Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphogenetic Field Theory as it Relates to Planetary Patterns


Planetary Patterns form as planets aggregate in unique groupings while orbiting the Sun. Seen from the Earth’s perspective, these seven recognizable shapes are the matrix for the five major aspects in astrology, the Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine and Opposition. The patterns are in constant flux due to the varying speeds of the planets that constitute their foundations The three very slow-moving outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, represent the base notes of the solar system so to speak and they chart the gradual development of evolving life on Earth. They identify the nature of humanity’s group orientations as they transform from religious and culturally cloistered pockets of activity which Jupiter and Saturn represent to a broader and more universal and all-inclusive conscious self-awareness. In some respects, they are the unconscious motivating forces at work in humanity’s evolution from darkness to Light. But for the seeker of life’s meaning they encourage an upward movement from subterranean levels of autonomic behavior to elevated and refined states of conscious being.

The outer planets are the pacesetters of consciousness transformation which then become the stable foundation of the universal mind within individual minds. In contrast, the swifter moving planets are associated with the more personal attributes of human character and point to habits of daily living and convenience. The diagram above shows examples of the ideal formations of the seven Planetary Patterns also known as Temperament Types. SS

These seven basic Planetary Patterns represent humanity’s diverse modes of responding to life as a whole. They refer to human emotional and behavioral responses to local environmental stimuli and form attitudes about the conditions in the general world in time and space. To identify the way in which an individual is prone to view and respond to outer conditions one must identify the pattern of the planets in their particular horoscope. This can be challenging at times when the planetary groupings take on kaleidoscopic imagery as they move out of and into succeeding patterns. The mass of humanity is not born under ideal pattern conditions in the solar system when incarnating. But with a bit of analytical work on the chart, the Temperament Type can be identified and used as a tool to decipher the potentialities of personal response to circumstantial conditions.

The simplest transition from one pattern to another can be seen in regard to the Bowl shape as it morphs into the Bucket pattern. The Moon is the swiftest of the moving bodies as it cycles through the signs of the year (zodiac) each month. Its rapid speed allows it to play the role of the Handle of a Bucket pattern when it arrives diametrically opposite the Bowl segment. It becomes the Bowl Temperament once again when the Moon moves back into the more populated half circle Bowl congregate. The challenge in defining this Temperament comes when the Moon or other planet acting as the Handle is not quite perpendicular to the center of the Bowl. This idiosyncrasy is a condition that offers nuances in the interpretation of the Temperament Type. Chapter Two in The Essentials of Astrological Analysis describes the details and fine tunings of each of the seven patternings.

How do the planets and their electromagnetic fields relate to the morphogenetic field? The answer to this question is that they relate in every way. Ancient thought has always professed a belief and understanding of the reality and workings of invisible energy fields and their influence on organic life on Earth. This topic is now being revisited by Rupert Sheldrake, the controversial biologist who bravely goes where conventional science dares not enter. Sheldrake describes an ethereal and intelligent unified field that gives rise to visible form. As an astrologer, I would like to point out that it is the Sun, Moon and planetary fields that are the morphogenetic source and matrix itself, and the colorful graph of orbiting planets suggests how those individual fields might overlap and synergize. The field or plasma acts as an ever-developing potential. It is a molecular and chemical “instruction” for the building blocks of life. Observing life events and experiences in correspondence to planetary movements in a horoscope reveals an unseen binding relationship between the factors of event and planetary influence.

Our physical bodies resonate with the continuously altering solar system’s energy fields. They do so through our central energy system known by the Sanskrit term Chakras. The Chakras are circular and spiraling vortexes that have specific vibratory frequencies that instantaneously, through the ether or plasma, give substance to conscious self-awareness. These are the macro and micro elements of life in coalescence. All things vibrate with life energy and magnetism. The human body too exudes electromagnetic frequencies to take part in the complex play of forces in which we live and have our being.

Rupert Sheldrake’s horoscope is a Bucket pattern that deviates slightly from the ideal configuration. There is the necessary single planet srupert-sheldrakeet off by itself that becomes the High Focus Handle of the chart, but the Bowl segment does not have a Delimiting Rim opposition to have it fit neatly into the ideal shape of a half circle.

