Planets and Their Effects on Mind and Body

The Solar System consists of interrelating electromagnetic fields. The components of these fields are defined by the eight individual planets along with the two Lights – the Sun and Moon. A planet is the visible core of matter, energy, and intelligence, similar to an atom whose protons and neutrons are orbited by electrons that produce electrical impulses. The fields are encoded impulses perpetually traveling through space with their focus on encompassing the reaches of the solar system including Earth. The planets’ waves of energy interact among themselves to coalesce into a complex messaging system and it is the astrologer’s task to decode their intent and purpose.

The emanation of the intelligent, magnetic fields permeates the solar system, and the earth becomes immersed in its collective energies. The effects of these interacting forces are felt strongly when planets align at geometric angles in relationship to natal planets. In astrological terms, these configurations are called major aspects. The five geometric angles of import are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. These are defined by the planets that are 0, 60, 90, 120, and 180 degrees apart, yet have a 10-degree orb of allowance for the planets, 12.5 for the Moon, and 17 degrees for the Sun. The electromagnetic fields are spherical and three-dimensional.

The human body acts as an antenna absorbing the planetary emanations through the energy centers of the body also known as the chakra system. These energies are usually felt as intense pressures and are felt as emotional stresses within the body and mind, similar to when the opposite poles of a magnet are exposed to each other but not yet actually touching. This magnetic pull is often misinterpreted as being caused by a physical illness or mental pathology. It can be accompanied by anxiety leading the individual to seek to avoid or suppress their emotional and bodily feelings. As planets move into exact aspect positioning they become indicators of an auspicious time for personal growth, however, the ego wishing to remain in a pleasant state often resists these precious times of personal evolution. Planetary interactions communicate in an astrological, geometric language that astrologers can interpret for a person wishing to understand the meaning of the profound feelings that are generated by them.

An astrologer should look to fast-moving progressions and slow-moving transiting planets to identify the sources and meanings of these periodic crises in consciousness. The planets, as representatives of higher intelligent forces, act in this way to gain the attention of the individual. An experienced astrologer is the interpreter of the intense and demanding call to transformation that the planets have in store for the recipient of the forces at play in the solar system.


Nathan Chen, An Astrological Perspective of an Olympic Champion

Here are the astrological indicators assisting Nathan Chen to become the world’s best figure skater. Especially interesting are the transit and progressed aspects contributing to his stellar rise in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. His grace and sensitivity toward others, along with a high degree of disciple displayed by the champion, is revealed astrologically through his noteworthy natal Sun-Saturn conjunction.

Jupiter has a reputation for donning good fortune upon those who deserve it. Years of hard work and consistent effort can be tracked by slow-moving, progressed Jupiter as it inched its way toward a conjunction with Chen’s natal Mercury in Aries. Also, effective until late 2028, is progressed Mars poised in opposition to natal Mercury, giving power and energy to every detail of any performance whether in the challenge of the Olympics or in everyday life. Progressed Mars will Station to go direct within 7 minutes of arc to the mercurial planet on November 3, 2028, pointing to that particular year as pivotal in Chen’s life and career. (more about progressed stations)

During the 2022 Olympics, the complex, dynamic configuration is amplified by the progressed Moon as it leaves its two-month square with natal Uranus. Transit Saturn also figures into the picture, as it urges natal Uranus to reach beyond any limitations the native experienced in the 2018 Olympic games.(1)

Chen’s birth chart Planetary Pattern is the powerful Locomotive with Mars leading in the 1st degree of Scorpio. The Locomotive temperament is the source of the intensity of sensuality and smooth mannerisms displayed by the young man as he “dances” on ice.

The natal Saturn-Mars opposition has its outlet in the form of a T-Cross with Neptune manifesting the ethereal aura the skater also exudes both on or off the ice. Attention needs to be paid to the upcoming and exciting aspect of transit Pluto passing over the powerful Point Focus Neptune. This easily predicts Chen’s future involvement in competitions and perhaps even performances on an entertainment level following his grand and gold achievement in 2022. Transit Pluto will hover over natal Neptune for at least four years to make skating almost a Neptunian responsibility to the public whose thirst for more should be satisfied with an encore from the King of Quads. On the other hand, it could mean a complete break with the sport as Pluto often brings detachment and transformation in experience. 

