Bob Dylan & Joan Baez – The 60s’ Political Protest Singers

It is known to most who lived through the 1960s that the activist singers Bob Dylan and Joan Baez enjoyed a personal relationship that fell just short of marriage.

There are astrological aspects between the planets in their charts showing the reasons for their attraction. The major factors are highlighted and can be compared with other celebrity couples, such as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, and Sandra Dee and Bobbie Darin.


The most powerful magnetic factor between the songwriters is identified by their exact Sun-Moon conjunction. Baez has her emotionally charged Moon in the exact same degree as Dylan’s purposeful Sun. The tie between the Lights in a horoscope can create a feeling of a personal destiny and perhaps even a carryover from a past life.

The iconic couple was also drawn by their shared interest in political activism, shown in the close opposition of Dylan’s mental prowess of Mercury to Baez’s idealistic and compassionate Venus close to his ascendant. Baez’s Mars is exactly opposite Dylan’s Sun which profoundly stimulates their Sun-Moon conjunction and promotes exciting chemistry and physical passion. Dylan’s Sun, representing self, is sandwiched between Baez’s tight Mars to Moon opposition. This must have brought them together in dramatic fashion but also could have been the force that pulled them apart. Oppositions act much like a magnet. When the positive and negative poles face each other, similarly with a man and a woman, it generates a powerful attraction. If, however, one pole is

reversed, the magnets repel each other, as can happen when two individuals find their differences are too much to endure.

Baez’s Uranus is in close contact with Dylan’s Moon and further draws them together, albeit in a detached Uranian manner, especially for her. The Moon indicates that Dylan was emotionally responsive to Baez’s obviously liberated spirit as a feminist. Her Uranus brought spontaneity to their relationship which was the substance that nurtured the independence demanded in a career in entertainment. Both natives had to maintain composure within the push and pull of the contradictory emotional attachment of the Moon versus the detached Uranian impulse. Often couples mirror the other’s planet meanings. For example, one could say that Dylan felt detached in response to Baez’s emotionalism. Only they knew what they felt and experienced, and perhaps a few individuals observing them from outside.

Dylan has no oppositions in his horoscope and that fits with his reputation as one who is extremely private and hard to approach. However, with so many planet crossties between the two charts in the form of conjunctions and oppositions, Dylan was able to experience a strong engagement with outer experience that normally comes with oppositions in one’s own chart.


The Sabian symbol for Venus in Dylan’s chart is outstanding in that it is quite literal. His Venus, the planet representing the fine arts including music, is rounded to 13 Gemini, A great musician at his piano. Although Dylan primarily played the guitar at the onset of his career, he was also proficient on the piano, as seen more often in his performances in recent times. It is obvious Dylan has accomplished all that the keyword and positive interpretation that the Sabian imagery describes:

GEMINI 13 A great musician at his piano This is a symbol of individual artistry as the property of all, with its expression both its strength and the means whereby others are encouraged to like accomplishment. Here is experience at a climax on the side of self-refinement in skills and talent, and at a peak in its gratification and its promise of continuing effort and sharing of rewards. A continually expanded dimension of being becomes the constant revelation of man’s true estate. The keyword is ACHIEVEMENT. When positive, the degree is the creative assurance that contributes enduring overtones to human understanding, and when negative, self-defeat through a delight in momentary attention or superficial adulation.

Joan Baez has an equally revealing Sabian symbol. Her Sun degree is rounded to 20 Capricorn, A hidden choir singing. Her voice is her obvious gift, and the positive description in this one of the many symbols in her chart betrays any desire on her part to keep her talent, goodwill and benefit to herself alone. At a young age Baez was concerned for the good of all mankind. Her natal opposition in mutable signs gives her a Natural Disposition that puts the welfare of others above her own. It is the mark of a humanitarian:

CAPRICORN 20 A hidden choir singing This is a symbol of the eternal music of the spheres, and is an emphasis on the ideality of experience as at root a symphony of cosmic reconciliations. The differences of individual character which have contributed to a person’s initiative and a conscious selfhood are here brought to their point of ultimate and single source in an overall existence, and each and every element of inharmony is reordered as a participating distinctiveness of the whole. All men are at one in the universal pattern. The keyword is WORSHIP. When positive, the degree is a unique gift for establishing a common interest and making it a power for the good of all, and when negative, personal aloofness and lukewarm loyalties.

Both musicians were categorized as folk singers when they started out in their careers. Bob Dylan went on to win numerous awards for his talents, including the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature, although he questioned his songs’ relationship to literature. A recipient of several awards herself, Joan Baez remains well known for her efforts in the field of social justice and the pursuit of peace. Among her accomplishments is The Institute for the Study of Nonviolence, which she started in 1961 in Carmel Valley, California. In addition, she is linked to the civil rights movement through her 1963 performance of Pete Seeger’s and Guy Carawan’s version of We Shall Overcome at the March on Washington alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Fire with fire signs, air with air signs, and fire with air signs are compatible with each other. Water with water signs, earth with earth signs, and water with earth are compatible.

Mars, Venus and Mercury Triad

The two famous songsters, although mutually attracted to each other by virtue of compatible Venus elements in air and fire, had no rapport of elements between their Mars’ and Mercuries. Her Mars in fire did not hold up well when saturated by his Mars in water. Their communication also fell short of clarity with his Mercury in air and hers in earth.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant Triad

Baez and Dyan were also not suited well as far as personal Wills were concerned, with his Sun in an air sign and hers in an earth element. Dyan’s Sun in air could have made him flighty while most likely Baez’s “feet” were anchored on the ground. Their Moons also clashing in element meant they would eventually part ways to go down differing paths. The Ascendants are the only match in this triad. Both are in the fire element and point to their similar approach to life and music at the beginning of their careers.

It is best to have two of the three in a triad compatible and one not, so that there is more harmony than discord between the parties. The one incompatibility in element normally brings a necessary stimulus and challenge to the union. For this potential couple, however, there simply were not enough harmonies to bring them lasting joy, and ultimately they went their separate ways.


What Makes Robert Mueller the Man of Integrity?

Sometimes a horoscope tells a fascinating story, and this is what we find in the chart of Robert Swan Mueller III, the man who was appointed as special counsel to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

An interpretation of natal potentials is compromised when the time of birth is unknown because the Moon’s degree and house placement and the distribution of the planets throughout the houses are virtually unknown. However, Marc Edmund Jones offers techniques in his Essentials of Astrological Analysis that offer an abundance of tools that aid in circumventing the lack of a correct time of birth.

One of these possibilities is the T-Cross as a Focal Determinator. However, when one of the three prongs of the configuration is the Moon, again the accuracy of interpretation may not be valid. This is the case in the horoscope of Robert Mueller.  The Moon moves swiftly through the degrees of a sign within an entire day and may or may not be in orb of an opposition to Neptune in Mueller’s chart to create a T-Cross. Looking closely because of this factor, we can assume that the Moon’s sign and degree placement throughout the 24 hours of the day of Mueller’s birth shows the Moon’s transit stays within close proximity of its 12-and-a-half-degree allowable orb to create a possible opposition to Neptune. This ultimately brings Saturn into Point Focus since its position is perpendicular to the opposition of Moon to Neptune.

Astrologers consider that aside from the frustrations, delays, and disappointments for which Saturn is known, it is also the planet of integrity, responsibility, maturity, and conscientiousness. This suggests a host of positive characteristics that can imbue an individual with extraordinary and honorable stature. These constructive expressions of Saturn explain why Mueller is known for his spotless reputation as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War who received a Bronze Star for heroism and a Purple Heart. He spent his civilian years in both private and public service engaged in a stellar career that included 12 years as director of the FBI.


Mueller’s chart is especially interesting because the Sabian Symbol degrees play a compelling role when telling his story.

There are three Sabian Symbol degrees in Mueller’s chart that refer to the first light of day or the Sun in general. When symbols contain similar imagery they are supportive of each other and point to an emphasis on the native’s psychological patterning. These three similar concepts in the chart are symbolic of the revelatory effects of light as it illuminates hitherto unforeseen factors otherwise obscured by darkness. They are those that shine light on the “shadow” as it is defined from a Jungian perspective. These symbols refer to an awareness that overcomes darkness or “stormy” situations. They confirm Mueller’s dedication to truth and lawfulness, and most of all, to his personal integrity which always shines through when faced with the challenges of humankind’s propensity for wrongdoing.

Neptune, 2 Libra 17 rounded to 3 degrees:

The dawn of a new day, everything changed This is a symbol of the illimitable potentialities to be found when it comes to any personal participation in everyday affairs, and of the thoroughness with which each individual remains the recurrent expression of his own self-consistencies. There is here the necessity for an ultimate self-dependence, and the consequent need to blaze a path of special recognition for each particular characteristic of selfhood. The keyword is INNOVATION. When positive, the degree is man’s insatiable appetite for experiment, and continuing self-discovery in every possible area of human experience, and when negative, inability to catch the challenge of living in even the most trivial matters.

Venus, 26 Leo 27 rounded to 27 degrees:

Daybreak This is a symbol of the cycles of change as an ultimate assurance to the human heart, with an emphasis on reason, as the means by which man knows the nature of his own continuance. No matter what may be the course of events in their over-all unpredictability, there is always dawn, or springtime, as the promise of resurgence, or a new potential in every manifestation of self and its world. Reality is ever a beginning in the sense of the immediacy it offers the individual. The keyword is GENESIS. When positive, the degree is an untiring capture and recapture of life throughout the constant and confusing shifts of being, and when negative, wishful thinking and satisfaction in a vague tomorrow.

Sun, 15 Leo 00 round to 16.

Sunshine, just after a storm This is a symbol of personal stability through man’s recuperative powers, emphasized in terms of his psychological or inner orientation. Here is nature’s inevitable return to enduring values, as this occurs after every major issue of life, and the consequent opportunity for self to regrasp itself and to enlist every element of its environment in some new effort or fresh approach to experience. Everyday stress and strain are found of high use, either as a clearance or a reconstruction in all human affairs. The keyword is RECOVERY. When positive, the degree is exceptional steadiness of perspective and fidelity to individual responsibility, and when negative, continual upset over petty issues.

The Sun in any chart points to the purpose or role a person plays in life. It is Mueller’s destiny to usher in the light, in answer to infractions that have held their sway over good. This he has done valiantly in his long career as a prosecutor and public servant.

One of the most delightful Sabian degrees suggesting a curious nuance in the story of Mueller’s natal horoscope is 7 degrees Cancer, Two fairies on a Moonlit night. Interestingly, this image contains a reference to the moon and compliments the symbols in his chart associated with light. This symbol plays a prominent role because it characterizes natal Saturn, the Point Focus of the T-Cross.

Two fairies on a moonlit night. This is a symbol of nature’s illimitable potentialities on the side of the release she offers man from his physical or psychological involvement, and of the necessity that he achieve some measure of lightness in self-expression as a balance for the strain of everyday existence. Here is exaltation of fancy, as a dynamic factor in all self-realization, and of the quiet moments of experience as a real opportunity for self-orientation. The magic of selfhood lies in its ability to rise above whatever may threaten its well-being. The keyword is ASCENDANCY. When positive, the degree is a transforming sensitivity or a healing imagination. And when negative, a senseless retreat to make-believe.

A study of symbol definitions allows astrologers to penetrate deep within a native’s psyche to reveal the theme of life in general when taking all of the symbol definitions together as a whole. The planet configurations have their job through the signs and houses to suggest the overall potentials. Cancer 7, accompanies a “handful” of otherworldly elfin degrees that take part in the Sabian Symbols’ collection of visionary imagery.

Planets, together with these special Sabian Symbol degrees, vibrate to a higher frequency and encourage the native to reach beyond the conventional expression of planetary energies. Robert Mueller’s chart is an example of the rich resources the symbols have to offer. The elfin degree confirms a highly deviant yet refined character which, normally with Saturn involved, relied on once-respected old-school principles.

The following images are the group of elfin symbols in the 360-degree Sabian series. They are rounded to the following degree.

Aries 16, Brownies dancing in the setting sun.
Scorpio 23, A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy.
Scorpio 28, King of the fairies approaching his domain.
Cancer 7, Two fairies on a moonlit night.
Capricorn 26, A water sprite.
Virgo 5, A man dreaming of fairies.


The solar eclipse of July 2, 2019, at 10 degrees 37 Cancer, synchronized with the compelling presence of Mueller at congressional hearings where he confirmed the findings of his investigative report which was disseminated but not widely read by the American public. The eclipse fell 4 degrees 37 minutes from Mueller’s natal Saturn and brought into public view signs of his declining, physical vitality noticeable through his sometimes feeble responses to questions by House Representatives. The eclipse intensified his reserved demeanor by landing within 10 minutes of progressed Saturn.

The ephemeris graph for October 1944 shows Saturn station retrograde in Mueller’s secondary progressions on February 15, 2021. The station actually occurred  76 days after birth and corresponds with the native’s 76th year of life. Two important circumstances related to the Saturn station are Mueller’s resignation from the Justice Department on May 29, 2019, because his investigation on election interference by Russia was completed and his attendance at the hearings before the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees on July 24, 2019, that also may prove to be his last personal appearance before the public.

Both events are well within the time period expected of a slow-moving progressed station. However, the station has not culminated as yet, and more details of his retirement and possible acceleration of physical limitations, indicative of the expression of Saturn, may be reported in upcoming years. In general, it could be said that the entire two-and-a-half-year period of the historic investigation fits perfectly into the theme of a stationary Saturn. The station going retrograde and inward, rather than direct and outward, points to the disdain for public comment and the general secrecy that surrounded the investigation as Mueller orchestrated it.

With his stoic appearance before Congress, Mueller was able to confirm the truth that the report did not exonerate the president, and with quiet yes-and-no answers, with occasional enlightening comments, Mueller set the story straight, and in that way, starkly contrasted the President and Attorney General’s mantra, that there was “no collusion, no obstruction.” He furthermore confirmed to Adam Schiff, the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, that the investigation was not a witch-hunt when responding to Schiff’s request for verification which would ultimately counter the President’s habitual false accusation in that regard.

Mueller is a man who has maintained over time a reputation of unequaled integrity and wholehearted dedication to the precepts of American democracy. There were headlines criticizing Mueller for deliberately sticking to the “four corners” of his report, and in answer to his own inquiry, he conceded to the written response from the Justice Department, compelling him to withhold information about ongoing investigations. But these limitations are to be expected when Saturn takes center stage through its natal position receiving a recent eclipse and its progressed position stationing to go retrograde.