Although Marc Edmund Jones considers the Bucket Temperament Type to include those shapes where the bowl segment has no delimiting rim the departure from the ideal has led to the alternative title Funnel Temperament. This term expresses the way in which this temperament functions without a Rim. The term Funnel was made popular by the Humanistic branch of Astrology during the 1970s. When there is no Rim opposition the contents of the bowl, meaning the personal content of the native’s psyche, are unencumbered on their way to self-expression. The self-expression then is funneled directly to and through the nature of the Handle or Spout planet (see chart #1). This High Focus single planet with its sign and house placement is considered the point of release of talents that assist the native in the manifestation of his or her potentials. Here is where one develops a “handle” on the entirety of personal gifts and accomplishments and thus has a focused outlet for one’s purpose in life.

Sheldrake’s High Focus Moon is in the 2nd house of personal resources and in the sign of Discrimination. The Moon gathers and channels Sheldrake’s highly selective discoveries into the domain of his own personal psyche. Then the Moon’s exact opposition to the Sun in the 8th house offers others a share of the contents of his otherwise private worldview. Oppositions often show there will be times when his shared knowledge receives approval (8th house) contrasted with times of rejection from those who find it hard to comprehend the illusive nature of Sheldrake’s mission and message.

Note that Venus and Neptune buttress the funnel’s contents with a trine over the line of the sign. This allows the free-flowing nature of the 120-degree aspect to easily empty its contents RupertShaeldraketoward the High Focus Moon with its keyword INTENSE. The Core Opposition, shown with red lines, thus becomes more prominent in an interpretation because of the lack of distracting and challenging co-aspects. The Bucket or Funnel pattern identifies a person on a mission to accomplish. Sheldrake is certainly an example of one with an overwhelming drive to carry his cause to its final destination of public awareness of unseen forces. He accomplishes his mission through his revealing demonstrations of the subtle powers of receptivity that the Moon so well represents.

See Sheldrake’s demonstrations at:

The Temperament Type Graph below with the red and green lines shows that the Bundle has the possibility of a Trigger Square Focal Determinator and a High Focus Leading planet, shown with the red circle. The See-Saw ideally has both core and rim Oppositions and a High Focus Leading or Cutting planet. The Bowl has the potential for a T-cross Focal Determinator and has a High Focus Leading planet. The hemisphere occupation of planets also determines the degree of the Temperament’s personal development. The Bucket has the potential for both a Grand Cross and Grand Trine, with core and rim Oppositions – its Handle planet becoming Point Focus. The Locomotive has the possibility of a Grand Trine, a core Opposition and High Focus Leading planet. The Splay is based on the Grand Trine, but can have a T-cross and High Focus Reins planet when there is only one planet in one of the three segments. The Splash has the possibility of having all quadratures represented by as many as 5 Oppositions. There can be a Grand Trine, Grand Cross, T-cross, but no Leading planet. For more detailed information on Temperament Types, read The Essentials of Astrological Analysis by Marc Edmund Jones. Chapter 2, page 27.


The Discovery of LSD and its First Explorer, Albert Hofmann

** FILE ** In this undated file photo, Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann is seen in his garden in Burg, Switzerland. Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, has died aged 102, officials of the town of Burg, Switzerland, confirmed. (AP Photo/Keystone, Niklaus Stauss) ** NO SALES NO ARCHIVES ONE TIME USE ONLY **

Albert ahoffmanHofmann was a Swiss chemist and the original source of the substance that fueled the hippie generation with LSD in the United States, Subsequently, he expressed that its irresponsible and unregulated use was dangerous and that its primary purpose was in the field of psychiatry and spirituality and not in the hands of the common citizen.