Other astrological events are to be expected from the progressions. The Progressed Sun will move into its opposition to natal Pluto from 2024 to 2026. This anticipated, magnetic progression brings the personal self in balance with the public’s attention to assure continuing drama around the man who has made it to the top of his field so early in life.

Unfortunately, we do not have a birth time for Chen’s horoscope, so we have to lean more upon the aspect activity and sign function of the planets rather than on house circumstances. The powerful Locomotive pattern, complete with its T-Cross fills in the gaps when relying only on planetary relationships with each other rather than from their placements around the wheel.

King of the Fairies Meets the Queen of England – President Joe Biden, Queen Elizabeth

When the King of the fairies meets the Queen of England they need no introduction. President Joe Biden met with the Queen Elizabeth of England on June 13, 2021. It was amidst his first international trip since the Covid pandemic and was dotted with other important stops along the way.

The comparison chart for the monarch and president show two interesting bonds between them. Although unaware of the astrological connections, they both share a zodiacal degree with the Sabian symbol rounded to 1 degree Taurus, A clear mountain stream. The Queen’s Sun lies in 0 Taurus 12, applying in a conjunction aspect to Biden’s Moon at 0 Taurus 59.

Taurus 1 A clear mountain stream This is the symbol of the individual spirit in its irrepressibility, and of the purity and excellence of its real sources of strength. Here man is freed from any necessity to meet the superficial limitations of life in any particular way or to conform to any pattern of events except as there is genuine contribution to an overall consistency in its self-expression. The keyword is RESOURSCOUFULNESS. When positive, the degree is high achievement through an unswerving fidelity to some definite course of action, and when negative, a tendency to waste the potentialities of being by endless self-ramifications.1

Tragedies have loomed over both of their lives, and so they may find solace in each other’s sensibilities as well as sharing a sense of dignity and care for others. The mutual connection of their Lights proves a tie between them that is personal, which figures into their interaction in a way that must go beyond political interests.

The Bidens were advised not to bow to the Queen as they are not her subjects. This well suits a surreptitious king of sorts, since his Sun is in the Sabian symbol The king of the fairies approaching his domain. Biden’s Sun lies in the spiritual and karmic 12th house where none but the deep-of-soul can penetrate into the inner sanctum of his psyche. Here is a man of spirit who wished to practice his beliefs through the vehicle of political philosophy and practice. Finally, he reached his desired goal to “rule” as President of the United States when elected in 2020.

Biden said of the Queen:2 “She was very gracious,” the President told reporters Sunday at Heathrow Airport after he and First Lady Jill Biden held a private audience with the Queen at Windsor Castle. “She reminded me of my mother,” he added. With the Queen’s Sun “tapping” on Biden’s Moon, it is no wonder she reminded him of his mother.

Biden’s Sun degree is among a limited number of images in the Sabian series which express an otherworldly energy described by fairylike or elfin sort of creatures.3

SCORPIO 28 The king of the fairies approaching his domain This is a symbol of the eternal promise underlying all inner self-realization, since any actual fullness of life is altogether independent of the passing state of affairs in a world of time and space. Implicit in the symbolism is the futility of man’s common reliance on people and things through some mere accident of contact. Outer reality takes the form with which he endows it as he exercises his sovereignty over its various potentials in the creative realms of his own imagination. The keyword is ALLEGIANCE. When positive, the degree is a special competence of inward vision and a consequent outward perspective of high effectiveness, and when negative, capricious self-indulgence.

The Queen’s Saturn is close to Biden’s Sun in the 12th house, although not within the 1 degree orb Jones uses when comparing horoscopes. The Queen Saturn is the Point Focus of a T-Cross and is squared by Jupiter and Mars on one side in opposition to Neptune on the other. Saturn’s presence and meaning is magnified by its position as the Reins planet of her Splay Temperament Type. It is her most important planet because it is both In High Focus as well as Point Focus of the T-Cross just mentioned.

The Queen’s Saturn Degree:

SCORPIO 25 An X ray This is a symbol of man’s organic integrity, or of the unvarying structures of nature on which all intelligence depends. There is here an emphasis on the wellbeing of each individual as a foundation for his self-realization in the world he shares with his fellows, and on his responsibility to keep himself fit for the performance of his part in the common functioning. He recognizes himself as the measure of all effective reality, and sees everything around him as a continual revelation or validation of his own capacity. The keyword is INVESTIGATION. When positive, the degree is an exceptional power of analysis, and when negative, uncritical over-sensitiveness to both the condition of self and the state of society.