Remaining within boundaries and withstanding grave and perhaps undeserved criticism all relate to the functioning of Saturn and are unavoidable. One cannot manipulate planetary forces, but advantages do exist when noting any planet’s correspondence to everyday affairs and adjusting to them with humility and a conciliatory attitude.

There was no drama or theatrics in Mueller’s manner at the hearings, and in contrast with Trump’s often bombastic and unrestrained hyperbole, Mueller seemed almost docile. But the man will go down in history as the person credited for documenting the unprecedented acts and intractable behavior of the Trump administration.

No doubt, Russia will continue to aggressively tamper with America’s central core of its democracy; the citizen’s right to vote. Point by point, Volume I of the “Mueller Report” openly lays bare how and what the Russians did in their manipulative interference in the 2016 presidential election and outlines in Volume II President Trump’s efforts to obstruct the Special Counsel’s investigation.

History will look back at the report as it shone a light on right as opposed to wrong and truth as opposed to falsehoods. Time will tell if Mueller will be recognized for his distinguished and honorable investigation into the facts of the 2016 presidential election and whether the effort will have assisted in supporting the original blueprint of America’s constitution and its guiding principles.

“This is what is at stake; our next election . . . our democracy . . . This is why your work matters Director Mueller, this is why our investigation matters. To bring these dangers to light.”  –  Adam Schiff

Challenge of a Sharp Destiny – John McCain – 1936 – 2018

John Sidney McCain III served his country throughout his entire life, but it was during his tour of duty as a pilot in the U.S. Navy, and especially as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, that he unknowingly took on the challenge of the formidable Sharp Destiny, identified in his chart by the square between Jupiter and Saturn.

The naval captain managed to rise to the occasion, only after years of personal, agonizing struggles and peer criticism that the daunting configuration bestows on a soul in need of awakening. He gained a reputation from fellow airmen for recklessness in the cockpit, and later as a Senator, drew condemnation from the public for reasons that included racial remarks, (1) and for his involvement in the Keating Five scandal in 1989. There were character flaws to overcome, and the Sharp Destiny’s presence in the chart points to the need for correction.

Both McCain’s father and grandfather were distinguished admirals, and in 1954 their third-generation namesake followed in their footsteps by attending the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis Maryland. Unfortunately, however, he fell short by graduating 894th in his class of 899.

In spite of scoffing at rules and protocol, McCain was responsible enough to be trained to fly bombers from aircraft carriers. His headstrong and undisciplined nature may have led to carelessness, resulting in three flight accidents (2) before being assigned to the battle-worn carrier USS Oriskany.

There were younger pilots with better records and more experience, but McCain pressed for the combat assignment that would ultimately seal his fate as a prisoner of war. On his 23rd combat mission over Hanoi on October 26, 1967, his A-4 Sky Hawk was shot down by enemy fire. He injured himself severely while ejecting from the cockpit, but successfully parachuted into Trúc Bach Lake, only to be captured by North Vietnamese soldiers.

McCain would spend the following five and a half years in Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed “Hanoi Hilton” by U.S. prisoners, where he would be subjected to barbarous torture. Anyone shot down in military service is considered a hero, but because of McCain’s history of marginalizing proper procedures, his fellow airmen deemed the event pilot error. (3) Controversy often follows an individual with a Sharp Destiny. It comes as a result of the square aspect’s counter-energies and often manifests through demands from others who stand in judgment of a native’s acts and attitudes. External factors contribute additional pressures to a native’s inner crises normally felt under the influence of a square, especially one involving Jupiter and Saturn.

McCain’s notorious temper, coupled with periodic bouts of irresponsibility, set him up for condemnation. But ultimately he would confront himself, and tackle his shortcomings when forced to do so in the years of his solitary confinement. In his own words, “I had a lot of time to think over there, and came to the conclusion that one of the most important things in life – along with a man’s family – is to make some contribution to his country. . . I thought a lot about the meaning of life.” Time would give McCain the chance to achieve the lofty goals encouraged by the Sharp Destiny, so clearly defined by the renowned astrologer and creator of the technique, Marc Edmund Jones.

JUPITER AND SATURN IN  SQUARE ASPECT indicate an ordering of life’s fundamental motives, through which the native usually suffers very immediate consequences of the least neglect or abuse of his own potentials. He finds he must fight continually for the ideals in which he has come to take the most consistent interest, and also learns that his conscious well-being is wholly dependent on the moral struggles in which he becomes involved almost inevitably at every stage of his experience. If he does not relish the days in which he seems torn to pieces in self-uncertainty, he must discover ways to tear himself apart deliberately, and in equally painful fashion, on behalf either of some cause of real significance or some conception that he can dramatize through his own being. Personal existence under this configuration can become either great opportunity, or else a gradual disintegration of the soul in the very core of itself.(4)

A Sharp Destiny is identified by a conjunction, square, or opposition between Jupiter and Saturn within a 10-degree orb. The same orb allowance is given for a Loose Destiny and is defined by a sextile, trine, or lack of major aspect between the two planets.(5) The Loose Destiny differs greatly from the more formidable Sharp Destiny described in McCain’s case, and affords the native the freedom to resist ingrained cultural standards, allowing one to dictate one’s own life path with minimal resistance from outside sources. Of the three major aspects defining the Sharp Destiny, the square and opposition are the most exacting. They drive an individual through inner struggle or direct conflict, respectively, to seek and live up to an exemplary high code of ethics.

The Sharp Destiny is prominent in McCain’s horoscope because Jupiter is High Focus at the midheaven and in square to Saturn rising in the 1st house. Neptune from the 7th house applies in opposition to Saturn, and Saturn, in turn, opposes Venus in the 7th. These oppositions, create the necessary polarization of forces that form a T-Cross that has its expressive outlet through Jupiter in Point Focus. The Sharp Destiny forms one essential angle of the T-Cross and becomes the signature configuration that assists the native’s development into a notable figure on the world stage.


The most difficult aspects of Dynamic charting (6) are those that involve Saturn and Pluto, especially when aspecting each other. Saturn is notorious for its unrelenting laser-like role in the refinement of character, and Pluto is associated with a wide spectrum of possibilities, ranging from a demand for the ego’s total surrender in the process of transformation, to the opposite extreme, in a profound gifting of power and influence.

At the time McCain was captured by the Vietcong, Pluto was transiting the 7th house at 21 Virgo 53 and well-engaged in its approximate three-year opposition to natal Saturn. This vigorous activation of the Sharp Destiny manifested the more arduous attributes of the planets involved and corresponds to the fierce abuse the native suffered while imprisoned. Here is where the most persuasive forces in the solar system, manifesting through people, pit themselves against another’s greatest fears and vulnerability. During his incarceration, McCain transformed his struggle for survival into the opportunity to develop better character potentials. The victim of torment and misfortune took hold of inner strength that gave power to his higher motivations, thanks to the Sharp Destiny’s potential for turning a person’s life around under pressure.

Transiting Pluto’s effects are usually recognizable when it comes within a five-degree orb of a natal planet, and its long duration may include highly consequential stations when conjunct or opposite within one degree. During the first few years of incarceration, Pluto would station several times, intensifying the dangerous situation as it threatened McCain’s very existence. Pluto stationed once in opposition to natal Saturn in May of 1968, and twice in conjunction with natal Venus, in December of 1967 and June of 1969. Events related to these stations, and to Pluto’s aspects to natal Mercury in the early 1970s, are disclosed in McCain’s personal account of his imprisonment.(7)

McCain was released from prison on March 14, 1973, as the war was reaching its end. His homecoming corresponds to 4th house “end-of-the-matter” aspects to Point Focus Jupiter in the 10th. Aside from the transits to and from Venus, the real harbingers of freedom came from the progressed Moon and the transit of Saturn respectively, in tight opposition to the greater benefic. The Moon was just beyond its aspect by 1 degree 30 minutes, while Saturn was tighter, with 42 minutes before exact opposition. The Moon and Saturn in tandem charged the situation with emotional fervor as the release from prison became imminent.

The Sharp Destiny brought into focus the chasm between American ideals and the despotism McCain endured while a victim in captivity. Upon his return home, he received physical therapy, attended the National War-College in Washington D. C., and in 1977, accepted the position of naval liaison to the U.S. Senate, which was the bridge that would lead to his political career, first as a lawmaker in the House of Representatives and later as a Senator.

McCain believed in the importance of bipartisanship. He was not held back by differences of opinion or policy and would reach across the aisle to get things done with members of both political parties because he believed the individual was part of a greater whole. The Sun represents Will and Purpose (8) (its keywords) and its placement on the 7th house cusp encourages acting in partnership with others in the name of opportunity and cooperation for the benefit of all. The 7th house also rules open conflicts and outright warfare, and when compromise occasionally failed, McCain’s volcanic temper would surface in fierce confrontation.


McCain’s sporadic abrasiveness can be seen woven into his behavior through random planetary influences in his chart, including characteristics revealed through the Sabian Symbols.(9) In spite of his need for establishing relationships, his erratic and combative responses could repel others. He was known for his biting sense of humor and volatile disposition, but fortunately, those defining idiosyncrasies also contributed to lifelong friendships and camaraderie rather than proving a deterrent. When friends and colleagues gathered to eulogize him, each in his own way gave an account of an encounter with his destabilizing humor and fierce passion. Testimonials of his dark, as well as his light side, poured out from both Republicans and Democrats.(10)

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat from Rhode Island remarked;

“John could be annoying. In Munich, accepting an award for John, his beloved wife Cindy said, ‘I love him most of the time, but his temper could be explosive.’ I learned once about a man who was named for a South American volcano because he constantly fumed and regularly erupted. And of course, I thought of John.”

Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat from Illinois stated;

“Typical John McCain, A volcanic temper, but an embracing loving approach when it came to friendship.”

Senator Ben Sasse, Republican from Nebraska explained;

“After he was released, he wanted to make sure that he spent all of his time on big things. His impatience, his volcanic temper, flowed directly from the fact that he thought that life was too short to waste on the small stuff.”

These and numerous other statements reveal McCain’s temperament as it is symbolically reflected in his Neptune Sabian Symbol degree, 16 Virgo 08, A volcano in eruption.  Here is where a symbol’s phantasmal imagery affects actuality. In uncanny fashion, members of Congress and friends, described the statesman’s nature as “volcanic,” just as it is stated in the symbol itself. The symbol’s description, as Jones composed it, describes in detail the motives behind the native’s excessive emotional reactions, especially as it relates to the “mobilization of his deeper potentials.” And just as Senator Sasse concluded, the frustrations the native suffered were born of the need to achieve success with issues of grave public concern.

Neptune’s Sabian Symbol, 17 VIRGO,  A volcano in eruption. In Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones writes:

This is a symbol of that constant expansion of self and nature which constitutes reality in its most fundamental terms, emphasized here on the side of physical force and the blind urge of life to continue to be. Implicit in the wonder and destructiveness is man’s ease of self-recovery in the critical phases of his experience, often aided by the sheer violence with which he acts to meet some major issue. His irresistible outbursts may be merely the total mobilization of his deeper potentials. The keyword is EXPLOSION. When positive, the degree is creative passion as a rejection of superficiality and a genuine ordering of self, and when negative, petulance and tantrums.

THE CANCER DIAGNOSIS reported the details of McCain’s threatening diagnosis (11);

“McCain was scheduled for a regular physical on Friday, July 14, 2017,  at the  Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale Arizona. The brain scan, that McCain had undergone during his physical, had discovered something. He underwent surgery several hours later. And then a few days later, it was revealed that the blood clot was a primary brain tumor.”

During the discovery of the brain tumor, the fast-moving planets identified the timing of this event and linked the nuances of activity with the greater development of the slower celestial bodies. The swift movers fill in the details as the outer orbiting planets create the base-note foundation of experience.

Before the diagnosis of cancer on July 14, 2017, were several developing aspects involving the Sharp Destiny. Progressed Saturn was retrograding toward the closure of the five-degree aspect gap it had with natal Jupiter at birth, and at the same time was tightening its opposition with natal Neptune. Transit Saturn was also retrograding toward a station, that in the following month, would square its natal position within one degree. Transit Uranus was in a tight square with natal Pluto, and transit Neptune’s subtle effects were operating through an opposition to its own natal location. These compelling Dynamic aspects, to and from powerful outer planets, point to the seriousness of events, as they made an impact on the native’s health at the time.

Looking at the finer details of Dynamic charting, are the very effective and developing transit-to-progressed aspects of import. When McCain was informed of his rare and aggressive cancer, transit Pluto was retrograde, and moving to meet with the progressed Moon at the exact same degree and minute, 18 Capricorn 1. Also, at the time of the diagnosis, the speedier transit of Mars was approaching a conjunction with natal Pluto. Thirteen months later, on August 28, 2018, the same Mars would station-direct in exact opposition to Pluto, announcing the native’s passing that took place four days earlier. Mars’ potent forces joined the overall buildup of the slower orbiting planets, and all gave warning of the impending fatality of the illness.


Ironically, at the time of McCain’s advancing illness, the Affordable Care Act was under scrutiny in the Senate. McCain’s own health concerns alerted him to make a profound statement by voting to defeat the bill to repeal the ACA. McCain’s thumbs-down vote was the decisive factor that resulted in the law’s continuance, although he had a history of disdain for it.(12)

Peter W. Stevenson from the Washington Post, relays the nuances of the historic congressional vote.

“In the early hours of July 28, 2017, Sen. John McCain slowly walked onto the floor of the Senate. It was a vote, for the GOP’s “skinny repeal” bill, — a measure that would have permanently repealed the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, among other provisions.  . . . As McCain’s turn to vote arrived, the Senate clerk nodded at him. The Arizona Republican paused, then gave a dramatic thumbs down, eliciting gasps from the Democratic side of the chamber, and grim looks of resignation from the GOP leadership, that had spent the past few hours trying to get him to change his mind.”(13)

The planetary configurations in the early hours of July 28th, just two weeks after his devastating diagnosis and surgery, were similar to those that were active during events on July 14th. Additionally, progressed Mars was in close conjunction with natal Mercury, giving impetus to take decisive initiative as a result of serious thought to the issue at hand. The maverick politician made the difficult decision “hard” aspects propose, and voted against what his fellow Republicans favored. His conscious concern on behalf of average Americans can be traced to the influence of the Sharp Destiny that solidified his commitment to his high ideals. He demonstrated his devotion to the welfare of others through the protest-vote against what he deemed a renegade Congress and administration.

McCain’s health was continually challenged throughout his life. He suffered permanent injuries from being tortured, had recurring bouts of skin cancer, and was finally diagnosed with the cancer that took his life. The Sabian Symbols have already proven to be revealing when pointing to McCain’s “volcanic” temper. Here again, they are highlighted, this time by Uranus at 9 Taurus 30, in the degree of A Red Cross nurse, as another example of the remarkable concurrence between symbolic imagery and actuality.