Hofmann accidentally ingested a small amount of the chemical on November 16, 1938, when he was employed by Sandoz laboratory in Switzerland. The green line in the chart shows Hofmann’s progressed Uranus was making an opposition aspect to his natal Neptune at the time. Neptune is associated with the imagination in its normal conscious activity as well as when the imagination is stimulated through the catalyst of a chemical substance such as Lysergic acid diethylamide. The unusual experience that resulted from the accidental dose was similar to the subconscious journeys encountered through natural psychotropic plants found worldwide and used for exploratory purposes by shamans in a diversity of “primitive” cultures.

hoffman02450Through experiments with LSD by Stanislav Grof(1) in Europe, Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert at Harvard University in the US, and the Merry Pranksters led by Ken Kesey, LSD was introduced to the world. The so-called hallucinogenic was unleashed on the public at large and caused a movement and advancement in consciousness that was to bring new-age practices into a world hitherto unprepared. There was a schism produced between the establishment in general and the hippies who were en-mass being “enlightened” if only superficially.

Some, however, paved the way toward the advancement of many industries now completely accepted by the public. Those who experimented with LSD developed the idea of popularizing communal farming with produce distribution to independent health food stores. Yoga, meditation, astrology, and myriad forms of psychological, self-help modalities became accessible to the general public.

At the time of Hofmann’s first encounter with the effects of LSD there were several corresponding transits of import. The red lines in the chart show that the progressed Sun and Venus were just passing over the Moon’s South Node. The blue line shows that transit Jupiter was also involved in the same configuration from a real-time perspective. Jupiter and Venus being involved in the aspect through both types of dynamic aspects enhanced the benefits for Hofmann. Its discovery and meaningful use would bring many rewards for him, as well as to all others, in search of a deeper journey into the realm of the human psyche that the Moon’s Nodes represent.


  1. psychiatric patients through a program that Stanoslof Grof would participate in many years after the substance’s discovery. Because of LSD’s illegality, Grof would eventually launch an LSD-free therapy known throughout the world as Holotropic Breathwork.


Nassim Haramein, The Freewheeling Physicist

nassim_harameinThere is controversy within conventional scientific circles over the accuracy of many of the claims and discoveries shared with the audiences that gather to hear Nassim Haramein’s lectures. However, his insights and talks are stimulating because his point of view is logical and interestingly unconventional and nothing less than revealing the secrets of the universe.

Unfortunately, searching the internet does not reveal any indication of Haramein’s birth time, but his birth date and location of birth do appear on his Facebook page. Using that information, setting up a chart for 12 noon would present a reasonable picture of his astrological potentials even if it is not completely accurate. Many individuals do not know their birth times and yet an astrology chart can be set up for their birth as long as the astrologer remembers not to take the planet’s positions throughout the houses, or the exact Moon’s degree into consideration in the chart interpretation. Using Marc Edmund Jones’ techniques makes it possible to get a fairly valid reading because his methods transcend the otherwise limited tools of conventional astrology that are so dependent on the house placements of the planets within the chart. Planetary aspects then become the prominent factor to analyze as well as the Sabian symbol images and their descriptions.

The article is called Nassim Haramein, The Freewheeling Physicist because he is causal in his approach and amiablenassimharamein2 in his demeanor, at least in the videos of his lectures available on YouTube. There are several websites dedicated to debunking Haramein’s beliefs in the hopes of steering his followers away from his innovative ideology. In their professional, and not-so-professional opinions, they claim Haramein inaccurately describes a model of the universe that disregards the views on which their approach to the laws of physics relies.

Haramein’s critics are doing a good job of trying to keep a balance between old and new ideas. However, they may themselves miss out on some very interesting dialogue that explains the universe in terms of new meanings for old symbols. Haramein’s descriptions and animations on the spiraling solar system, also put forth by the Electrical Universe – The Thunderbolt Project by David Talbott and Wal Thornhill, is a case in point. The understanding of the spiraling solar system, ever-moving out of previous space and into the new, not only gives astronomy a boost, but the idea of it brings clarification to the field of astrology as well.

Haramein’s horoscope is as fascinating as the videos he produces. For an analysis of the chart, the first technique is the Natural Disposition. A mutable disposition, defined by an opposition in mutable signs is people-oriented if the Fixed Opposition between Saturn and Mars is disregarded because it is a few degrees beyond the allowable orb. This would make him sincerely interested in the general public’s vision of the cosmos as it really is – at least in terms of Haramein’s understanding of it. A Mutable Disposition mentality has a concern for the welfare of others above one’s own. They tend to be the humanitarians in society.