The Queen was a royal by bloodline, the King of the fairies by Sabian calling. The astrologer sees something more than what would otherwise be just a meeting of allies.


  1. Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones, Stanwood Publishing.

Truth on Trial – Adam Schiff, “You Might Think That’s Okay”

Adam Schiff’s comprehensive grasp of the factors involved in the impeachment of Donald J. Trump is reflected in the Sabian Symbol of his Sun-Venus Cazimi (1) at 2 degrees Cancer, A man suspended over a vast level place. (2)

The symbol reveals Schiff’s ability to comprehend the broad scope of detail concerning the trial, as shown when he eloquently delivers the talking-points in the videos below. This will certainly assure him of a place in political history, especially concerning the unprecedented Trump administration.

The inquiry into the allegations that Trump manipulated Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, to force his assistance to smear Trump’s rival Joe Biden, took place between September and November 2019.  These events coincide with Schiff’s 2nd Saturn Return.

The articles of impeachment charged Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives voted to impeach the 45th President of the United States. The impeachment will forever be remembered as part of Trump’s presidential legacy.



(1) Cazimi is a conjunction of two or more planets with the Sun, within 17 minutes of arc. It superpowers the energies and meaning of the planets through being located within the core of the Sun. Planets in normal orb of a conjunct with the Sun are considerably weakened.

(2) Sabian Symbols in Astrology, pg 240

CANCER 2 A man suspended over a vast level place This is a symbol of man’s capacity for an illimitable overview of his experience in advance of his involvement in its details, and of the infinite ramification of possibilities he is able to uncover in the world he seeks to make his own. Implicit in the negative symbolism is the poise in act by which he escapes the bondage of any random compulsions, and a leisure in perspective which preserves his free choice. The keyword is CONTEMPLATION. When positive, the degree is an exceptional spread of comprehension and a continual self-orientation of understanding, and when negative, a flighty transcendence or an impatience with all immediate or down-to-earth considerations.

(3) Essentials of Astrological Analysis, pg 342-43 – Sharp and Loose Destiny. 

(4) An example of outrageous verbal abuse spoken by the world’s most powerful leader is the contents of the twitter feed by Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump – at 6:37 AM  on Jan 25, 2020: “Our case against lyin’, cheatin’, liddle’ Adam “Shifty” Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, Nervous Nancy Pelosi, their leader, dumb as a rock AOC, & the entire Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrat Party, starts today at 10:00 A.M. on @FoxNews, @OANN or Fake News @CNN or Fake News MSDNC!”


A Woman and Two Men – Sabian Symbol – The Maddow Interview with Lev Parnas

The Sabian Symbol, A woman and two men on a bit of land facing south was the symbol stimulated in Donald Trump’s horoscope, by transit Saturn in opposition to his natal Saturn. On the days when the aspect was exact, one manifestation of it was the January 15, 2020 interview of liberal media host Rachel Maddow with Lev Parnas. He, along with Igor Fruman, was charged in a four-count indictment alleging that each defendant conspired to violate the ban on foreign donations and contributions in connection with federal and state elections. They were both involved with Rudy Giuliani in the scandal involving Trump’s scheme to pressure the newly elected Ukraine President, Zelensky, to announce an investigation of both Joe and Hunter Biden, as well as other probes to make it appear that Uranine, rather than Russia, interfered with the 2016 US presidential elections. Bottom-line, Parnas numerously stated that Trump and others were in the loop; that he knew full well and directed the behind-the-scenes “errand” led by Rudy Giuliani.

It is not fully known why Lev Parnas agreed to an interview with Maddow, however, his conversation with her corroborated all other evidence which was uncovered in the House of Representatives that led to the impeachment of President Donald Trump. The two men in the photograph are Lev Parnas on the far left, and his attorney, Joseph Bondy at the center, and Maddow on the right.

CANCER 24 A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south This is a symbol of the soul’s necessary decisiveness in the basic allegiances of life, here emphasized in the terms of practical or everyday relations. There must be a mediation between the competing demands for immediate attention to various transient needs, and for some consistent or over-all goal which will bring an individual’s efforts into a cohesive pattern. The inner capacities must be disciplined continually for the sake of a plethora of outer opportunities. The keyword is INCEPTION. When positive, the degree is an unusual gift for organizing and exploiting the self’s potentials, and when negative, a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality.