Like Jupiter, Uranus is also Point Focus, because it is the squaring participant of a T-Cross with the Moon and Mars in opposition. When in Point Focus, a Sabian Symbol’s meaning is amplified. A Red Cross nurse articulates clearly, the ideals McCain embraced and expressed in so many concerns during his life, including the now-legendary thumbs down vote that gave longevity to the ACA as established during the Obama administration.

Uranus 10 Taurus,

A Red Cross nurse  This is a symbol of human service, on the ideal or spiritual side, and it emphasizes the greatest of all roads to self-realization. The steadiness of concern, for the more extreme needs of others, is dramatization of the most consistent opportunity for the self to become momentarily a phase of all-self, and through that universal experience, to become more satisfactorily whatever it wishes to be on its own account. The keyword is ENLISTMENT. When positive, the degree is a complete dedication of the self, to the worthwhile and enduring projects through which it can lose all sense of separateness, and when negative, a superficial pretense of humanitarianism, in order to gain transient importance.


The Sabian Symbols examined thus far, have illustrated McCain’s outer persona as well as his deeper stirrings. A volcano in eruption points to his turbulent temperament while A Red Cross nurse celebrates his empathy toward others. Surprisingly, there are several nautical images that literally speak of the native’s naval background. The three symbols with brief comments are below. The degrees are rounded up to the following degree.

Moon, 3 Aquarius:

A deserter from the navy  This is a symbol of human independence carried to a point of extreme rebellion against things as they are, here emphasized in disregard of all consequences, for the sake of an immediate liberation of the spirit. There is a demand for a more rewarding expression of individuality, and the reversed symbolism suggests that any late acceptance of full and personal responsibility for life, is better than none at all. Except as man creates his own allegiances, his destiny holds no depth. The keyword is DEFIANCE. When positive, the degree is genuine psychological courage, in a repudiation of all meaningless loyalties, and when negative, complete inability to follow the rules of any game.

Though never a deserter, the Moon’s degree, alludes to the time when McCain was a P.O.W. The symbol reflects his impassioned refusal, to surrender to the communist dogma he witnessed in the autocratic North Vietnamese regime. The symbol’s original version, from Jones’s 1925 mimeographed series, expresses the degree in more detail; A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of the dawning truth, that freedom is never the result of compromise. McCain held to his integrity and resisted any compromise with the enemy while in prison, and again, later, when in contention with his peers on the floor of Congress.

The second symbol to review is An old sea captain rocking, and it is extraordinary because it mirrors the native’s actual rank in the navy. McCain retired as a captain in 1981, but maintained a longing to return to Vietnam, to come to terms with the trauma of his once harrowing internment.

Mars, 13 Leo:

An old sea captain rocking  This is a symbol of man’s great love for reliving his experiences in memory, and of his gift for achieving a mastery, in advance of whatever new situations he may face, by bringing all the ramifying relationships to a focus, in a personal and competent grasp of their more pertinent potentialities. He fights the battles of the world in his imagination over and over again. He knows that events repeat themselves, and so may be brought in leash. The keyword is RETROSPECT. When positive, the degree is each person’s unlimited capacity for calling up afresh, the powers he has gained in his struggle toward self-fulfillment, and when negative, insensibility to present reality, in a full surrender to the past.

The old sea-captain’s wish was fulfilled in April 2000, when he arrived in Hanoi, to review his past, and assist in the reconciliation, of the two governments that had been at war decades prior. He told reporters at an airport news conference, “I put the Vietnam War behind me a long time ago . . . I harbor no anger, no rancor.”(14) It was his “capacity for calling up afresh, the powers he gained through struggle,” as cited in the symbol, that gave him the fortitude to overcome justifiable resentments he held toward his prosecutors.

The 3rd and last maritime symbol to discuss is established by elevated Jupiter. Its influence is outstanding because of Jupiter’s distinction as both Point and High Focus and because of its participation in the all-important Sharp Destiny.  The symbol speaks of McCain’s unrelenting ambition which was fulfilled by his political career.

Jupiter, 16 Sagittarius:

Seagulls watching a ship  This is a symbol of the spirit’s demand for its full share in the privileges and rewards of human society, and of the individual’s realization that his personal interests are served only as he maintains an unceasing vigilance in his own behalf. There is a continual, and wholly impersonal give and take, in every phase of life’s overall economy, so that what loses its usefulness in one respect, will gain an immediate high potentiality in another. Moreover, what man fails to claim definitely for himself, is promptly surrendered to the devices of someone else. The keyword is ALERTNESS. When positive, the degree is a gift for recognizing every opportunity at hand, and when negative, aimless expectation.


John McCain died of brain cancer on August 25, 2018, just four days before his 82nd birthday. Referring to the title of McCain’s book, Character is Destiny.(15) Democrat, and former Vice President Joe Biden, in his speech at McCain’s funeral, said, “Character is destiny. John had character.” When asked to explain McCain’s character to those not knowing him well, Biden continued,  “He lived by a code where honor, courage, integrity, and duty were alive. . . Underlying values animated everything John did, everything he was.  He’d part company with you if you lacked the basic values of decency and respect.   Biden’s words paraphrase Jones, as they express the Jupiter-Saturn square’s positive encouragement to, “fight continually for ideals, and to tear oneself apart on behalf of a cause of real significance.”

The most significant astrological event, at the time of McCain’s passing, is shown in the ephemeris for 1936. Counting 82 days after birth shows progressed Saturn had arrived to station direct at 15 Pisces 47. The station in real-time was exact on December 19, 2017, and corresponds to the diagnosis of the native’s illness five months previously, and with the death that resulted eight months later. A liberal time allowance is given to ultra-slow stations when pairing them with earthly events.

Progressed stations are powerful, and are indicators of life-changing experiences. But their significance intensifies, when in tight aspect with natal planets. In this unique case, Saturn’s station emphasized the completion of its square with natal Jupiter, and became the high point of the Sharp Destiny’s promise; signaling the last opportunity for the aspect to express its deep meaning. McCain had gained mastery over the destined square, that “followed” him throughout the years. In acknowledgment of the good reputation he worked so hard to achieve, he was given the rare honor, to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol. It was the decision of congressional leaders from both parties, calling McCain, “a great American patriot, a statesman, who put his country first, and enriched this institution through many years of service.”

In his youth, McCain was inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s protagonist in the 1940 novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls, (16) which sourced its title from the 17th-century poem by John Donne, wherein the poet professes the vital interconnectedness of society;

“Any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind. And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

McCain revisited the story numerous times during his life, as it presented a complex war of ideologies with which he easily identified. It paralleled his own experience, and became the seed of his growing embrace of a cause greater than himself, that came in the form of American values and probity of spirit.

McCain writes his parting words in his last book The Restless Wave:

“The bell tolls for me. I knew it would. So I tried, as best I could, to stay ‘apart of the main.‘ I hope those who mourn my passing, and even those who don’t, will celebrate as I celebrate a happy life, lived in imperfect service, to a country made of ideals, whose continued service is the hope of the world.”(17)

The Sharp Destiny endowed John McCain with the “right stuff” to become the hero and role model for which he is ultimately known. The bravery he demonstrated as a naval airman and captive, and in his public service thereafter, are a testament and encouragement for future generations of Americans of both political persuasions to aim for their highest aspirations.

“Glory belongs to the act of being constant to something greater than yourself, to a cause, to your principles, to the people on whom you rely, and who rely on you in return.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        John Sidney McCain III



Chart Data – Chart wheels sourced through Matrix WinStar 6.0 software. Tropical, Placidus Houses.

John McCain, August 29, 1936, 6:25 PM, Colon, Panama – Rodden Rating AA, BC/BR in hand.

Capture by the North Vietnamese, October 26, 1967, 12:48 PM, Hanoi, Vietnam. Online resource, See:

Release from prison, March 14, 1973.

Cancer Diagnosis, July 14, 2017, 8:00 AM, Scottsdale, Arizona. Doctor’s appointment. See:

Affordable Care Act – Repeal Vote, July 28, 2017, 1:30 AM, Washington, D. C… See:

Date of death, August 25, 2018, 4:28 PM, Cornville, Arizona. See sidebar:

References and Notes (Online references accessed August to December 2018)

1., The Problematic Things Senator McCain Has Done During His 35-year Career in Politics, See: ttps://

2., Three flight accidents, See:

3. and, McCain’s flight record, October 6, 2008, See: and

4. Marc Edmund Jones, The Essentials of Astrological Analysis, Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood, Washington, first edition 1960, p. 125.

5. The Essentials of Astrological Analysis, the Jupiter-Saturn square p. 125; conjunction p. 122; opposition, p. 124; sextile, p.127; trine, p. 126; no major aspect, p. 123.

6. Dynamic aspects are transits and progressions to the natal chart, including planetary stations.

7., McCain’s account of the times before his release, See:

8. Marc Edmund Jones, Astrology, How and Why it Works, Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood, Washington, first edition 1955, p. 308.

9. Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood, Washington, first edition 1953.

10. Excerpt remarks: Rhode Island Democrat, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, C-SPAN2, 8/28/18; Illinois Democrat, Senator Dick Durbin, C-SPAN2, 8/28/18; Nebraska Republican, Senator Ben Sasse, C-SPAN2, 8/28/18.

11., Aug 26, 2018, See:

12., McCain’s history on health care, See:

13., The ACA Senate vote, See:

14., McCain’s return visit to Vietnam, April 25, 2000, See:—hails-dawning-of-a-new-era.html

15. John McCain, Character is Destiny, Penguin Random House LLC, October 25, 2005.

16. Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, October 21, 1940.

17. John McCain, The Restless Wave, Published by Simon & Schuster, May 22, 2018.


CHALLENGE OF THE SHARP DESTINY – Anthony Bourdain, 1956 – 2018

Celebrity chef, Anthony Bourdain, took his own life on the evening of June 7th, or in the early hours of June 8th, 2018. His body was found in his hotel room in Kaysersberg France, while on location for the shooting of an episode of his popular television series Parts Unknown. Bourdain was a writer extraordinaire who artfully introduced his audience to exotic cultures through the lens of gastronomy.

Astrologers use diverse methods to analyze the components of a natal horoscope and then note the transits and progressions that set their findings into motion. The examination of Anthony Bourdain’s chart focuses on a small segment of the wheel to draw attention to what is called the Sharp Destiny. It is identified in his case by the square between Jupiter and Saturn. The technique is part of a collection of advanced procedures that were developed in the mid-20th century by astrologer par excellence, Marc Edmund Jones.  The Sharp Destiny explains Bourdain’s early struggles in life but also contributes to his growth and later successes. Failures and achievements are both born of this challenging aspect, and a native is clearly at an advantage when recognizing the blessing of its presence in the chart and works to actualize its elevated purpose.

Marc Edmund Jones

In his  Essentials of Astrological Analysis, Jones gives startling insight into the psyche of anyone with this aspect, and no exception is found in the life of the charismatic chef and storyteller, who would have benefited greatly from the following description.

JUPITER AND SATURN IN A  SQUARE ASPECT, indicate an ordering of life’s fundamental motives, through which the native usually suffers very immediate consequences of the least neglect or abuse of his own potentials. He finds he must fight continually for the ideals in which he has come to take the most consistent interest, and also learns that his conscious well-being is wholly dependent on the moral struggles in which he becomes involved almost inevitably at every stage of his experience. If he does not relish the days in which he seems torn to pieces in self-uncertainty, he must discover ways to tear himself apart deliberately, and in equally painful fashion, on the behalf either of some cause of real significance or some conception that he can dramatize through his own being. Personal existence under this configuration can become either great opportunity, or else a gradual disintegration of the soul in the very core of itself. (1)

The lifelong tension between the energies of Jupiter and Saturn is the celestial factor that brought Bourdain’s attention to the anxiety and feelings of guilt he struggled with when weighing moral concerns of right and wrong.  In his own words,  . . . “oh God, whatever I did yesterday is really shameful and embarrassing, and that’s the story of a lot of my life . . . I’m constitutionally unable to wake up in the morning and to know that the show we did was really cynical, stupid and I don’t  care if people like it.”(2)  Bourdain was prone to confront his actions in hindsight, and those feelings of guilt are the mark of the Sharp Destiny’s ultra self-reflection. He was unaware that periodic crises were provoked by the square of Jupiter and Saturn and lacked an understanding of the forces at play. This left him at a disadvantage when dealing with his sensitivities and insecurities, and so at an early age, he sought solace through drugs and alcohol.

Addiction can be compulsive escapism that becomes a hindrance to true self-discovery, and for the person with a Sharp Destiny, the urgency to find answers is very real. In the face of formidable challenges, Bourdain admitted to taking a good hard look in the mirror and saw someone deep inside who was worth saving. He candidly opened up in an on-screen therapy session about his past substance abuse by stating,  “Something was missing in me. Whether it was a self-image situation, whether  it was a character flaw … some dark genie inside me, that I very much hesitate to call a disease, led me to dope.”(3)

The Sharp Destiny acts as a reality check that makes the native uncomfortably aware of personal shortcomings. Bourdain often showed traits of humility and compassion but also was a self-confessed narcissist, and his self-defeating “bad-boy” demeanor blocked the utilization of transformative principles he was exposed to through Buddhism. One can view the Sharp Destiny as a celestial non-doctrine incentive encouraging personal growth, however, in spite of periodic revelations the native was left to battle his “demons” on an ongoing basis.


Jones’ innovative techniques were based on early astrological practices, and he expounds on them in his writings to give a deeper and more comprehensive scope to chart interpretation. In his chapter on Self-Ordering in the Essentials, he begins by pairing the planets into four distinct departments of Self-Determination.(4) Each departmental pair is then assessed for a possible major aspect between their positive and negative significators. To complete the analysis, with what Jones calls the  Mode of Self-Integration, he pits two pairs in major aspect against two that are not, to define how a native psychologically approaches external circumstances and opportunities. The four planetary departments of Self-Determination are,

1) The Sun and Moon of Vitality, as the organic will-to-be of the Greater Light, coupled with the  Lesser Light’s emotional response to its surroundings.

2) Jupiter and Saturn, as they define the soul’s personal Motivation through Jupiter’s enthusiastic outreach, paired with Saturn’s complimentary sober self-restraint.

3) Mars and Venus are paired to establish Efficiency in experience, through the initiative of Mars in concert with Venus’s gratifying completion.

