Any astrologer looking at the natal horoscope of Ruth Bader Ginsburg would be able to suggest her final days were coming close. The most obvious base-note is transit Pluto slowing to station opposite her progressed and natal Pluto just 17 days before her passing.
At the same time, progressed Mars was making a conjunction with natal Jupiter. Both planets occasionally are connected with someone’s time of death. Transit Mars also stationary just seven days prior, supported the tensions of stationary Pluto as it made its conjunction with progressed Uranus. The transits interacting with progressions and both aspecting the natal chart are key in the manifestation of significant events.
The Sabian Symbol degree for Pluto’s station on October 5, 2020, is 23 Capricorn 29 on October 5, 2020. The symbol, Two awards for bravery in war, gives great insight in a few words that honor the career of a diligent soul dedicated to women’s rights and common equality among all.
CAPRICORN 23, Two awards for bravery in war. This is a symbol of man’s resourcefulness in developing new areas of experience on the practical side, and of his genius for dramatizing the fruits of an everyday aliveness and thereby stimulating a broadened self-expenditure. The continual effort of an idealistic leadership to hold social and political gains demands an exaltation of personal vision and character, and in the course of time, every individual is brought to a broader understanding of his fellows. The goal of living becomes a preservation of values. The keyword is RECOGNITION. When positive, the degree is the social stewardship which demands a continual self-dedication, and when negative, strutting self-exploitation.
Although this symbol is shared with all humanity at the time of Pluto’s station, it defines some individual’s character more than others. This it does with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.