The Temperament Type is a bit tricky because Mars is positioned just beyond the Delimiting Opposition of Jupiter to Uranus. This does put Mars as the leading planet of a Bowl if it were to be taken as one, and that points to the pioneering explorations Haramein has made within his own mind and the cosmos beyond. But there is another option that would not disregard the pioneer spirit and would account for his unique approach and character. That would be the Splay Temperament Type and always indicates an evolved personality and soul, which Haramein seems to fit into rather well. There are the three segments with empty signs between them to call for this typing, however, the Grand Trine is missing that would have brought even more reason to believe in selecting this Type over the Bowl. What is interesting is that the absence of the Grand Trine and the presence of the strong T-Cross gives testimony to the sheer hard work Haramein has put into his discoveries. The Natal Neptune Conjunct Retrograde Venus becomes Point Focus and REALIZATION becomes an important keyword in understanding the native’s joy of the process of research and discovery. The keyword for Scorpio is Creative, and together, the Retrograde Venus and the Neptunian subconscious emphasize Haramein’s impulse to search within for answers to the dominant questions that intrigue him.

Several of the Sabian Symbols are outstanding and literal, and here we see that the Leading Mars is in 18 degrees Leo; A teacher of chemistry. The entire interpretation is worth placing here:

LEO 18 A teacher of chemistry This is a symbol of the human mind’s illimitable power for penetrating into the deeper mysteries of an everyday world, and of the growing ambition of man to gain an effective control over all the processes of nature. Here is high organization of the intellectual faculties, and a special skill in the practical adaptation of scientific principles to commonplace problems. The individual is given a full sense of his creative responsibilities. The keyword is INSTRUCTION. When positive, the degree is exceptional self-confidence and a delight in subjecting all experience to the test of immediate application, and when negative, unintelligent dependence on supposition or rules of the book.

The alternative Sabian Symbol reads: An instructor in chemistry is conducting an experiment before his class, in the midst of a maze of apparatus.

dec_1962 The ephemeris graph shows three Stationary Retrogrades in Haramein’s life progressions (A fourth, Mercury, goes retrograde in later years). The first of the three we are discussing here is Uranus which retrogrades at the age of 21. This works in tandem with when Transit Saturn is doing its culminating Square to its Natal place before the Saturn Return in another seven years. Coming of age must have been important to Haramein, as these two planetary events occurring near the same time are indicating significant change in the life’s routine. This also leads up to even more significant developments at age 25 when Progressed Pluto turns Retrograde. At age 36, High Focus Leading planet Mars goes Stationary Retrograde. Unfortunately, there is not much information written on the internet that reveals the events in Haramein’s life that correspond to these progressions but pointing out these years will provide others who know him with some vital astrological information on the foundational aspects of his life development.

There are other interesting Sabian Symbols to point out and one that is as outstanding as the Mars symbol is the Haramein’s Sun degree at 28 Scorpio: The king of the fairies approaching his domain. This is a symbol of the eternal promise underlying all inner self-realization since any actual fullness of life is altogether independent of the passing state of affairs in a world of time and space. Implicit in the symbolism is the futility of man’s common reliance on people and things through some mere accident of contact. Outer reality takes the form with which he endows it as he exercises his sovereignty over its various potentials in the creative realms of his own imagination. The keyword is ALLEGIANCE. When positive, the degree is a special competence of inward vision and a consequent outward perspective of high effectiveness, and when negative, capricious self-indulgence.

Mentioned in other Planetary Dynamics posts, under the category of Sabian Symbols, are the few degrees that refer to otherworldly creatures. They are the “elfin” or “fairy” degrees. These confirm that the individuals whose planets are in these placements live by a code of life that differs greatly from those not as fortunate to have them. The “elfin” symbols refer to a subtle vibration allowing the native fewer constraints in everyday living and self-expression. On the other hand, nativities where these symbols play a prominent role, especially when they are the Sun or High Focus planet, show that the life must in some way be dedicated to assisting others in lieu of their own self-fulfillment. Those who bear these symbols in their charts are prone to living and thinking on levels of higher awareness. One might say that they have a more direct line to cosmic information and are the humanitarians of race.

