakes made in earlier years, and now in his connection with the dubious circumstances of his father-in-law’s presidential campaign. The coming Conjunction of Transit Pluto, shown by the single red line at the top of the chart shows the natal Sun awaiting the Transit that will most likely be the timing of a fall from power – or at the very least, great pressure for transformation. This is in contrast with the otherwise more respectable Probity that Pluto at its best can represent, if one was wiser in his use of the great responsibilities thrust upon him by his proximity to the Trump family.

The houses in this analysis are not taken into account for the lack of an exact time of birth. However, there is much that can be seen in the recent pass of Transits and Progressions, as well as the possibilities coming through the ominous Aspect of Pluto with its exact Transit Conjunction of the Sun on February 20, 2018. The Station of Pluto on April 23, 2018, at 21 Capricorn 17, truly poses the most threat to the well-being and vitality that the Sun represents, because it takes place within a one degree orb of exactitude. Stations always indicate the times of most influence that the planets exert on an individual. From that position of the Retrograde Station Conjunction, Pluto will Transit back over the Sun degree throughout the entire month of June and part of July. Pluto continues to Retrograde until it Stations to go Direct in late September 2018, at a distance close enough to cause more intensity in Kushner’s experience concerning a regrasp of his purpose in life through great trial and tribulation. It is an Transit of long duration.

This continued Transit activity with Kushner’s Sun points to several “moments of truth” that promise to bring unsolicited growth and enlightenment. For better or worse Pluto will play a huge role in Kushner’s life that he will remember for the rest of his years. And if transformation is not completed with the Transit of the Sun, the following and future Pluto Conjunction of natal Mercury will give him another opportunity to correct his perspective and perception of life.


A lack of an Opposition Aspect in his natal chart puts Kushner at a disadvantage by limiting his awareness of self and the consequences of his acts (pg. 16-17,  Essentials of Astrological Analysis). The strong Transits and Progressions hopefully will bring him needed lessons that act as compensation for the lack of one of the most vital planetary configurations that facilitate conscious awareness and sensitivity to external factors for better decision making.

There is no possibility for a T-Cross – Point Focus, Focal Determinator without an Opposition in the chart. And because of the lack of a birth hour it is impossible to define if there is a planet that could be in High Focus by virtue of being Conjunct one of the angles. Natal Saturn is prominent however, as a Focal Determinator by being the Cutting planet that leads the planetary group clockwise through the houses in the Bowl Temperament Type. Saturn also partakes of a Sharp Destiny, because it is in a Conjunction aspect with its pair, natal Jupiter. Sharp Destiny always holds the life in diligent and poignant focus by being challenged to do one’s moral best. If the native is not inclined to live the dictates of higher standards, outside circumstances will prod them through great pressure with a demand to change one’s ways.  Kushner’s and his father-in-law both share this constant criticism that has the purpose of leading the consciousness to greater and respectable behavior. The conscious mind is challenged through trial and error to make constant adjustments to align the behavior with higher conscience (pg. 343, Essentials). The failure to do so often causes inner struggle, doubt and anxiety.

Sharp Destiny always puts an individual under the harsh scrutiny of public opinion. Other individuals analyzed in this respect in the Political arena are Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and George W. Bush.




What Makes Paul Manafort the Man in Question?

Paul Manafort was Donald Trump’s Campaign Manager for a brief period of time during the 2016 presidential elections. Since then his name and reputation have been on the line, and he has been under investigation by the Robert Mueller team, who on July 26, 2017 forcefully entered Manafort’s home and confiscated files that may be evidence of wrong-doing either the time before, during or after the Trump campaign.

Looking at Manafort’s Transits and Progressions does not show obvious correlations to his natal chart, especially without knowing the birth time. However, there is significant activity in his life events at this time when relating them to both the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in August 2017. Paul Manafort’s Saturn and Pluto were touched by Conjunction by these two important eclipses; Pluto on August 7 and Saturn on August 21.

Astrologers often minimize the effects of an eclipse in chart interpretations, not intentionally, but because these Solar and Lunar events occur less often in Transits than the usual and more frequent planetary contributors.

What makes the Lunar Eclipse in Manfort’s chart serious is that Robert Mueller’s natal Sun is Conjunct Manafort’s natal Pluto. It is a cross-tie between the charts that is not to be ignored, because it gives Mueller’s Purpose in this planetary connection easy access to penetrate deeply and shine light on any possible deviant behavior that often is associated with a Pluto going rogue.

If not manifesting on the higher levels of spiritual awareness, Pluto’s influence can degenerate into underworld activities associated with money laundering, prostitution, illegal gambling, and a host of other involvements that shun the light of day. An eclipse is notorious for bringing things to sharp focus in one’s life, and both men are indelibly connected through the powerful Pluto, Saturn and Sun Conjunction stimulated for the duration of the eclipses’ influence.


On or around November 23, 2017, Transit Saturn will make an Opposition to Manafort’s natal Uranus. This may be the time of indictment if indeed the situation calls for it. Or if indicted before that time, it could indicate when Manafort may be pardon by the President. There will at least be some significant issue arising at this time.

On January 31, 2018, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse at 11 Leo 37 that is within orb of a Conjunction with Manafort’s Pluto and Mueller’s Sun. The accompanying Partial Solar Eclipse is on February 15, 2018 at 27 Aquarius 08 within orb of an Opposition with Manafort’s Saturn. The future promises more activity in reference to those most potent planets for change and retribution. If there hasn’t been a conviction or pardon as yet. This could be the time where that might happen.