4) And Uranus and Neptune, the planets of Significance, as they work together to encourage the elevation and expansion of consciousness.

Mercury and Pluto are supernumerary and are not active in this departmental categorization.


Each planetary department is vital for a well-rounded involvement in the business of everyday living. However, it is the role of Jupiter and Saturn, as the department of Motivation, to introduce to the native, the responsibility to develop self-awareness and personal accountability. Their process unfolds the necessary foundation for higher consciousness, represented by Uranus and Neptune, which are the planetary pair of Significance. The prominence, or lesser influence, of the department of Motivation in the chart, is determined by the major aspects between them, signifying whether life is lived through a Sharp or Loose Destiny.

An aspect allowance between Jupiter and Saturn has an orb of 10 degrees. A Sharp Destiny is identified when the pair of Motivation is in conjunction, square, or opposition, with each aspect characterized by its own definition. These formidable aspects produce continuous self-monitoring, which should lead to a dedication to high moral standards.(5) A Loose Destiny is found in the chart with Jupiter and Saturn in sextile, trine, or not in major aspect, allowing the native to be more relaxed in the judgment of their own or others’ acts and attitudes, and with relative freedom from the pressures of environmental influence.(6)

The contribution of the Sharp and Loose Destiny, as they relate to all other chart configurations, helps form the basic differences in personal life potentials. Jones elaborates, “The fundamental distinction is between the life with its course rather well-determined at birth, or before, and the one where there is little preset in its development.”(7)


Using the Placidus house system, the chart shows natal Saturn in the 4th house of the soul’s deeper impulses as it applies in square to Jupiter near the cusp of the 2nd house of personal and financial resources. The aspect is in a mere 45 minutes of separation. Natal Pluto conjuncts Jupiter with an orb of 1 degree 13 minutes, and at the same time applies in square to natal Saturn with an orb of only 28 minutes. Pluto’s intimate participation in the square, buttresses the effects of the Sharp Destiny and greatly amplifies its over-all power in the chart. Its presence in close contact with Jupiter increased Bourdain’s already good fortune and was the indicator of his at times brutal honesty, considering one of Pluto’s keywords is Probity. This formation of planetary influences reveals a portion of the native’s promise in natal terms, but it is the transits and progressions to this unique configuration, that signal the timing of events that propel its potentials toward self-actualization. Natal Venus, Sun and Neptune flank the complex square with sextiles that ease an otherwise solely tense situation.

PROGRESSIONS to the Jupiter-Saturn Square

The activation of the Sharp Destiny in Bourdain’s chart focuses primarily on Saturn and Pluto as they transition from natal characteristics to the roles they play as Dynamic catalysts. Natal planets, within their aspect networks, manifest on a subtle level throughout life, but the promptings of transits and progressions put the native on alert to deeper possibilities latent within. Saturn and Pluto awakened the full force of the Sharp Destiny with three important progressed aspects. In chronological order, they are; a progressed Saturn station direct, the progressed Pluto conjunct natal Jupiter, and progressed Saturn square natal Pluto.

The Progressed Saturn Station Direct  

Progressed stations mark pivotal life changes even when they are not in close aspect with natal planets, which are a prerequisite for transit stations. Whether turning retrograde or direct, a  progressed station signals a halt in time and space, to change and rearrange things in life’s ever-pressing journey. According to Jones, “The phenomenon in the secondary directions, always identifies a subtle or psychological shift in the fundamental course in life, such as requires a critical regrasp of experience.”(8)

Neptune, Venus, Saturn, and Mars, all stationed in Bourdain’s progressions during his lifetime, stationing at ages 14, 19, 36 and 47, respectively. In this chart interpretation, the focus is on the station of Saturn, because it takes part in the formation of the Sharp Destiny.

Saturn was retrograde at Bourdain’s birth and was separating from its square with Jupiter for 36 years when at that time it stationed to go direct. After turning direct, it is calculated to complete its square with Jupiter at the age of 82, when it arrives at 22 Scorpio 57. Since this is beyond the span of the native’s lifetime, the climactic potentials of this chart’s primary feature will not be a part of this delineation.

On September 3, 1991, Saturn stationed to go direct at 26 Scorpio 10, approximately 36 days after birth, and corresponds to age 36, the time of the native’s dramatic career advancement. The progressed station is shown in an ephemeris on July 31, 1956. Stationary planets are effective for a period of time, before and after the exact pause in their motion. The slowly developing station of Saturn tracked Bourdain’s evolution from dishwasher and line cook to executive chef. He matured into his new position by realizing his latent integrity, enabling him to live up to more demanding responsibilities. Jessica Lindsay of Metro News stated, “By 1992, Bourdain was executive chef at Manhattan’s Brasserie Les Halles, where he remained for a number of years.”(9) This advancement corresponds with a station going direct, marking an outward step in life, rather than an inward withdrawal, synchronous with how a station retrograde would manifest. It was rewarding for one who had long paid his dues, to be elevated as overseer of the then prominent New York brasserie. Jones further explains a progressed station,  “. . . it often proves to be an adjustment over an appreciable span of time, whether marked by some single sharp event of easy identification, or by a complex syndrome of changes of less obvious interrelation.”  The turning point in the early 1990s came from both a single event and a tireless work-ethic over an appreciable span of time. Menial labor, at last, gave way to an illustrious and prosperous career.

The Progressed Pluto Conjunct Natal Jupiter

Pluto’s ultra-slow movement in its orbit of the Sun can have only limited Dynamic contacts with natal planets during the span of a lifetime. However, in Bourdain’s chart, Pluto is already in close conjunction with Jupiter and has only a short distance to progress to complete its aspect. The conjunction was exact on March 11, 2000, occurring at age 44, when the Greater Benefic, prodded by powerful Pluto, launched him from executive chef to become one of the world’s most influential and celebrated food and travel television hosts.

The progression synchronizes with Bourdain’s groundbreaking article, Don’t Eat Before Reading This, published in the April 1999 issue of The New Yorker Magazine. The article opened the door that year for his tell-all book and best-seller,  Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly.(10)  These writings marked the author’s rise from relative obscurity to fame and fortune. About his past difficulties and new-found fortune, Bourdain told Wealth Simple,  “I didn’t put anything aside, ever. Money came in, money went out. I was always a paycheck behind, at least. I usually owed my chef my paycheck: again, cocaine. Until I was 44, I never even had a savings account.”(11) And in  Kitchen Confidential,  he wrote,  “Only one in four has a chance at making it. And right there, I knew that if one of us was getting off dope, and staying off dope, it was going to be me. I was the guy.”  These statements illustrate Jones’s positive potentials of a Sharp Destiny. For at least 17 years hence, the native tore himself away from financial ineptitude and obsessive drug abuse, for a cause he could dramatize through his creative role as the philosophical wandering gourmet.

The Progressed Saturn Square Natal Pluto

Exact on April 2, 2016, at the age of 60, Bourdain’s progressed Saturn, now in direct motion, completed its square to natal Pluto. Squares in progressions are considered fulcrum because they play the crucial role of giving the native the emotional leverage for change, which Jones described  as “a critical self-mobilization required by the native under the pressure of objective events.”(12)  The characteristics of this particular square correspond to Bourdain’s official split in September 2016, after years of marriage, from Ottavia Busia.

The aspect also marked the start of a new and captivating love affair. In an article in about the parting of ways with Busia, an insider stated, “There was no one else involved.”(13)  It is not certain if that is factual given that shortly after the separation, news reports proclaimed his budding romance with Italian actress Asia Argento, who appeared in the December episode of  Parts Unknown filmed in Rome. Obviously, the couple must have had contact before the episode aired, and although there is no date published for their first meeting, it was undoubtedly before their romance became public, and perhaps closer to the exact date of the life-altering square.

A COMPARISON OF POTENTIALS  – Venus to Pluto Cross Conjunction

In a comparison of charts between Bourdain and Argento, the conjunction and opposition aspects are the important planetary connections to look for when seeking longevity in a relationship. Synastry between the lovers reveals two planetary conjunctions, within, or in the proximity of the allowable 1-degree orb. The first of the two conjunctions to note is Argento’s Venus at 25 Leo 31, as it applies in a 1 degree 8-minute conjunction with Bourdain’s Pluto at 26 Leo 39. Due to Pluto’s proximity to Jupiter, their irresistible mutual attraction drew her sensibilities into the confines and influence of his Sharp Destiny. And here is the astrological validation for the Plutonian obsession displayed by the storyteller toward the actress. His fixation on her alarmed his friends who likened him to a love-struck teenager, as documented in their remarks made to On the positive side, the conjunction stirred Argento to great affection for him, and as a film director, she contributed her artistic Venusian touch to several episodes of Parts Unknown. Bourdain reciprocated with the loyal support of her involvement in the #MeToo sexual abuse movement.

Saturn to Uranus Cross Conjunction

An equally important conjunction is Saturn at 0 Leo 17 in Argento’s chart, applying to Bourdain’s Uranus at 0 Leo 49. This is well within the accepted 1-degree orb allowance. Positioned in the exact same degree, their planets share the Sabian Symbol,  A case of apoplexy.  Both cross pairs between the couple show Argento holding the reins of the relationship because the planets in her chart apply in conjunction with his planets which are separating from their mutual placement.

Interestingly, this contact draws Argento’s Sharp Destiny into the picture with Bourdain’s Uranus in this instance providing stimulus to her own fated square. When both individuals contribute a Sharp Destiny to the relationship, it is cause for some concern. In this case, the tension is exacerbated because their Sharp Destinies are tied through the synastry of the cross pair of her Saturn to his Uranus. Jones explains, “The partnership develops its best potentials for them, as they are able to survive strains and crises that often prove very tragic.”(15) Examples given by Jones are the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby, and the accidental death of Queen Astrid, while married to King Leopold of Belgium.

Without consideration of its tie to Argento’s Sharp Destiny, their Saturn-Uranus pairing, of itself, hints of contrasting proclivities that the natives would need to endure. For her, Saturn leans toward sobering resistance because of their age difference, professional careers, and family obligations, while his Uranus, on the contrary, tends to minimize restraints, as it vies for unconventionality. Apparently, the couple resolved conflicting demands by the agreement to exercise the necessary freedom to pursue their separate careers and lifestyles. This seemingly liberated arrangement and the influence of the duel and linked Sharp Destinies set the stage for the unfortunate tragic end of their relationship.

There is the possibility of a crosstie from Bourdain’s Moon to Argento’s Saturn, however, because the time of birth noted in the Rodden Rating is not taken from a document, but from memory, and considering the tight orb-allowance of one degree, a discussion of this possible opposition will not be explored in this analysis.


Eclipses are transits and are supplemental to the all-important progressions. Together they simultaneously create a complex platform of multi-dimensional experience. There were several solar and lunar eclipses throughout 2017 and 2018 that were interacting with Bourdain’s natal planets. The most impactful was the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, that fell within a few degrees of his Pluto. Besides being a stimulus for his own independent involvement, the eclipse energized the couple’s Venus-Pluto crosstie.

An eclipse that stimulates a shared zodiacal point draws a powerful focus on relationship potentials. It intensifies the interaction characterized by the planet’s meanings, the function of the signs they occupy, and the circumstances of the houses involved. It is likely that the total eclipse lifted the couple to emotional sublime heights, enhanced by demonstrative Leo and its association with the glamour of the entertainment world. They appeared together on the Red Carpet at the Emmy Awards on September 17, 2017, just shy of one month after the total eclipse. Bourdain did not win an Emmy award that year, but the eclipse does correspond to his nomination in five categories.

From the beginning of their relationship in 2016, until its abrupt end in 2018, and not before or after, eclipses were perpetually energizing their ardent crosstie.  With an orb allowance of 5 degrees, there were 4 major eclipse contacts.

The penumbral lunar eclipse on August 18, 2016, opposite the crosstie at 25 Aquarius 52;

The penumbral lunar eclipse on February 10, 2017, conjunct their crosstie at 22 Leo 28;

And more powerfully, the previously noted total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, with its conjunction to the cross tie at 28 Leo 53;

And finally, the partial solar eclipse on February 15, 2018, opposing their crosstie at  27 Aquarius 08.


On May 31, 2018, one week before the suicide, Uranus was transiting Bourdain’s Midheaven at 0 Taurus 49, and was in exact square to its natal position in the 12th house, bringing his hidden inner turmoil into public view. Uranus in transit was also just leaving its conjunction with the progressed Moon as it ingressed into the 10th house at 0 Taurus 4. The progressed Moon also was in square aspect to natal Uranus.

The lineup of challenging progressed Moon aspects appears on the Aspect List from March until June 2018. The progressed Moon alternated between squares to its own natal position, and to natal Uranus for four long months. Moon progressions have a two-month duration, with recognizable events on the days the progressed Moon enters, is exact, and when it leaves its aspect.

Bourdain’s suicide synchronized with the very day on which the progressed Moon was leaving its square to natal Uranus. One month later, Moon progressions turned toward emotionally easier sextiles and trines into early 2020. Had Bourdain been aware of this, perhaps he would have been encouraged to soldier-on. The chart and the Aspect List show the network of aspects leading to June 8, 2018, when Bourdain’s body was found.

Argento was also drawn into this astrological complex with both transiting Uranus and Bourdain’s progressed Moon making a tight opposition to her natal Uranus at 0 Scorpio 37. In addition, her Saturn, linked to Bourdain’s natal Uranus, was also stressed by the square from transiting Uranus, as well as receiving the square from Bourdain’s progressed Moon. While these aspects triggered the couple’s Saturn-Uranus cross pair, the February solar eclipse, still in effect in June, did the same with their Venus-Pluto tie. The eclipse fell in the native’s 7th house of relationships and confrontational challenges, bringing to focus the effects Argento’s infidelity might have on Bourdain’s state of mind. The eclipse was particularly strong, as it was within one minute of an exact square with his natal Saturn – one of the all-important planets defining the Sharp Destiny. All transits and progressions to Bourdain’s Pluto and Uranus affected Argento’s through crosstie, simultaneously activating their Sharp Destinies at the time of his death. 

