Each human being exists within their personal energy biofield that extends approximately six feet from the body’s surface. Biofield was the term first used by scientists in 1994 to describe the magnetic field surrounding and penetrating the physical body. The field is an electromagnetic force comprising the combined energies emanating from the ten planets in our Solar System. They are interrelated with the human body’s seven charkas or energy wheels and are positioned one above the other, starting from the base of the spine and ending at the crown of the head. The eight planets generate these powerful influences as they spin on their axes and rotate in their orbits around the Sun in the spiraling solar system.

The observable planets in the night sky are the nucleus and visible portion of the celestial body’s electromagnetic field. The waves of energy travel throughout the solar system and coalesce with their neighboring planets’ energy-intelligence. These combined fields penetrate the Earth’s biofield and ultimately relate to individual and collective, earthly activities. The planets are the portals through which the Sun disseminates instructions that need to be interpreted by all life on Earth. The planets are the bridge between that which is concealed and the world in which growth and consciousness take place, planet Earth.

The combined energies of the separate planetary fields are mapped by calculating a person’s natal horoscope using their birthdate, exact time, and location. The birth chart is based on symbolism with meanings attached to their cryptograms. The symbols used to delineate a horoscope are the cross, representing matter, the half-moon shape indicating the soul, and the circle of spirit. Astrology is the study of the interplay of these three attributes of the human condition on the path of attaining enlightenment.

Although submerged within the transparent planetary sea of cosmic waves, mankind is virtually unaware of the matrix of energy-intelligence wherein abounds the earth’s and his own biofield. The arrangement of planetary interrelationships in a birth chart tells the story of why a person was born and the role they are to play on  life’s spherical stage. Each horoscope tells a story of its own, as unique as an individual’s fingerprints.

The birth chart yields information on how to best approach one’s many stages of life. It defines prominent interests and inherent talents and gifts and can point a person in the direction of achieving one’s goals and the way to integrate themselves into society. The ease of conjunctions, sextiles, and trines are considered soft aspects, while the square and opposition aspects can be stressful. How charts differ from one another gives testimony to the differences between people, yet all are an aggregate of the whole of life. This is what astrology offers in the open field of learning. With the knowledge of the spheres and their elevated purpose, we are given the knowledge that lights the path to understanding, growth, and successful living.

The emanation of these intelligent, magnetic fields permeates the entire solar system, with the earth being immersed in its collective energies. The effects of these interacting forces are felt strongly when planets align at geometric angles in relationship to natal planets. In astrological terms, these configurations are called major aspects. The five geometric angles of import are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. They are defined when the planets are 0, 60, 90, 120, and 180 degrees apart, yet have a 10-degree orb of allowance for the planets, 12.5 for the Moon, and 17 degrees for the Sun. The electromagnetic fields are spherical and three-dimensional.

The human body acts as an antenna absorbing the planetary emanations through the energy centers of the body also known as the Chakra system. These energies are usually felt as physical pressure or emotional pain within the body and mind, similar to the force felt when the opposite poles of a magnet are exposed to each other but not yet actually touching. This cosmic, magnetic pull, however, is far greater than what any small magnet produces. The stressful pull on the human body and mind is often misinterpreted as being caused by a physical illness or mental pathology. It may generate anxiety that leads the individual to seek to avoid or suppress their emotional and bodily feelings. As planets move into exact major aspects, they become indicators of an auspicious time for personal self-development. Planetary interactions among themselves communicate in a geometric language that astrologers can interpret for a person wishing to understand the meaning of the profound feelings they experience. These are episodes of a crisis in consciousness.

An astrologer should look to the fast-moving progressions and slow-moving transiting planets to identify the sources and meanings of these challenging periods. The planets, as representatives of higher intelligent forces, act in this way to gain the attention of the person experiencing the aspects. An experienced astrologer is the interpreter of the intense and demanding call to transformation that the planetary configurations represent. The lessons learned are designed to encourage the expansion and elevation of the soul.

The source of the universe, consciousness, and life on Earth will always remain a mystery for humankind, however, to quote the notable physicist Richard Feynman, “It does no harm to the mystery to know a little bit about it.”

The origin of all events on Earth and personal human experience take their cue from planets when they contact each other through a merging of electromagnetic fields. In one of their many YouTube videos, The Thunderbolts Project attempts to explain in detail the active result of planetary interactions.

From Symbols of an Alien Sky:

“In an electrical Solar System, if two planets approach each other from regions of different potential, an electrical discharge will occur, producing plasma formations stretching between the approaching bodies.  . . .The space between the two planets lights up and is set aflame by both planets and produces a train of fire.”

These celestial events are imbued with intelligence as well as fire and light. They can be compared to the synapses that are sparked between brain cells that transmit and develop thought patterns in the brain. The human body’s chakra system is involved as well. It facilitates the solar system’s planetary messaging process within the body/mind, making possible the enlightenment of humankind, however long that may take.

In astrology, the interaction between planets is called an ASPECT. They are geometric relationships that carry unique meanings that depend upon the nature of the configuration.

The five major aspects are:

The Conjunction is 0 degrees and is an Aspect of emphasis and intensity.

The Sextile at 60-degree separation of planets is a harmonious interchange of energies because the discharge is not confrontational.

The Square is a 90-degree separation is indicative of struggle with the need to take action and change.

An ease of the interactions occurs with planets that are in a trine aspect. It is the separation of 120 degrees. It refers to momentum and inner talents and abilities.

The 180-degree opposition aspect creates conscious awareness and can be combative because it is a direct confrontation of energies.

All of these geometric relationships have a 10-degree orb of allowance.

Plasma laboratory experiments can tell us what the formations might look like. The backbone is typically a column of twisted filaments, but disks and embedded cylinders also arise to evolve in spectacular ways.

The counterpart to such formations looks like ancient depictions of the cosmic thunderbolt. But what an outrageous idea that exotic formations could arise between planets in close approach!

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