Biden, Harris and the 2024 US Presidential Elections

On July 21, 2024, Biden withdrew from his candidacy for president in the 2024 presidential elections. Instead, he endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris to run for president in his stead. Transit Uranus was lingering opposite Biden’s natal Sun for the better part of 2024 and was slowing to station exactly opposite his Sun on September 2, 2024. Uranus acted as usual in sudden and unexpected force when a tidal wave of democrats opposed his running again for president after his erratic performance at the Biden-Trump debate on June 27. As well, transit Saturn was inching toward the cusp of Biden’s 4th house of Base of Operations and abode, to indicate that the time had come for him to consider a move to another location. Transit Mars opposite natal Venus coming to a conjunction with natal Uranus shortly after is another indication of the opposition Biden endured from those in favor of change.

Biden’s natal Sun also plays a significant role in his position as president and his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. His Sun Sabian symbol degree is King of the fairies approaching his domain. Biden had been “approaching” the position of President of the United States for decades. Finally, in 2020 he achieved his ambitious dream. He even mentioned to a journalist on the walk up Pennsylvania Avenue after his inauguration that he felt like he was on his way home. In 2024, while transit Uranus came to an opposition with his natal Sun, it was time to make a change of domain from Washington D.C. back to Delaware.

Vice President Kamala Harris takes Center Stage

The astrological indicators involved at the time Kamala Harris was passed the torch are unusual and not easy to find. One has to examine the chart of the United States to see a very poignant progression about to take place and make aspects to Harris’ chart at the same time. The United States (US) is in the throes of a significant cyclical completion called the Progressed New Moon. This is where the progressed Moon in any chart, be it personal or national comes to the place of the progressed Sun. This occurs approximately every 30 years. A new direction of experience is expected although the transition from past to future may take up to three years on either side of the exact conjunction of the progressed Lights. However, it is important not to ignore the events taking place close to the exact aspect. In this case, the US Progressed New Moon is exact within days of the US 2024 presidential elections. Surely the country will take on a new direction since Biden dropped out, however, there should be an even stronger indication of change afoot, since the tension between political parties appears to be at its maximum.

Not every astrological event in the US chart is relevant in the lives of any particular citizen of the country. However, when someone plays a major role in the dramatic events of the country it is pertinent and noteworthy. This is true for Kamala Harris. The US progressed Moon is within close opposition to Harris’ natal Pluto and Venus. In fact, four years ago the US progressed Sun was activating, by opposition aspect, to Harris’ Pluto, the planet associated with political power, when she took office as the Vice President of the United States. On July 21, Harris realized her chance to reach the pinnacle of power when the US progressed Moon opposed her natal Pluto within a mere 38 minutes of arc.

The US Progressed New Moon is exact on November 10, 2024 at 19 Pisces 26. Its proximity to Harris’s planets in Virgo and the closeness in time to the actual elections is uncanny. This timing, so close to the elections is further emphasized by corresponding within less than a month to the last of the several stations* of transit Pluto in its epic 248-year cycle of return to its natal place in the US chart. The Pluto Return as it is called, will finally be over. A new cycle of experience will start with a bang in the form of the US Progressed New Moon so shortly after.

Transit Jupiter Conjunct Trump’s Natal Sun

When comparing the horoscopes of the 2024 candidates for president, both have indicators of success. Transit Jupiter usually brings good fortune and positive outcomes when making its presence obvious at important events, such as a national election. This is the aspect that suggests some form of gratification at the time of its impending activation. It is likely that if it turns out that Trump loses the election, there will be some form of celebration to expect with Jupiter involved so close to November 5. If Trump doesn’t once again announce his win even if not true, it is likey he may be pleased with the outcome anyway. Perhaps it is time to look at the situation that he is a man looking to be in the public eye, but time is not so much a friend of his and even getting more challenging.

Harris on the other hand has a momentum that may seem intimidating for anyone running against her. She is moving forward along with the US progressed Moon, which is something to not take lightly. The aspects the US progressed Moon makes with planets in Harris’ birth chart seem to be sweeping her up in the momentum of change that the Progressed New Moon symbolizes.


*October 12, 2024 at 29 Capricorn 39

Read about Biden and his candidacy for president in 2020: King or President? Candidate Joe Biden

For more about the US Pluto Return see: Birth and Remaking of America

Both Trump and Harris have the ominous configuration called a Sharp Destiny.

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