The most visible event related to their mutual aspects near the time of the suicide is the publication of the compromising photographs of Argento with French-reporter Hugo Clement, taken by photographer Agostino Fabio, as they strolled affectionately down the streets of Rome. Paparazzi photographer, Rino Barillari, also took photos of them dancing after dinner at a well-known restaurant-bar. When Argento realized they had been photographed, she asked him to delete the images from his camera. She was obviously aware that if the images were in print or online, they could be seen by Bourdain, who might find them disturbing, in spite of her claim that they had an open relationship. Barillari did not delete them and they were promptly published, going viral on June 5, 2018, just days before Bourdain took his own life. After hearing of Bourdain’s death, Barillari expressed regrets for having sold them for publication and then pulled them from the internet. He told Italian newspaper  La Verità, “A picture is not worth a life. If that shot triggered suicide, this would make me suffer.”(16)

In an interview with Daily Mail, Argento said, “I understand that people wanted to blame me because he was so deeply loved, and he entered the hearts of so many people. Do people need to think he killed himself for something like this? He had cheated on me too. It wasn’t a problem for us.”(17)

Bourdain however, was prone to letting even minor things get under his skin. In his Argentinian Parts Unknown episode of 2016, he revealed,  “I will find myself in an airport, and I’ll order an airport hamburger. It’s an insignificant thing, it’s a small thing, it’s a hamburger, but it’s not a good one. Suddenly, I look at the hamburger and I find myself in a spiral of depression that can last for days.”  In that episode, he also expressed having trouble communicating with people he cared about. And unfortunately, he did not confide in chef and close friend Eric Ripert, who was with him on location in Kaysersberg, nor did he reach out to his lover before his suicide, though according to rumors he had been showing signs of distress for some time. 

A more penetrating understanding of the Saturn-Uranus dynamic between Bourdain and Argento is revealed in the following Sabian Symbol.

LEO 1  A case of apoplexy.  From his Sabian Symbols in Astrology.

This is a symbol of an overwhelming potentiality, and of an ever-pressing necessity for genuine self-establishment and personal stability.  Implicit in the reversed symbolism is man’s complete lack of inhibition in his everyday make-up, together with his ability to mobilize all his powers, and even risk his own existence rather than accept any thwarting of his desires.  Here is emphasis on the unbroken continuity between being and doing, or between identity and its continual manifestation of itself. The keyword is IRRESISTABILITY. When positive, the degree is creativity in the day-by-day expression of the self’s real possibilities, and when negative, thoroughgoing self-indulgence and imposition on others.

The pressure of squares by transits and progressions to this particular degree on the day of his passing undoubtedly figures in with Bourdain’s act of self-inflicted violence. The original symbol is described as,  A fat, and normally good-natured little man of affairs, is red to bursting with a determination to have his own way.  Although this is far from a literal description of either of the natives, the symbol does suggest that there was for both, an irresistible drive to achieve what they wanted at all costs, even to the extent that they would literally live out the negative description of the symbol, and forfeit life itself, as Bourdain did, for yet an undisclosed reason. But one can safely assume that there were thwarted desires to contend with, as the symbol implies.

Sadly, no one can know for certain what the cause of suicide might be when there is little forewarning, and no note left behind. However, the series of unyielding and stressful aspects to the couple’s crossties, give the impression that the indiscreet photographs were among the concerns on the native’s mind in the days before his death. While one cannot entirely dismiss Argento’s influence on Bourdain’s emotional state in June 2018, it is not the objective of astrology to find the cause or to place blame, but to note synchronicity between aspects and experience, with the limited knowledge available. In the words of Marc Edmund Jones,  “Astrology is the science of probability.” Although aspects may present a tempting scenario, the ultimate truth lies in the heart of he who has passed. Sadly, Bourdain gave way to the negative propensities described by the Sharp Destiny, as a result of the inability to rise to the challenge of its better potentials.


Because of Saturn’s fundamental role in the Sharp Destiny, and its importance as a progressed station in midlife, and its fulcrum square to Pluto, it warrants a mention of the most illuminating Sabian Symbol in the chart. Rounded to 28 Scorpio, natal Saturn is in the degree of The king of the fairies approaching his domain.  In its original draft, published in mimeographed form in 1925, the symbol is more explanatory; A pageant of fairyland is made visible to mortal eyes; the king of the little people is welcomed to his domain.

There is a  “handful of elfin concepts,”  as described by Marc Edmund Jones, among the 360 images that collectively are the Sabian Symbols. Included are, A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy, Brownies dancing in the setting sun, Two fairies on a moonlit night, A man dreaming of fairies, and King of the fairies approaching his domain.  Of these five, King of the fairies holds a unique place in the series, by describing the sovereign of the community of elfin characters also known as the “little people.”

In his Essentials, Jones elaborates on these images when delineating the Sun degree of Prince Charles of England, explaining that the degrees,  “. . . carry an implication of otherworldliness, or of some psychological exemption from the common limitations of mediocrity, such as is the plague of all too many members of the human family.”  He continues to elucidate,  “that one cannot ever live for himself, but instead, must exist as a special incarnation of some social ideal. He must be the imaginative reality, in which others may have their particular self-fulfillment, and he  essentially  becomes a myth figure.”(18) This is truly how so many in Bourdain’s audience viewed him, as they lived vicariously through his travels and compelling commentary.

SCORPIO 28,  The king of the fairies approaching his domain

This is a symbol of the eternal promise underlying all inner self-realization, since any actual fullness of life is altogether independent of the passing state of affairs in a world of time and space. Implicit in the symbolism is the futility of man’s common reliance on people and things through some mere accident of contact. Outer reality takes the form with which he endows it as he exercises his sovereignty over its various potentials in the creative realms of his own imagination. The keyword is ALLEGIANCE. When positive, the degree is a special competence of inward vision, and a consequent outward perspective of high effectiveness, and when negative, capricious self-indulgence.

This description expounds on Bourdain’s imaginative writings of his worldwide travels and his intimate relationship with food. All limitations aside, Bourdain emanated an enchanting persona with which these special degrees endow an individual. His fans and followers honored him with the ultimate homage that was due a king, or at the very least, a great storyteller on the world stage. Everyone, everywhere, welcomed him into their realm and into their homes, and ultimately, into their hearts. His audience felt blessed to journey with him, whether on-screen or in some far-off parts unknown.


Low plastic stools, cheap but delicious noodles, cold Hanoi beer. This is how I’ll remember Tony. He taught us about food — but more importantly, about its ability to bring us together, to make us a little less afraid of the unknown. We’ll miss him.”

– Barack Obama, June 8, 2018


Chart Data and notes

Anthony Bourdain, June 25, 1956, New York, NY at 8:35 AM. Rodden Rating A – from memory.

Asia Argento, September 20, 1975, Rome, Italy at 8:07 AM. Rodden Rating AA – quoted BC/BR.

Date of death, June 8, 2018, Kaysersberg, France. Time unknown.

Ephemeris images used with permission from Alois Treindl,

Chart wheels sourced through Matrix WinStar 6.0 software. Tropical, Placidus Houses

References and Online Resources (accessed from July to October 2018)

1. Marc Edmund Jones, The Essentials of Astrological Analysis, Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood, Washington, first edition 1960. Jupiter-Saturn square, p. 125.

2. Chefs at Google, YouTube, October 20, 2011.


3. Parts Unknown, Argentina episode, June 2016 episode.

See: – segment 14:25

4. The Essentials of Astrological Analysis, Chapter 3, Mode of Self-Integration, p. 151. Self-Determination, pp. 108 -144

5. Sharp Destiny, Jupiter-Saturn, conjunction, p. 122; square, p. 125; opposition, p. 124

6. Loose Destiny, Jupiter-Saturn, sextile, p. 127; trine, p. 126; no major aspect, 123

7.The Essentials of Astrological Analysis, p. 343

8. Marc Edmund Jones, The Scope of Astrological Prediction, p. 49

9. MetroNews.comWho was Anthony Bourdain and what were his best culinary moments? Jessica Lindsay, June 8, 2018.


10. Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2000.

11., March 14, 2017.


12. The Scope of Astrological Prediction, Fulcrum square p.46.

13., Comment, “There was no one else involved.” September 19, 2016.


14. Friends’ comments about the Bourdain-Argento relationship, June 12, 2018.


15. The Essentials of Astrological Analysis, p. 343.

16., Photographer, Rino Barillari statements.


17. Argento’s remarks to, September 24, 2018.


18. The Essentials of Astrological Analysisp. 317.

Book References

Marc Edmund Jones, The Essentials of Astrological Analysis, Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood, Washington, first edition 1960.

Marc Edmund Jones, The Scope of Astrological Prediction, Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood, Washington, first edition 1969.

Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Sabian Publishing Society, Stanwood, Washington, first edition 1953.

Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential:Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2000.

Astrobite – United States Pluto Return

The United States Pluto Return includes a broad spectrum of topics that are included in the meaning of the planet Pluto, but it also incorporates the meanings of the planet as it is influenced by its configurations in the natal chart’s potentials. Pluto in the US chart is involved in a dynamic Mercury-Pluto opposition. Mercury represents mentality and specifically the personal perspective and thoughts concerning individual rights. The concern over Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential elections has brought the issue of each American’s right to vote in the Democratic process.

There are also concerns over women’s health, a woman’s right to choose, and the tense situation building over attempts to overturn Roe versus Wade. Pluto in Capricorn describes the age of old tradition of white, conservative men making decisions for young women, represented by Mercury in the feminine sign of Cancer. The opposition aspect clearly defines the escalating polarity between the powerful ingrained forces against the vulnerable average citizen.

Propaganda is very much a part of the “Pluto effect.” Both subtle and obvious forces influence the object or target to be manipulated. The US chart’s Pluto, opposite natal Mercury, can facilitate the process of exploitation of the average person’s mind and perspective. Propaganda is not necessarily a negative tool, used for one’s own advantage. It can be utilized to bring about positive results as well as being an invasive maneuver to achieve mastery or control over others.

Today’s climate of contention leading up to the Pluto Return reveals diametrically opposed political parties using both truth and lies to gain the attention of their target voter. Facts play a large part in any controversy, however, in today’s concerns many are prone to ignore information that does not bring them the end results they envision. An example, that leads up to the 2020 elections, is revealed when Trump’s followers say that they are unhappy with the details of some of his proposals, but will vote for him in 2020 because on the whole, he is implementing the concepts they embrace. For some, there is a heated contest between good and evil, right and wrong. The founders of the republic had certain goals in mind that are being challenged now, and there is no guarantee that the ultimate truth will prevail. It may just happen that the majority’s vision is realized until there is a balancing of powers that will shift toward the opposite point of view to gain its control and express its dominating objectives.

Ignorance of One – Part 1


A Note on Real/Imaginary Mathematics

Copyright 1953-2020 © by A. Ray Johnson


I. The Fundamentals

APART from metaphysical speculations, there are no more delusive illusions than may be encountered in the field of mathematics, ancient/modern. In mathematics, the complex of Concrete/Abstract comes to its sharpest and also its most diffuse focus. In mathematics, we have the whole field of Illusion/Reality under both microscopic and telescopic observation. Here we are confronted with unlimited Fact and Fancy, with end-less fancies about facts, with equally end-less facts about fancies. It is no wonder that the most fantastic books in English (the Adventures of Alice in Mirror- and Wonder-land) were the works of a mathematician. Fancy is a prime fact in the structure-nature of man, and mathematics is the most systematically abstract product of man’s fancy or re-creative imagination. Poetry and statistics are twins. Tom-toms and adding machines measure the rhythms of peace and war. At the point where fancies and figures meet, history and mystery make their throbbing appearance. Mystics and masters of the high-er calculus, back to back, search the heavens in opposite directions for the unified field formula. The multiplication table, music, and the molecular structure of Form/Energy: Matter discourse along the same course. It is obvious that a definitive answer to the question, What is the relation of count to reality? would involve a solution of the riddle of the universe. To a fun-da-ment-alist, that ought to be fun.

The fun begins in the recognition of the obvious fact that figures are fancies that have no existence in nature save in the heads of mathematicians (who may here be redefined as figure-heads). There are no such things in earth or heaven as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7; search high and low and you will find that figures exist nowhere but in your mind. In concrete nature such abstract operations as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are merely figures of speech. Two white horses times four red-headed girls, four monkeys plus six stars, one hundred cabbages divided by ten kings, forty oysters subtracted from one bed, — such propositions are nonsensical. They are impractical fancies; you can say them, but you can’t really think them: they are as close to Platonic or immaterial ideas as the race will ever come. Two bankers plus two robbers equals four bank-robbers, — this is a formula that can produce nothing more tangible than a ghost or spirit. One teacher of mathematics plus thirty scholars equals a dull half-hour and thirty-one headaches, is a piece of poetry, not a piece of mathematics. Paint the figure 15 in red on the rear end of an elephant, but it won’t change the actual number of elephants in the circus. There may be fifteen elephants in the circus, but they didn’t come into the world with the numbers 1 to 15 stamped on their foreheads.

Search nature: you will never find anything but analogues to mathematical operations and geometrical designs. The closest, visible analogues to geometrical designs are the heavenly spheres and the terrestrial crystals, but there is no tangible evidence that abstract geometry has anything to do with the formation of these concrete forms. The closest analogy to numerical values is music, but it would be difficult to prove that abstract, mathematical formulations enter into the construction of the nodes in the human throat and ear. Atomic structure and the periodic table of the elements would seem to argue that matter embodies mathematical harmonies, but it is obvious that there is nothing abstract about the embodiment. Other analogues to mathematical operations-formulations are readily seen to be nothing but figures of speech. One analogue to addition is growth, and another is the swelling of mountain streams in the course of a heavy rainstorm; you can compute mathematically the growth of a tree or the rise in the volume of a river over the spring months, but abstract addition has nothing to do with the real processes involved in the growth of the tree and the increase in the volume of water in the river.

In nature one analogue to multiplication is generation, but there is nothing at all abstract about the process by which one peach be-comes fifteen annual crops amounting to tens of thousands of peach-es. One male guinea pig times one female guinea pig equals hundreds of guinea pigs, but that, albeit natural sense, is mathematical nonsense. Analogues to division and subtraction are decay, disintegration, erosion, and evaporation; you may also say that the passage of clouds over the sun subtracted a number of degrees of heat from the thermometer: but these are all figures of speech, and are that even if you compose very precise mathematical formulas expounding the processes and the rates of decay, disintegration, erosion, and evaporation. Mathematical formulas dealing with these natural processes are practical fancies: although they leave the actual processes really unformulated, they enable men to deal with the phenomenal, the superficial changes wrought by the processes.

