Alina Zagitova – Olympic Gold Metal Winner 2018 – Figure Skating


Alina at 15 years old captured the gold! A beautiful girl, and a gorgeous performance. Here are a few of the planetary Aspects to her natal chart from progressions and the Transits of the evening she skated her best. In the chart it is shown through the literally expressed Sabian Symbol of Mars, that Alina was destined to be on ice. Mars at 23Gem17, which rounds out to 24 Gemini is Children skating on ice.

GEMINI 24 Children skating on ice This is a symbol of the persisting imminence of adventure in experience, and of the constant danger to self in failing to sustain or order the complex of things as they are. Implicit in the symbolism is the value of an established reality as a foundation for further refinement of personal capacity and skill. The satisfaction of a successful self-expression always must remain a dynamic impetus to further achievement, and so never become a static aplomb or a surrender to self as it stands. The keyword is FUN. When positive, the degree is soul-satisfying experiment in the infinitely varying channels of possible self-discovery, and when negative, a tendency to live for momentary excitement.

Since Mars is the planet that tells the story in imagery, we can see that on the night Alina won her place as a champion, that very planet was Transiting in exact Conjunction with her important leading planet Pluto on the cusp of the 5th house of self-expression through sport. Pluto is in an Opposition Aspect with Saturn and shows the precision with which she executes her skills and the rigorous training she needed to accomplish her goals.

Other Aspects are supportive; Transit Neptune is in Trine to natal Jupiter. Although Alina’s time of birth is not presently known, it is interesting that in this solar chart, the Progressed Moon makes a Trine to Jupiter as well.

An interesting feature of Alina’s natal horoscope shows the three outer planets on one side of the chart, with all other faster moving planets on the other. Her Mercury in Retrograde shows a Sabian Symbol of An airplane falling. This she challenges each time, when she takes to the air with profound expertise and lands her jumps with ease.




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