From Wikipedia:

Paul John Manafort Jr. is an American lawyer, lobbyist and political consultant. He joined Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign team in March 2016 and served as campaign manager from June to August 2016. He was previously an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald FordRonald ReaganGeorge H. W. Bush, and Bob Dole. In 1980 Manafort co-founded the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying firm Black, Manafort & Stone, along with principals Charles R. Black Jr., and Roger J. Stone. In 1984 it was renamed Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly & associates, after Peter G. Kelly was recruited.

Manafort often lobbied on behalf of controversial foreign leaders such as former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, former dictator of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, dictator of the former Democratic Republic of the Congo Mobutu Sese Seko, and Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi. Lobbying to serve the interests of foreign governments requires registration with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act; however, as of June 2, 2017, Manafort had not registered. On June 27 he retroactively registered as a foreign agent.

Manafort is under investigation by multiple federal agencies. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has reportedly had an active criminal investigation on him since 2014 regarding business dealings while he was lobbying for Ukraine. He is also a person of interest in the FBI counterintelligence probe looking into the Russian government’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.



Total Solar Eclipse, the USA and War

The day of the Great American Total Solar Eclipse is the day Trump spoke for his administration’s decision to send additional American troops to Afghanistan. The Total Solar Eclipse activated Trump’s natal Mars because the planet is within a few degrees of where the eclipse fell. Mars is High Focus when Rising and in a Conjunction with the Ascendant. In its normal function, the keyword for Mars is INITIATIVE, but when in High Focus the keyword becomes INDOMITABLE. This non-stoppable drive is something that the public has witnessed in Trump’s character for some time, but now that he is in a position of real power it can cause shock waves across the globe. Leaders of countries worldwide must take the President’s words seriously.

When initiatives are set in motion, counter-actions from resisting individuals or groups can block the direction of energies coming from the original source. This is when confrontations can escalate into full-fledged war between contending entities. Mars means war only when initiatives are frustrated. Otherwise, Mars merely means, starting to put energy behind an idea to commence action.

North Korea poses a threat to its neighbors and to the United States because its nuclear initiatives bode ill in a world that wishes to keep a balance of peace among nations. From September 2nd to the 6th, 2017, transit Mars and Transit Station Mercury joined in Conjunction at 29 degrees Leo where the recently Solar Eclipse took place. In these few days, the conflict with North Korea’s missile testings accelerated the rhetoric within the US that is a block to the ambitions of the young North Korean leader. Mars’ signature is written all over this potential catastrophe, in the fact of Trump’s Mars being activated by the Solar Eclipse and the Transits of Mars and “supportive” Mercury. But the likelihood of outright war is also evident in the chart of the United States.

Transit Saturn has been making an Opposition Aspect with the US natal  Mars since late December 2016 and early January 2017 when Trump was inaugurated the 45th President of the United States. At this time, Transit Saturn was making a Conjunction with the President’s natal Moon, which also Opposes his natal Sun, because of its natal Sun/Moon Opposition. This means that Trump’s Sun is in Conjunction with the US natal Mars. This configuration is a powerful stress upon the core dynamic between the two entities of the United States populace and its surrogate leader President Trump. And Transit Saturn has been prodding the promise of war especially at the time of its Station at 21:11 Sagittarius on August 26th. It is another supportive indication of imminent danger shown primarily by the Solar Eclipse that crossed the continental United States. It will be interesting to see what takes place when Transit Venus visits 29 degrees Leo on September 19th and 20th.

The group of planets circled on the left of the chart show Trump’s natal Mars eclipsed on August 21, in Opposition to the US natal Moon. The US Moon, representing the populace, is directly engaged with the indomitable actions of a president who is not shy of touting his erratic, unpredictable urges off-the-cuff, toward enemies national and international.



US Progressed Stationary Direct Mercury Happening Now

Here’s a little known fact about the astrological aspects now active in the US chart: Many astrologers know about the coming Pluto Return, but few have mentioned the present Progressed Station of Mercury! Yes, I am talking about the PROGRESSED not the present Transit Mercury that commenced on August 12, 2017. Progressed Stations are a big deal, and multiplies the forces for change that the Total Eclipse on August 21 will usher in.

Just count 241 days from July 4, 1776-1777, in the ephemeris and you will see the D standing for Direct for the Mercury of the US chart. Stations in Progressions are a profound but much-overlooked source of planetary influence. And this one affects all Americans and the world. We’re in for big change, as if no one noticed.😉

The Station Direct takes place at 21 degrees Aquarius, Sabian Symbol: A woman disappointed and disillusioned. And there is plenty of that going on now in both political parties.

AQUARIUS 21 A woman disappointed and disillusioned This is a symbol of the inevitable distress of the human soul whenever it seeks any enduring entertainment from elements without anchorage in its own nature, dramatized in the negative symbolism by the futility of its attempted fulfillment through a capitalization on purely physical assets of self. The deeper potentials of the being afford the real possibilities of self-discovery, and personal frustrations are a challenge to a genuine self-realization rather than a denial of opportunity. The keyword is CLEARANCE. When positive, the degree is the self’s inherent gift for pressing on and gaining increased powers with every setback, and when negative, the acceptance of all defeat as final.