In the regenerative process, cells “add” and “divide”, but both natural operations are biological, not mathematical. As yet there are no formulas reflecting the bio-electro-magnetics involved in syngamy, — the penetration of the egg by the sperm, — and if there ever are any such mathematical formulas they will prove to be fictions about an essentially unformulated reality, — fictions perhaps a little more practical than love stories in “explaining” the sexual process, but not a whit more realistic. Mathematical fictions are useful when elements, compounds, and organic tissue are subjected to artificial analysis-synthesis, but the natural realities thus dealt with remain essentially, or really, unformulated. Mathematical formulations provide men with a wealth of practical information, but with no true understanding of the structure-nature of Matter/Life. And the general failure to realize this fact is of crucial significance. Men generally mistake their fictitious formulas for apprehensions, — even comprehension, — of the realities, and in this are victims of a delusion, — a delusion which, if undiscovered, could destroy the race. Persistent and stubborn ignorance of the fanciful nature of mathematics could be disastrous. The subject is worthy of full attention and thorough inquiry-research. The fundamentals should not be funereal. LET us get a more detailed picture of the interplay of mathematical fancies and natural facts. First, let us consider the mathematical fancies that may be in exact accord with simple, obvious, natural facts. Of this order are the number of eggs in the basket, the number of sheep in the fold, the number of persons in the family, the number of citizens in the town, the number of soldiers in the army. For every unit in these classifications, there may be a real, natural fact; eggs are eggs, sheep are sheep, etc., and each one of these is a natural integer. This kind of mathematics is simple arithmetic, — primitive accounting, — and is very useful in dealing with elementary commercial and communal relationships.

Even so, the numerical fancies have little to do with the real facts, and only the fact that each abstract Fancy can be paired, in a one-to-one relation, with a natural, easily identifiable Fact keeps this basic unreality of arithmetic from being immediately discerned. Consider the superficial realities involved in the simple counting of objects. For example, it is possible that a man could own three hundred sheep without being able to count them. In a primitive society, the reality of his ownership is not at all affected by his inability to count. As a matter of fact, learning to count may confuse him and impair his grasp of the realities. For him to know how many sheep he owns, he must master a relatively abstruse system of abstractions called numbers. To do this, he must bring into correlated play two kinds of fancies about the sheep that graze beneath his eyes on the hill-side. For each sheep he must have both a Concrete image and an Abstract or numerical image. To use these images he must reflect twice and ultimately thrice.

First, he must reflect subjectively each actual sheep; second, he must reflect upon that reflection, — identify it as separated from the general image-idea of many sheep; third, he must mentally affix a numerical-symbolic idea or thought-form to the first two reflections. The first reflection is immediate and factual; every time he sees one of his sheep there is one image in his mind of the sheep. The second reflection is a long step away from the concrete fact in the direction of ideal abstraction; subjectively he divides his Many into two artificial groups, — 1) the one, separated sheep, and 2) the remainder. The third reflection introduces relatively pure abstraction: he assigns a numerical symbol to the counted sheep.

He must be able to project these three steps in abstraction and formulate a series of them, progressively separating the groups of the counted from each other and from the remainder. He must avoid assigning two or more number-fancies to one group of real sheep, and also avoid allotting two or more groups of real sheep to one number-fancy. Though practically useful (especially in exercising and developing the powers of imagination and abstraction), elementary mathematics is really very elusive; at the primitive level, the strong man who can’t count fingers and toes is almost certain to have a more realistic grasp of the sheep situation than the dreamer who can count to a thousand. The technical con-fusion of Concrete reality and Abstract fancy begins on the primitive range, and becomes more and more subtly confusing as men progress in sophistication, civilization, and learned ignorance of their origins. The more you know about fancies the less you know about facts, and the more elaborate your fancies for the superficial control of facts the more likely you are to lose realistic contact with the facts.

The basically fanciful nature of all mathematics becomes more patently evident when we consider artificial, not natural units. There are no grams, centimeters, ounces, pounds, pints, quarts, bushels, horse-power, megatons, or light-years in nature. In the invention of such units of measurement, man took a long stride forward in his characteristic work-play of mixing Abstract-Concrete cocktails. Out in the woods and the fields, there are no inches, feet, miles, acres, or sections. These, and all such fancies, including counties, states, and nations, are pure fancies imposed on natural reality. They possess a secondary reality so long as their inventors score the face of nature with these fictions and abide by the fictions in dealing among themselves with the realities. These fancies enable men to handle space-matter as if the fictions did exist in natural fact. The plastic nature of reality/matter makes it possible for men thus to realize their fancies. (Note this fundamental for future reference.)

Although they love these fancies and often mistake them for true realities, most literates of the modern world, even the most scientifically educated, are able to understand and, under gentle but firm pressure, admit that all the units of artificial mensuration I have just mentioned are pure fancies with no reference whatsoever to any natural realities. This nearly universal but sometimes uncertain and often reluctant sanity disappears, almost totally, at the next level of abstract-concrete, systematic, technical con-fusion. Hardly anyone can realize the essentially fanciful nature of the more complex practical inventions, the ones in which mathematical imagination plays a hidden, though never truly subdominant, role. That houses, automobiles, airplanes, typewriters, skyrockets, cathedrals, telephones, radio, TV, books, H-bombs etc. are, au fond, pure though practical fictions, relatively unreal, is an idea that strikes most minds as having all the earmarks of being a suspicious and probably dangerous foreign-er. They just “don’t get it”, and seldom can be induced to consider it seriously, even for a second.

This point is worthy of some illustration. Men much prefer fanciful fabrications to natural realities, manufactures to living creatures. Tell the proud owner of a Cadillac that his shiny car is a mechanical myth that would disappear from the earth if men did not continue to believe in it and serve it, — then watch with cool and scientific but compassionate eye all the mystical and metaphysical antics the devotee will perform, all the absurd fairy tales he will tell, in the defense and adoration of his sacred cow. (Automobiles in the United States surely are as sacred as cows in India.) The idea that his house is not at least as real as any of the trees that went into its construction would strike a professor of literature as a piece of poetry, unworthy of even such masters of line typical perversity and obscurity as T.S. Eliot, H. W. Auden and e. e. cummings. In truth, all the products of men’s arts and sciences are the practical Idols of the mystique of technology. Their secondary reality is unquestionable. Nevertheless, they are masks that disguise pure fancies, the offspring of the re-creative imagination functioning in relative ignorance of prime reality, the outer children of the inner marriage in confusion of Concrete and Abstract thought.

This note is designed to dissipate the confusion and reveal the real facts in their right relationship, — insofar as fiction about fact can do that. This is a serious/humorous undertaking, a comedy of intellect-ion which could easily become a farce or a tragedy if I fail to realize, at any point in the narration, that I am exorcising fancies with fancies, fictions with fiction. I may not be able to clarify your mind, but at least I should be able to avoid confusing myself.

THE preliminary picture is far from complete. We have yet to survey the somewhat special field of money and the 1-2-3 levels of the Higher Mathematics, but I pause to refocus the attention and more clearly define the scope of observation-inquiry.

I have defined the factor in natural reality that makes it possible for men to realize in local practice their fancies as the Plasticity of Form/Energy: Matter. Protyle is fictile. Hyle is impressionable, and may be molded; it receives and to a ponder-able degree sustains-retains artificial forms. Basically, the relationship between the two, between Art and Nature, is not difficult to observe and understand. Men’s artificial forms and formulas are no more naturally real than the sand-castles built by children at play on the seashore. They are a little more practicable, a little more durable; that is all. The children’s hands, their pails and their shovels are essentially identical with their elders’ mathematical formulas and technological designs. The work of men and the play of children are, at bottom, the same thing, but there is a difference between the men and the children. Children never more than fancy that their sandcastles are real castles, but men are completely deluded by their idols, and only in fits of despair or aberration ever surmise that all their arts and sciences and religions are nothing more real than daydreams.

Man’s infatuation with his fancies is an important fact. The realist who doesn’t realize this is not very realistic. Only facts can really dis-illusion, and so to You who are now reading these words, I say: Before you disagree with me, make sure that it is with Me and not with your own mistaken idea of Me that you are dis-agreeing.

I shall not always do so, but at this point, I am going to call my next shot. I am going to deal with the subject of Money in a somewhat fanciful and disorderly fashion.
Men’s deluded worship of their idols, their absurd adoration of the works of their hands directed by their re-creative imagination, is most easily analyzed and illustrated in a consideration of that masterpiece of mythical-mystic mathematics, Money. In Money, man has come as close as he ever will to manufacturing something that is nothing. Plato shot his immaterial Idea into the Attic air one balmy afternoon two thousand and four hundred years ago; in that hour High Finance was born in the mind of an anonymous Greek, who happened to overhear Plato’s immaterial prattle, and has been going strong ever since. Compared with the nonsensical metaphysics of the mint and the bank, the systems of hyper-spacial hocus-pocus invented by Buddha, Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas, Swedenborg, Calvin, Missus Eddy, and Einstein are infantile. When it comes to converting fancies into facts, Freud and Marx and the Pope are tyros compared to Santa Claus, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the girl at the cash register. If there is any matter in creation in which “there is no life, truth, intelligence or substance”, it is Money. It is far more holy than holy water, and when it comes to stimulating mass action and class consciousness, it reduces the Communist Manifesto to muttering and imbecilic impotence; yet it is a Thing that is next to No-thing, a some-thing like the square of the square root of minus 1. It is mathematics made tangible, “in”finity made finite, pure poetry made ponder-able, — the most popular fanciful fact in the whole Pantheon of technological mystification and practical metaphysics. No one in his right mind would exchange the real figure of a fine horse for the figure 300, whether that number was stamped on a piece of paper or metal or not.

What is the real value of any coin, of any unit in any monetary system? No one has ever been able, no one will ever be able to give any save a purely fanciful and basically nonsensical answer to that question. The only realities involved in the exchange of 1 penny for 1 lollipop are a childish lust for sugar and an adult lust for counterfeit. Money is magic, myth. Its very nature is that it is fiction and has no real value, unless you equate it to the complex of greed-fear-ignorance-superstition-credulity that is its source and substantiation. Its hypo-stasis is irrational faith, — credit. It is the every-day religion in every land. Currency is the bread-and-wine which ceremonious belief transforms into body-and-blood. It is frozen sweat, manufactured muscle, the corporeal ghost of an incorporeal idea. It is a vicious circle of ciphers kept in motion by a ring of enchanted integers. At the highest level it is the hocus-pocus performed by the high priests of financial theology, as insubstantial as a pen-scratch; at the lowest level it is the sacred wafers, the Host made visibly veritable to reassure the unenlightened and half-doubting layman, — the government-banker’s Word made tangible coin so that incredulous Thomases may handle it and be convinced.

It is a system of signs designed to perform the continuous miracle of transubstantiation labor into goods and goods back into labor. It is the imaginative animal’s inability to understand and control his imagination. You cannot eat it, drink it, wear it, or build anything of it, but unless you are a mere animal or an angel you can’t eat, drink, wear or build without it. It is materialized mirage. The mint is the factory that turns out the great fairy tale, Money, the most charming of all fables. It is one with the serpent in the garden of Eden and Balaam’s ass, and greater than any such: though inorganic, it talks. Money is Time, the fourth dimension. Money is counterfeit. It reduces every real fact to a fancy. It is the most obvious proof that men are creatures who believe far more in Fictions than in Reality.

In finance you can observe and study the trinity of human ignorance, — Mathematics the ghost, Machinery the father, Money the son, — in impractical, religious-scientific action. Money is price-less and in-valuable. It is the delusive potential of everything, and you really don’t know any-thing or something until you know the nothingness of money. Men will remain highly civilized savages, very learned idolaters, deluded devotees of technological animism, so long as they are unable to project a communion not dependent upon money, so long as they fail to transcend faith in Fiction and come to a realization of Reality. It is obvious: those who really love lies cannot really know the truth. But man is the imaginative animal. Imagination is a part of the whole of reality, and all illusions, whether objective or subjective, are aspects of reality-imagination. Myths and other lies are re-creative “truths”, which the plasticity of Imagination/-Matter: Reality will substantiate so long as men believe in and serve them. The understanding and control of illusion-imagination is the negative complement of the understanding and control of fact-reality. And one must admit that such a project is not the province of mere poets, priests, professors of physics and politicians.

THE picture of abstract-concrete con-fusion is still far from complete. We have yet to consider the intellectual money current in the constellations of the Higher Mathematics, — in the heavens of the whole shebang of Im-Practical Symbolisms. This upper world is the realm ruled by the metaphysics of science; here we encounter the more rarefied of the systematized fancies employed by men in their Knowledgeable/Ignore-ant endeavors to understand and control themselves and their environment. In this field I define three levels of reference, as follows: 1) the Mathematics of Form, 2) the Mathematics of Energy, 3) the Mathematics of Mathematics.

Geometry is the ancient-modern core of the mathematics of form. The simple elements of geometry are point, line, plane, and solid. All four are meta-physical, seemingly hyper spacial, ideals above or beyond the gross world of real, three-dimensional things. The first three are merely imaginary, — pure abstractions, or, as the more erudite gobblygook has it, conceptions. (Note that term, conception, for subsequent reference.) A point has position (+) but no (-) dimension; it is the first positive-negative in scientific mythology. In the line the negative becomes a trifle more positive; it has length (+) but no (-) breadth or thickness. In the plane the negative becomes still more positive; it has length and breadth (+) but no (-) thickness. In the solid, ideal abstraction-projection becomes perfectly positive; Imagination here apprehends three-dimensional reality. All four are imaginary, and unless Imagination is operative at every point in natural Reality, there is no place in reality, save the head of man, where these elements of geometry may be found. Even in man’s head, they do not exist as defined; you cannot really imagine a non-dimensional point, a two-dimensional plane, a one-dimensional line, a solid composed of these. If you draw them on a three-dimensional blackboard with a piece of three-dimensional chalk, they will be basically three-dimensional objects. You cannot really isolate any one of the dimensions from the other two, or separate all three from anything. Subjectively, these abstractions exist in your concrete, three-dimensional body. By no magic of imagination can you really transcend three-dimensional reality.

At this point, Imagination and Reality, — “Mind” and “Matter”, — squarely confront each other. At any other point in this note, from the first sentence on, I could have engineered such a confrontation, but for two reasons did not choose to do so. First, in the interest of precise and comprehensive communication, I desired to pose this crucial meeting of the prime poles of the field under observation-integration against an elementary, general survey of the Order of the Whole, — against a picture in perspective of the major factors and their relationships. Second, I desired the inevitable confrontation to happen in relation to terms of such a nature as to facilitate exclusion from the focus of your attention of the greatest possible number of distracting associations. For example, had I precipitated the confrontation in relation to money, I would have compelled myself to formulate my exposition in terms most heavily charged with distracting associations. I not only did not choose to make money the verbal lens of focus, but in the interest of a strong contrast, I chose to treat money in a way both frivolous and disorderly. I trust my non-sense about the non-sense of money, — in which I said nothing about the price of labor as correlated with the price of eggs, and also, which is even more to the point, refrained from introducing the factor of symbolism, — will serve to define more clearly the very rigorous order of discourse I am about to indulge and divulge. (If all that I have said thus far does not make sense, it isn’t likely that anything I shall say from this point on will make sense either. So — ) … Now — Mind is the most general term for the subjective half, and Matter is the most general term for the objective half of Reality conceived as an Organic Whole. When Mind squarely confronts Matter, what is the first thing that happens? Answer: Matter is reflected in Mind. The best way to study the results of the confrontation is to conceive of Mind as a living mirror. And the very best way to illustrate this conception is to study a non-living mirror.