In a YouTube video, Nassim and his wife Amber discuss, along with others, orgasms that can be experienced when giving birth. Amber apparently experienced one and is shown in the video with her face breaking into a blissful state. Haramenin’s Venus degree, which indicates the woman in his life among other things, is: A girl’s face breaking into a smile. View YouTube video for the Amber interview.   


The Men on the Moon – Armstrong and Aldrin and the Sabian Symbols

Neil_Armstrong_poseNeil Armstrong, an American astronaut and hero, took us to the Moon and back safely to Earth, following the aspirational ambitions of John F. Kennedy as one of his goals of the decade.

Armstrong’s T-cross, formed by a natal Moon opposite Mars, points its focus at Venus to bring appreciation for the hard work and effort the astronaut accomplished for the American public, as well as the entire world.

Venus’ Sabian Symbol degree literally states that there is, “some measure of immortal contribution to history” that can manifest through his astrological potentials. The symbol’s keyword is RESPECT, and that is what Armstrong received from all who knew him well and all who were touched by his bravery, skill, and determination. He will always be remembered for the concise but profound words he uttered when stepping onto the surface of the Moon; “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

VIRGO 25  A flag at half-mast.  This is a symbol of the inevitable judgment which life must pronounce on itself, and of the sure rewards that stand ready for whatever proves of worth in the course of effort. The highest of everyday values for the common man are created in a public service which has its first compensation in the individual’s self-fulfillment, and its ultimate justification in some measure of immortal contribution to history. Reputation is the subtle coin by which personality creates an enduring wealth for everyone, to be preserved no less in death than life. The keyword is RESPECT. When positive, the degree is achievement in a full transcendence of selfhood, and when negative, superficial self-dramatization.

It is important to point out the planetary features in the dynamic chart that mirror the significance of the Moon landing and being the first person to do so. Astrologically the factors of significance are the two planetary stations in Armstrong’s progressions occurring a few years before the Armstrong_ephemerisactual lunar mission, pointing to the developmental years of preparation for this monumental event.

Mercury turning stationary-retrograde shows that in spite of being worthy of celebrity, Armstrong chose to turn inward and retreat to the countryside for a more private family life after the Moon landing and the receiving of public acclaim. He was, however, a workaholic and didn’t stay on the farm for long. The chart shows his work ethic through a sense of serious responsibility that he had toward the public with a natal Moon conjunct Saturn. The Natal Moon Sabian Symbol degree is A flag-bearer. Both his Moon and Venus symbols refer to a flag, and this was literally manifested when he and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the surface of the Moon.

SAGITTARIUS 26 A flag-bearer This is a symbol of the enduring significance which tends to overshadow the more immediate interests or wholly selfish concerns of man, and the emphasis is on the natural supremacy of common ideals over mere individual ambitions. Implicit in the symbolism is the call for a high self-sacrifice, and for the development of such new dimensions of experience as will permit the self to realize its transcendental aspirations. Every resource of normal life is commandeered for the greater potentiality. The keyword is NOBILITY. When positive, the degree is spiritual exaltation through some dramatic or vital service to all, and when negative, a resort to empty show or a demand for false credit.

The three Sabian Symbols that are circled in the chart wheel that reveal a profound potential are the Moon, Venus and the Sun. The Sun is in the sign of Leo with the keyword ASSURANCE. It is in a degree of An old sea captain rocking. Here it is apparent that he would enjoy the accomplishments of his daring youth and passion for adventure through reminiscing. He was the captain and commander of Apollo 11. It is shown in his Sun degree which always reveals the Purpose of one’s life.

LEO 13 An old sea captain rocking This is a symbol of man’s great love for reliving his experiences in memory, and of his gift for achieving a mastery in advance of whatever new situations he may face by bringing all the ramifying relationships to a focus in a personal and competent grasp of their more pertinent potentialities. He fights the battles of the world in his imagination, over and over again. He knows that events repeat themselves, and so may be brought in leash. The keyword is RETROSPECT. When positive, the degree in each person’s unlimited capacity for calling up afresh the powers he has gained in his struggle toward self-fulfillment, and when negative, insensibility to present reality in a full surrender to the past.

The Point Focus Venus Sabian Symbol is A flag at half-mast.

VIRGO 25 A flag at half-mast This is a symbol of the inevitable judgment which life must pronounce on itself, and of the sure rewards that stand ready for whatever proves of worth in the course of effort. The highest of everyday values for the common man are created in a public service which has its first compensation in the individual’s self-fulfillment, and its ultimate justification in some measure of immortal contribution to history. Reputation is the subtle coin by which personality creates an enduring wealth for everyone, to be preserved no less in death than life. The keyword is RESPECT. When positive, the degree is achievement in a full transcendence of selfhood, and when negative, superficial self-dramatization.

Another indication of his extremely significant contribution is shown with Transit Pluto (outer wheel) 1 degree and 38 minutes shy of exact Conjunction with the all-important Point Focus Natal Venus in Virgo. Pluto rules all things profound and transcendental. Indeed his accomplishment must have given him tremendous gratification, far beyond what the man showed to the outside world. A love affair of a cosmic order, he fecundated the Moon with his walk on its surface. No longer would the Moon be the virgin for which Virgo stands. The fifth house reveals self-expression without restraint or limit, and astrological why the man had the “Right Stuff.”



Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin was the astronaut who accompanied Armstrong and was the second person in history to walk on the Moon. Here is Aldrin’s horoscope with his Progressions for the year of the Moon Landing. It is telling of the immense influence this event had on his life. Nine months before the launch, Aldrin had an auspicious Progressed Lunation, revealing that there was a definitive leaving of the past behind, to go forward into a new cycle of Vitality (Sun/Moon pair). He was a member of the crew of BuzzChartApollo 11 and took part in an unprecedented human achievement.

Above is the famous photo of Aldrin with Armstrong and the Eagle Lander reflected in the helmet’s visor. What is interesting is that the Sabian Symbol for Aldrin’s Progressed Mars/Mercury Conjunction at 18 degrees Aquarius, is A man unmasked. The reference to headgear is close enough to prove that the symbols are unique and revealing as to when cosmic potentials meet one-on-one with every day, yet extraordinary, human experience.

AQUARIUS 18 A man unmasked This is a symbol of the human mind’s illimitable power for penetrating into the deeper stirrings and underlying motivations of human nature, and of a very modern determination to gain a scientific mastery of every psychological process. Here is a repudiation of all individualism as other than the common divisions of labor in a social reality, and a demand that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it. Life becomes a laboratory for an immortal curiosity. The keyword is ANALYSIS. When positive, the degree is a considered self-dedication to greater or more wonderful reasons for being, and when negative, self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude.

The symbol goes on to say: “Life becomes a laboratory for an immortal curiosity.” The keyword is ANALYSIS. When positive, the degree is “a considered self-dedication to greater or more wonderful reasons for being.” Certainly, this sums up his awe-inspiring contribution to science and exploration.

An even more exciting testimony to the realistic interpretation of symbols shows up in Aldrin’s Progressed Lunation. At 10 degrees Pisces, Aldrin’s potentials are reflected (no pun intended) in the degree of An aviator in the clouds. In the original symbols it states; “As a tiny fleck of dust in the sky the aviator sails across the horizon in absolute mastery of these higher realms.”

Pisces 10 An aviator in the clouds This is a symbol of man’s transcendental powers of comprehension, emphasized here in his exploratory genius and his gift for creating the endless hypotheses he needs for solving the problems of a modern world. He is able to take a perspective superior to any involvement or pattern of limitation, and to examine any special complex of human affairs with a consistent thoroughness of over-view. The inner and outer realms of reality are brought to a point of effective revelation of each other. The keyword is OBSERVATION. When positive, the degree is special competence in whole judgment and long-range planning, and when negative, insensate otherworldliness or irresponsible isolationism.