II  Reflections and Symbols

IMAGINE a large, clear mirror on the wall of a beautiful drawing-room. Step before this mirror, and examine it systematically. As you do so, realize that your reflective body-mind is face to face with its prime analogue in the relatively impersonal, objective field of overall reality. The mirror is full of images of the things before it, and your body-mind is full of images of the things around it. The mirror and your mind are similar and also dissimilar. (Note this Positive/Negative relationship, for it is a prime factor in the analytic Dis/Integration of Real/Imaginary form-energy.) Let us consider the similarities first.

The mirror is a three-dimensional plate of glass, to the back of which a coat of silver paint has been applied. It is the coat of opaque silver at the back of the glass that transforms the otherwise transparent glass into a relatively perfect reflector of light and the objects before it illuminated by light. The uniform coat of silver together with the uniform transparency of the glass makes the reflective medium, a brilliant blank. The silver is not (-) transparent, but the glass is (+); the two opposites complement each other in structural union to compose a surface-depth capable of reflecting the many different forms of the objects in the drawing-room. The brilliant blankness, the product of a uniform Positive in one-to-one opposition to a uniform Negative, is the mirror’s three-dimensional zero (0), the potential of all reflections. The first, simple facts about the Mind are that it is exactly like the mirror and does exactly what the mirror does. The mind is the reflective function of a three-dimensional body. The uniform darkness of the body’s interior and the uniform sensitivity of its exterior combine to create a reflective medium, basically neutral or “blank”, capable, like the mirror, of receiving and reproducing in-differently all manner of different impressions. The mirror faithfully reflects form-color-motion, and so does the mind; both have a relatively opaque back, and neither one can “see” objects that are not in front of it.

For more similarities, let us now examine the reflections in the non-living mirror. In the mirror is an image of yourself and images of all the chairs, tables, rugs, and other objects in the room back of you. As you stand facing it, the mirror is like a pair of eyes in the back of your head. The images you see in the mirror are so real that, apart from your experience with mirrors, you might mistake them for real objects. Indeed, in their own system of reference they are real objects, — objects tangible to your sense of sight. They are actual models of yourself, the chairs, etc., models created by light reflected in-from the brilliant blankness of a three-dimensional, silver-backed plate of glass. They appear in true but reverse perspective. They possess length and breadth, and a very real illusion of the third dimension. But they are dead images, and have no life apart from the life of the things they represent. Only to the sense of sight are they tangible. You can touch your nose with the tip of your finger, and the image of yourself in the glass will reflect that touch, but you cannot touch the imaginary nose in the real mirror with the tip of a real, not a reflected finger. If you know its powers and its limitations, the mirror is a faithful but non-living witness.

The images in the Mind are very like those in the mirror. Within their system of reference, they are very real; primitives sometimes find it difficult to distinguish between dreams and objective realities, and civilized men find it all but impossible to realize that their artifacts are projected dreams. Mental images or thought-forms are brain-cell patterns created in the electromagnetic field of your three-dimensional body by stimuli originating in the world outside the body-mirror-mind. If you are not one of the unfortunate ones who do not have subjective visual projection, you can close your eyes and see images of all the things around you; just as you cannot touch the images in the wall mirror with your actual hand, so you cannot touch the images in your mind with your actual hand, but, just as a reflected hand will touch a reflected thing in the mirror, so you can touch the images in your mind with the hands of imagination. Provided you know their system of reference and their limitations, the real illusions of mental reflection are faithful models of three-dimensional realities.

These are the first, simple Facts about Fancy, — the first Realities of Imagination, — the first Matters of Mind. The more complex facts about the re-creative imagination come to light in the study of the dis-similarities that distinguish the living from the non-living mirror. The dissimilarities are radical and far-reaching. The reflection in the mental mirror is not only a subjective impression, but an objective projection; you see things by means of a two-in-one reflection, — a reflection that is at once subjective and objective. In this respect, the mind is less like a mirror and more like a motion-picture camera, — a camera that instantaneously takes, develops and projects moving pictures. The universal sensitivity of the mirror is limited to light, but the universal sensitivity of the body-mind is a complex of light-warmth-touch. Moreover, the body-mind-mirror has special organs of sense; it can reflect not only form-color-motion, but sound, savor, and odor. It does not merely mechanically reflect; it (un)consciously re-presents. Unlike the wall mirror, it can retain and recall images. The Vital Factor in the human body-mind transforms reflections into recreations, by a process of conscious awareness. This process is a vital complex of Three orders of progressively integrated reflections: 1) you first reflect the object, producing a subjective image; 2) you reflect on the image, transforming it into a subjective object, from which you abstract properties, qualities, parts; 3) you re-reflect on the image and the original object, a process that establishes Identification and evolves Nomination. These three-in-one orders of conscious reflection amount to re-creation, — the ability to project into the objective field not only images-models of the things in that field, but images and models of things that have their origin, not in the objective field of Nature, but in the subjective field of Art. The first cycle of the re-creative reflective process ends when the Re-creator projects into the objective field an image of the image in his mind of the objective thing. The archetype of this end-product is the Picture. The vital mirror in man 1) sees, 2) reflects, 3) recreates, and 4) projects, — an image, a picture. And the picture, once projected, becomes a symbol of both the objective thing and the subjective image thereof.

In all this, we discover four orders of vital reflection or re-creative reality: 1) the reality of the objective Thing; 2) the reality of the subjective Image; 3) the reality of the subjective-objective Re-Construction; 4) the reality of the projected image conceived of as a Symbol. All four are interdependent, but each is prime in its own field. In none is there anything less or more than three-dimensional. These four-in-one realities are present in any account of anything. You can’t count anything without using these four realities at every point in the process of counting. This is the Re-creative Order of the Whole of Reality, and it is impossible to abstract any of the four-in-one realities and treat it as an isolated reality. As you stand before the mirror on the drawing-room wall, all four of these realities are present in one: 1) there is the objective whole which includes yourself and the mirror; 2) there is the reflection in the mirror; 3) there is your reflection of the reflection in the mirror; 4) there is your re-creation of the Order of the Whole, which includes yourself and the mirror. You are the ONE that integrates the four-in-one recreation of the three-dimensional, objective-subjective universe.

APART from the vital factor which empowers the mind to perform these are creative operations, the whole “mystery” of the relation of the Mind, or subjective field, to the objective field, or Body, is now cleared up. Nowhere in either field can be found anything that is not embodied in some portion of three-dimensional Form/Energy:-Matter. Organic body and organic mind are complementary “halves”of organic matter. Immateriality is unimaginable, and all metaphysics, religious or scientific, is absolutely anoetic.

In arithmetic, mathematics, and geometry, as in mysticism and theology, misunderstanding of reflections, abstractions, and symbols induces belief in ghosts, spirits, pure ideas, and incorporeal principles. There are no body-less entities, — no non-dimensional points, no immaterial powers. All such are products of mirror-land, — reflections, imaginings. All the abstract-symbolic thinking in the universe takes place in concrete heads, and heads that imagine that such no-things have any save a symbolic reference to overall reality are very concrete indeed. You can’t shake hands with your image in the mirror; for this reason, you will never really see a spirit or a ghost, — an event apart from a material eventer.

The prime gimmick in religious-scientific metaphysics is the symbol. The fact that you can write-speak such terms as immaterial, non-dimensional, and infinite might mislead you into opining that there really is something immaterial, non-dimensional and infinite, — If you use these terms, — these verbally manufactured negations, in a positive way, you talk non-sense, not sense. You can forgive the monkey for mistaking his reflection in the mirror for another monkey, but you shouldn’t make the same mistake yourself. (In this, I am patently talking to myself, and the you addressed is my alter-ego; as for you, you are free to do as you please, of course.)

However, the fact that re-creative imagination is a prime function of the human body-mind, which is itself an integral part of the Order of the Whole Universe, is a certain indication that imagination-conception and abstract-symbolic design are involved in the order of Prime Reality. Before the end of this discourse, I shall come to grips with this crucial fact.

There is no Form apart from Energy, no Energy apart from Form. Light, electricity, magnetism, and imagination never manifest themselves save in the three-dimensional manifold. Inseparable form and energy spell matter, — ponderable, three-dimensional some-thing. Reality is some-thing, not no-thing, and matter is the most familiar, general, impersonal term for that some-thing. Matter reflects itself, both in the organic and the inorganic systems of reference. When you look at the moon and its reflection in the still lake, four moons are present, one of which is the real, objective moon, one of which is the real, objective reflection of the moon, the other two of which are subjective reflections, one of the moon itself, the other of its image in the still waters.

That is all that I need to say at this point about the mathematics of form.

COME we now to consideration of the Mathematics of Energy, — to an analysis of the abstract-symbolic models men have invented and use for the exploitation and control of the Power in all real Form. The best introduction to this subdivision of real-imaginary mathematics is a brief history of the evolution and use of abstractions and symbols. The first symbol was a picture. It may have been simple or elaborate. It may have been drawn with a finger in moist sand or with a charred stick on the surface of a flat rock. It represented some object in nature, — a man or another animal. It was an ideal model, an outline reconstruction, and it did not exist in the objective field until the mind-and-hand of man put it there. Its making was accompanied by human sounds. All of man’s arts and sciences were involved in the making of that first picture, and from it, by a process of progressive simplification and stylization, have come all symbols. Obviously, it was not the real object which it merely re-presented, and therefore, even there in the beginning, was nothing more or less than a symbol. And it is significant to note how intimately related the ultimate symbols are to the first pictures and to all form, abstract or concrete.

T was involved in the first picture of a tree, and so was Y; M was somewhere in the first picture of mountains; W was there in the first picture of waves; H was part of the first plan for a house; O was the first picture of the sun; S is still a pretty good picture of a serpent; and I, the straight line, the universal symbol for one or first, was in them all. All that man, — first or last, — thinks, says or does is immersed in reflection-abstraction-symbol.

Over the centuries, men have developed many different systems of symbolism. Without Something that stood for Something-else, they would have no way to relate their reflections to reality or to communicate with each other at any level above the basic semantics of the brute. To rise above the jungle vocabulary of grunts, groans, shouts, slaps, blows, nudges, grimaces, and gestures, men had to invent articulate symbols, a higher order of elementary signs. This they did. The picture was the first symbol, and the Word, for all practical purposes, was its coeval. The non-verbal picture was accompanied by the verbal equivalent. All systems of symbolism are either Verbal or Non-verbal. For every word there is a non-verbal reference, and for every non-verbal sign there is a verbal reference. There are many, different systems of non-verbal symbolism, but for every sign therein there is a word. It is therefore accurate to say that all of man’s symbolism are Non/Verbal (another example of the Positive/Negative complex at the base of all reflect-ion.)

In general, the non-verbal systems of symbolic reference consist of two, closely inter-related systems, viz., the Spoken and the Written (or printed). Since all symbols are either words or signs for which there are words, it follows that the one, general sign for all human symbolism is Word. The Word is man’s prime tool. The word is a name. All words are names, — the names of objects, groups of objects, actions, motions, qualities, quantities, places, relationships. The distinction between Words and Numbers is nominal: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. are the non-verbal or mathematical signs for words that name the imaginary-abstract operations indicated. This is equally true of all other mathematical signs. Mathematical formulations are merely short-hand versions of verbal exposition-narration. It is well to remember this, whenever you are tempted to mistake a blackboard or a book full of mathematical formulas for anything other than signs for material-mental operations, — for abstractions divorced from concrete demonstrations.

From the first, numbers were more particularly associated with and referred to power-energy. The number of sheep in the fold, the number of horses in the barn, the number of lamps or candles in the house, the number of children in the family, the number of shekels in the bag, the number of men in the army, — these are simple computations of obvious power. Similar or identical examples of the elementary mathematics of Energy may be found on virtually any page of modern newspapers, magazines, and books. Such formulations compute superficial, natural and relatively unorganized energy. For thousands of years the race’s interests and needs were satisfied with nothing but Obvious Energy and the Simple Arithmetic required for its symbolic calculation and direction. Windmills, water-wheels, and sailing ships, though crude power machines, called for no great understanding or computation of the energies exploited. Neither, in the long days of their retarded development, did levers, screws, pulleys, etc. The eolipile, an ancient toy prototype of the steam engine, failed to interest primitive mathematicians in speculations that might have led to the invention of internal-power machines hundreds of years before their time.

Later, the invention of gunpowder and the telescope kindled no minds on record at the time to imagine ways to tap the energies hidden in all forms-modes of matter. It was not until a little more than a hundred years ago that man began to investigate the inner energies of matter, and invent ways to harness and use them. All the mathematical formulations for the generation and application of steam-power, oil-power, electrical and atomic power have been imagined during the past century and a half.

The exploration and exploitation of non-organic energies, of course, was accompanied by extensive and intense inquiry into the structure and nature of organic energies, but the work in the second field, though productive of much important information, has led to no formulation-s for the generation and release of vital energy. During the past hundred and fifty years, men have learnt more about physiological-biological fact than the race learnt during the whole of recorded time down to the XIX Century. Much as that is, it is not concerned with the Vital Factor, the central and prime reality. The Vital Factor is utterly ignored; it is as if the one thing that makes the difference between a pile of sand and a professor of semantics did not exist. (Maybe the difference isn’t as great as I think it is.) The difference is generally unobserved, and so today, in the hour when the manufactured release of atomic energy threatens to destroy the race (perhaps the planet), nothing, — absolutely nothing, — is known about the power of re-generation that was not known, in practical essence, to the ancient Chinese.

The human race ignores the one thing it ought to be most interested in. For that, it has one, shame-faced symbol, — sex.