Retrograde Planets Prove the Universe is Mind

The animation illustrates Mars during its retrograde motion from June to November 2003, while the diagram below depicts the movement of Mercury during one of its shorter yet more often retrograde phases.

It’s crucial to understand that planets don’t literally reverse their orbits to go retrograde and then resume their direct motion. This peculiarity is an illusion based on the Earth’s vantage point. With the exception of the Sun and Moon, all planets periodically appear to slow down, pause, and then reverse their direction before resuming their forward motion once again. This orbital idiosyncrasy arises due to the varying speeds of the planets relative to Earth’s orbit and is a perspective based on Earth at center, taking the place of the Sun.

While retrograde planets do exert influence, their effects are primarily subjective. Life operates on the principle of duality, where the subjective and objective realms complement each other. When individuals sense the effects of a retrograde, they are essentially tuning into changes in the electromagnetic field of the human mind and body. External realities resonate with their internal reflections, creating a harmonious, closed-loop system within the intricate fabric of the universe.

Planetary positions in the solar system can be observed with the naked eye or through telescopes, but their influence extends far beyond their visible physical attributes. Planets emit subtle  electromagnetic waves generated by the rotation of their axes and their movements along their orbits. We act as antennas and receivers for these intelligent signals, tapping into the mysterious and non-local interconnectedness that binds all things together. This concept has been encapsulated in the age-old adage, “As Above, So Below,” highlighting the interconnected nature of the universe and its reflections in both macrocosm and microcosm.

Consciousness is pervasive, and the perceived movement of retrograde planets can sometimes lead us to believe that our actions are dictated by external forces. However, we are a dynamic reflection of both subject and object, embodying a unified experience within ourselves.

Retrograde planets resonate within us, mirroring their apparent motion in the sky. They serve as markers of cosmic timing within the solar system’s framework. Our conscious awareness expands through challenges presented by astrological transits, progressions, and other celestial phenomena. However, the most transformative shifts often occur when a planet nears a stationary point before entering a retrograde or direct phase. These station-retrograde and station-direct periods signal imminent adjustments, either on a profound or subtle scale, influenced by the planetary alignments in their geometric configurations at that moment, especially in conjunction and opposition aspects.

Why Mercury Retrogrades Pose Problems


Mercury retrograde periods have gained increasing recognition among the general public, leading to greater attention, acceptance, and respect for this astrological phenomenon. However, the exact reasons behind the disruptions often associated with Mercury’s apparent backward motion remain elusive to many. During Mercury retrogrades, concerns about the reliability of both private and public transportation can arise. The functionality of the internet, digital technology, and devices may be compromised, and issues with high-value purchases may come to the fore. These challenges are linked to the 3rd house in astrology, which governs communication, transportation, and everyday conveniences. Retrogrades often shake up the dependable nature of these areas, particularly since Mercury rules the 3rd house, highlighting the temporary disruption of what is usually taken for granted in our daily lives.

During Mercury retrograde periods, issues ranging from contract errors to the malfunctioning of household appliances and vehicles often come to light. These challenges are tied to the 3rd house in astrology, which governs communication, transportation, and everyday conveniences. Additionally, health issues, physical limitations, and remedies fall under the domain of the 6th house, influenced by Mercury’s rulership in these areas.

Mercury, associated with our daily routines, can act as a disruptor during its retrograde phases. Life operates on a principle of duality, so it’s not uncommon for unexpected events to occur when Mercury goes retrograde, challenging our usual expectations. When Mercury is direct, the harmonious interplay between the conveniences of the 3rd house and the adjustments needed in the 6th house helps maintain the smooth functioning of our lives.

The Meaning of  Outer Planet Retrogrades

Slow-moving planets with complex meanings can take years to complete their cycles. Their oscillating retrograde and direct movements facilitate transformation over extended periods of time. These prolonged shifts in direction offer ideal opportunities to address long-standing issues that seek lasting solutions. Change, in this context, is characterized by continuous adjustment and readjustment, mirroring the apparent shifts in the energy spheres of influence we recognize in a planet’s idiosyncratic cyclics.