ALTHOUGH seemingly better informed about the relatively non-vital energies, men are, in reality, just as ignorant of the realities involved here as they are of the realities involved in the field of vital energy. The authorities in the fields of physics and chemistry freely confess that they do not know what really are electricity, magnetism, gravity, — electrons, protons, photons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules. They intimate, and often explicitly state, that they are not interested in the What, only in the How. And there is no denying that they have considerable know-how now,– at least enough to blow themselves to Nirvana, if not enough to keep from sacrificing thousands of lives annually to the Moloch of Machinery. Their imagined formulas for the release of real energy are practically very efficient, to say the least. Elements and compounds respond as if atoms and molecules were present there-in according to the formulated patterns; the plasticity of matter sustains these imaginings as surely and neatly as water takes the exact form of any receptacle from a thimble to a tank. There are no ohms, volts, amperes, etc. in natural reality, but the Reality does not reject these Fictions. It is now evident that Matter, like Mind, has depth reflection and something very analogous to vital response. If you poise the model of a molecule before the mirror of Matter at the right angle, Matter will reflect that model-symbol. Just as you can project a picture on paper or a motion-picture screen, so you can project into the matrix of matter a dynamo-graph or mathematical formula of energy, and get the predesigned results. Within certain limits, you can impose on Nature-Matter, rape it, and get such bastard children from the enforced mathematical-mechanical nuptials as TV, the airplane, and the H-bomb. But it is not-able that all the imaginary knowledge thus far formulated swiftly goes beyond the limits of Nature-Matter’s tolerance, and ultimately proves itself to be destructive.

Each new discovery, each new masterpiece of fancy formulation, each new invention implementing the fancy is always heralded as a boon or a potential blessing, but without exception, each has proved to be destructive of truly human qualities, of true natural harmony, an unmitigated menace to all life on earth. You can imagine that the speed of light is 186,300 miles per second, and matter will reflect your formula in a way that will deceive you into believing that the image you have held up to the mirror of universal form-energy formulates the reality, but if you persist in foisting this Fiction upon the field of Reality, the real facts will explode the fiction and expose your ignorance. This is the truth, though you may not live to discover it. The obvious reality is that the universe is not a mathematical machine; it may be treated as such for a brief time, with seeming impunity, but in the end the result, invariably and inevitably, is a highly destructive explosion of unformulated Energy.

IT is unnecessary, here, to analyze the never-never-land of mystical geometry and mathematical metaphysics, countless bibles of which you will find on the shelves of the most holy temples of what is called (most solemnly) the sciences of physics, chemistry, astrophysics, and social psychology. The vain imaginings in these volumes are as unconsciously absurd as the speculations of Medieval mystics, alchemists and Schoolmen, but they are far more practical and this-worldly. The miracles of modern machinery, manufactured from the mundane, symbolic visions in their pages, prove that matter, though not informed by conscious awareness, is in its way as volatile and plastic as mind; these machines prove that if you can imagine it, you can find a way to materialize it, whether it be heaven or hell or an in/sane mixture of both. One glance at the mystical mathematics, the maze of symbols to be encountered on the pages of this order of scientific anagogic, — one glance at these precisely diagrammed prayers of devoted technologists, thrown off in the throes of intense mental effort to realize an ideal-statistical-mechanical construction, — just one such glance overwhelms one with the surmise that one is examining the graffiti of lucid lunatics, the rational ravings of dangerously intelligent madmen. This surmise is absolutely confirmed when one turns from the books to examine the objective results of these cortex-curdling, hair-splitting and hair-raising, almost hyper-spatial imaginings, — turns from these typographical terrors, surveys the field in which these fancies have found objectification, and beholds the hosts of modern, mythical-mechanical monsters, — beholds the droves of countless chimerical constructions, the armies of fire-breathing, automatic dragons, — the myriads of engines that now affright the air, the earth and the sea, and devour the minds and the bodies of men, the world around. I repeat, you can materialize a fancy if you fancy the matter analytically and systematically enough, but you can’t realize reality so long as you permit reason to be the slave of either religious or scientific symbols and illusions. And not the least of the monstrous illusions modern men have materialized are the machines of social order, the totalitarian-democratic church-states of communism, fascism and republicanism, all of them the products of psycho-mechanics, the application of statistics to human values, the reduction of men to the status of numbered things in a politico-ethnic-economic equation. The social psychologist is the ultimate engineer of human power, the technological thaumaturge who now seeks to impose his vain Imaginings upon the Reality of man.

It is not necessary, here, to do more than mention these matters, for the essence of the whole matter is to be found in a consideration of the Mathematics of Mathematics, — the mathematics that utilizes and formulates the highest mental energies generally known to man, — terrestrial-celestial mathematics, so to speak.

At this top-level, in the very heavens of the abstract, mathematics encounters itself, mirror face to mirror face, and reflects upon itself in-finitely. At this level, the basic fact, that mathematics is a product of the imagination, ends and loses itself in an end-less maze of count-less mirrors. I define in this field three levels of reference, as follows: 1) the mathematics of space time; 2) the mathematics of number-s; 3) the mathematics of infinity. I consider them in that order.

The least “pure” of the three is the first, for it is chiefly concerned with the nature-structure of the universe as conceived-observed by men on Earth. Except in the common sense of the word, space is imaginary, an abstraction as unreal as the non-dimensional point. As a matter of fact, generalized space is merely an extension of the non-dimensional point, — the brilliant blankness of the mirror conceived as not reflecting anything. Vacuum and 0 do not exist except as convenient symbols of general potentiality, distribution, relative quality, quantity, and composition. Three-dimensional objects are not in space; they are real space: the reality is an end-less but not in-finite manifold of three-dimensional objects. Some of these three-dimensional portions of the universal, three-dimensional manifold are very elastic, even diaphanous, so to speak, but all of them, including the finest gases, are essentially three-dimensional. The universal, three-dimensional manifold itself is a very elastic continuum, capable of in-definite but not in-finite expansion and contraction, about which I shall have some-thing to say in the closing pages of this discourse. Common space, like common time, is such a familiar reflection-conception, — one that is so firmly fixed in the mixture of every-day, symbolic reference, — such a real illusion, — that all but all men would find it impossible to dis-illusion themselves about it and come to a realization of the reality. As commonly conceived, space, time, and money have a lot in common.

Continue to Part 2

Putin and Trump – The Symbol Minded

Natal Pluto is High Focus in Vladimir Putin’s horoscope because it is elevated and conjunct the Midheaven. This position speaks of his overwhelming power as a player on the political world stage and of his tenacious, authoritarian rule. Pluto’s position at 22 Leo 43 is hosted by the Sabian Symbol, A bareback rider. Its keyword is AUDACITY. The original symbol is, The scene is a circus crowded with spectators, and in a moment of hush, a bareback rider performs extraordinarily. The internet’s ubiquitous image of Putin, “performing” on horseback, is unique in that the rider himself is bare-backed, in lieu of the horse being without saddle. Occasionally, the Sabian Symbols manifest literally, and in this case, it does so with a remarkably humorous twist.

U.S. President Donald Trump is intrigued by Putin’s prowess, and a look at the cross-ties between the two leaders shows why. The two men share a zodiacal degree that is exact to the very minute, making the cross-tie a highly rare specimen in the field of synastry. Putin’s natal Saturn and Trump’s natal Jupiter are both located at precisely 17 degrees Libra and 27 minutes. Normally, a planet in one chart applies to influence the other person’s planet that is separating and responding. In this case, there is a mutual interaction with neither having the upper hand by application. The Libran interrelationship reveals Trump’s Jupiter manifesting with untempered enthusiasm, and showing much inexperience in contrast with Putin’s sober and fortified Saturn.

This extraordinary cross-tie’s Sabian Symbol is, Two men placed under arrest. In Trump’s chart, the conjunction falls in the 2nd house of personal finances and material assets, and in Putin’s chart, the paired planets are located in the 12th house of clandestine operations. This may very well suggest secret interactions and negotiations between the two men relating to money and other possessions and advantages.

From The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones, p. 167:

LIBRA 18 Two men placed under arrest This is a symbol of the maximum demand that may be made of any individual for self-consistency, and of the absoluteness of compulsions on human nature to provide a balance between inner and outer capacities. Implicit in the reversed symbolism is the importance of the self’s responsibility to its own essential characteristics, not as a limitation arising from the role it plays in life but as the necessity that the potentials of value in any given situation be brought to some point of immediate and effective function. The keyword is CONSEQUENCE. “When positive, the degree is a heightened challenge to every special talent, and when negative, total inappropriateness of impulse and act.”

The two men have most likely been in a competitive “embrace” for some time. They undoubtedly have shared resources of sorts, even if through third parties. The present challenge seems to be what they can accomplish together for their own advantage, that was not possible before Trump was elected.

The original symbol shines additional light on the mutual bond: Two men are placed under arrest and are taken away to give an accounting of their acts before a tribunal of society. Nations worldwide play the role of the tribunal, with the hope that the two leaders maintain a service to society, rather than enforce their powers for their own personal objectives and advantages. The negative expression of the degree, however, spells out in quite clear language that the potentials for self-aggrandizement are very real. News reports, speaking of Putin’s history of undermining the will of his people, include alleged murders of political opponents and other enemies. And Trump continually expresses inappropriate comments in outrageous and degrading ways toward American citizens of varying ethnicities, Democrats and members of his own political party and leaders of both friendly and unfriendly countries. Both men are under the arresting eyes of those who are awaiting the outcome of this strange camaraderie between the leaders in control of the world’s greatest nuclear arsenals. If there is a reason to believe that wrongs have been committed, that put the security of the United States at risk, the Special Council investigation, headed by Robert Mueller, will hopefully bring the perpetrators to justice.


The first official meeting between the two Presidents occurred on July 16, 2018, at the Helsinki Summit in Finland. It was a private meeting, and to this day the conversation and possible agreements made remain a mystery to all save the two men and their interpreters. There had been impromptu, brief encounters previously, usually on the sidelines of other conferences. However, the meeting on July 16th was a planned, formal tête-à-tête, that took place amid an air of trepidation from a large segment of the U.S. population, because of Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and Trump’s unsettling fascination with the Russian autocrat.

Exceptional events must have a matching counterpart in the astrological dynamics at the time they occur, and the celestial participation on the day of the Summit does not disappoint. The unique natal cross-tie already examined, has a surprising lineup of progressions that bring their combined potentials to life in an extraordinary way. Both Presidents had progressed planets synchronizing an arrival at their allied natal point on the date of the Helsinki Summit. On July 16, 2018, Putin’s progressed Moon came to 27 Libra 35 at the same time as Trump’s progressed Venus was lingering at 17 Libra 33.

Trump’s progressed Venus had been approaching his natal Jupiter and Putin’s Saturn since mid-2017. The Venus progression is of longer duration than Putin’s progressing Moon that has a 2-month activation, keeping his possibilities down to a limited window of opportunity. Putin’s progressed Moon symbolizes his emotional engagement in the aligned event, and Trump’s Venus contributed an intimacy to the fated encounter. Economics, whether personal or universal, could very well have been a topic of conversation at the meeting. These timely symbolic progressions, accompanying the natal bond, are a striking testimony to the grand scheme of things and correspond perfectly with the event that brought the two men finally face to face.

The quad-wheel chart shows Trump’s natal horoscope in the center with his 2018 progressions in the next wheel outward. The third wheel is Putin’s natal chart encompassed by his 2018 progressions in the outermost circle of planets. The progressions as they made contact with the cross-tie are bounded in red lines for easy viewing.

Trump’s Progressed Moon in his 12th simultaneously makes friendly Sextiles to his Jupiter and Putin’s Saturn. This shows his emotional investment buttressing and intensifying the interaction at the meeting, and points to a deep psychological bond with his comrade-in-intent. The planets forming these progressions take an optimistic slant on the most part, especially while the supportive aspects are in place. However, in the winter of 2018-19, Putin’s progressed Moon will square Trump’s natal Saturn, and by 2020 his progressed Sun will conjunct Trump’s natal Moon, and soon after make an opposition to his natal Sun. These are harbingers, announcing reciprocal contacts ahead. The outlook leans toward a more polarized involvement; manifesting conflicting objectives, as well as bringing to fruition the hopes each have in the other. The caveat being, will the results benefit the average citizen in both the United States and Russia, or merely be another display of the two men placed under arresting circumstances?

How Planets “Talk” to Each Other – What is an Aspect?

There are numerous branches of astrology and diverse methods of analysis within the art/science. The techniques used on this blog are predominantly those created by Marc Edmund Jones in the early 20th century, and they are found in his Essentials of Astrological Analysis. This approach makes use of the Major Ptolemaic Aspects*; the Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, and Opposition. The geometric arrangements among planets are derived by a division of the 360-degree circle of the zodiac by 0, 6, 4, 3, and 2 respectively.

The nature of the solar system in terms of geometry must be understood by astrologers in order to interpret a horoscope. Besides the Major planetary aspects, there are highly sophisticated techniques that are based on the foundation of the five aspects. It is fascinating as well as informative to reveal the mechanism on which these planetary interrelationships perform and mirror life experiences. The origin of all events on Earth and personal human experience takes their cue from planets when they contact each other through a merging of electromagnetic fields. In one of their many YouTube videos, The Thunderbolts Project attempts to explain in detail the active result of planetary interactions.

From Symbols of an Alien Sky, The Thunderbolts Project:

“In an electrical Solar System, if two planets or Moons approach each other from regions of different potential, an electrical discharge will occur, producing plasma formations stretching between the approaching bodies.

Plasma laboratory experiments can tell us what the formations might look like. The backbone is typically a column of twisted filaments, but disks and embedded cylinders also arise to evolve in spectacular ways.

The counterpart to such formations looks like ancient depictions of the cosmic thunderbolt. But what an outrageous idea that exotic formations could arise between planets in close approach! The space between the two planets lights up and is set aflame by both planets and produces a train of fire.”

These celestial events are imbued with intelligence as well as fire and light. They are like the synapses that are sparked between brain cells in order to transmit and develop thought patterns in the brain and mind. The chakra system is involved as well. The entire solar system and life on Earth is a closed unit and its purpose is the enlightenment of humanity. All planetary aspects in a person’s chart are designed to bring growth and awareness to that individual.

For more about this subject visit other posts on this blog:

Planetary Aspects, the Electrical Connections of Intelligence

The Connective Electrical Planetary Powers and Human Receptors

*In astrology, the interaction between planets is called an ASPECT. They are geometric relationships that carry unique meanings that depend upon the nature of the configuration.

The five Major ASPECTS:

The Conjunction is 0 degrees and is an Aspect of emphasis and intensity.

The 60 degree separation of planets is called a Sextile, which is a harmonious interchange of energies because the discharge is not confrontational.

The Square is a 90 degree separation is indicative of struggle with the need to take action and change.

An ease of the interactions occurs with planets that are in a Trine ASPECT. It is the separation of 120 degrees. It refers to momentum and inner talents and abilities.

The 180 degree Opposition creates conscious awareness and can be combative because it is a direct confrontation of energies.

All of these geometric relationships have a 10 degree orb of allowance.