The transit Saturn opposite its natal position in Trump’s chart corresponded with his impeachment by the US House of Representatives. The interview with Maddow most likely was spurred on by Parnas in response to Trump’s denial that he knew him. Other national and worldwide events also correspond with the transit Saturn opposition. Deaths including suicides at the border with Mexico, deaths and displacements of the Sirian Kurds at the border with Turkey, and Ukrainian soldiers dying in their fight against Russia’s invasion of their country are among them. The focus of impeachment doesn’t include these events but are the tragic collateral from Trump’s mishandling of foreign affairs.

Bob Dylan & Joan Baez – The 60s’ Political Protest Singers

It is known to most who lived through the 1960s that the activist singers Bob Dylan and Joan Baez enjoyed a personal relationship that fell just short of marriage.

There are astrological aspects between the planets in their charts showing the reasons for their attraction. The major factors are highlighted and can be compared with other celebrity couples, such as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, and Sandra Dee and Bobbie Darin.


The most powerful magnetic factor between the songwriters is identified by their exact Sun-Moon conjunction. Baez has her emotionally charged Moon in the exact same degree as Dylan’s purposeful Sun. The tie between the Lights in a horoscope can create a feeling of a personal destiny and perhaps even a carryover from a past life.

The iconic couple was also drawn by their shared interest in political activism, shown in the close opposition of Dylan’s mental prowess of Mercury to Baez’s idealistic and compassionate Venus close to his ascendant. Baez’s Mars is exactly opposite Dylan’s Sun which profoundly stimulates their Sun-Moon conjunction and promotes exciting chemistry and physical passion. Dylan’s Sun, representing self, is sandwiched between Baez’s tight Mars to Moon opposition. This must have brought them together in dramatic fashion but also could have been the force that pulled them apart. Oppositions act much like a magnet. When the positive and negative poles face each other, similarly with a man and a woman, it generates a powerful attraction. If, however, one pole is

reversed, the magnets repel each other, as can happen when two individuals find their differences are too much to endure.

Baez’s Uranus is in close contact with Dylan’s Moon and further draws them together, albeit in a detached Uranian manner, especially for her. The Moon indicates that Dylan was emotionally responsive to Baez’s obviously liberated spirit as a feminist. Her Uranus brought spontaneity to their relationship which was the substance that nurtured the independence demanded in a career in entertainment. Both natives had to maintain composure within the push and pull of the contradictory emotional attachment of the Moon versus the detached Uranian impulse. Often couples mirror the other’s planet meanings. For example, one could say that Dylan felt detached in response to Baez’s emotionalism. Only they knew what they felt and experienced, and perhaps a few individuals observing them from outside.

Dylan has no oppositions in his horoscope and that fits with his reputation as one who is extremely private and hard to approach. However, with so many planet crossties between the two charts in the form of conjunctions and oppositions, Dylan was able to experience a strong engagement with outer experience that normally comes with oppositions in one’s own chart.


The Sabian symbol for Venus in Dylan’s chart is outstanding in that it is quite literal. His Venus, the planet representing the fine arts including music, is rounded to 13 Gemini, A great musician at his piano. Although Dylan primarily played the guitar at the onset of his career, he was also proficient on the piano, as seen more often in his performances in recent times. It is obvious Dylan has accomplished all that the keyword and positive interpretation that the Sabian imagery describes:

GEMINI 13 A great musician at his piano This is a symbol of individual artistry as the property of all, with its expression both its strength and the means whereby others are encouraged to like accomplishment. Here is experience at a climax on the side of self-refinement in skills and talent, and at a peak in its gratification and its promise of continuing effort and sharing of rewards. A continually expanded dimension of being becomes the constant revelation of man’s true estate. The keyword is ACHIEVEMENT. When positive, the degree is the creative assurance that contributes enduring overtones to human understanding, and when negative, self-defeat through a delight in momentary attention or superficial adulation.

Joan Baez has an equally revealing Sabian symbol. Her Sun degree is rounded to 20 Capricorn, A hidden choir singing. Her voice is her obvious gift, and the positive description in this one of the many symbols in her chart betrays any desire on her part to keep her talent, goodwill and benefit to herself alone. At a young age Baez was concerned for the good of all mankind. Her natal opposition in mutable signs gives her a Natural Disposition that puts the welfare of others above her own. It is the mark of a humanitarian:

CAPRICORN 20 A hidden choir singing This is a symbol of the eternal music of the spheres, and is an emphasis on the ideality of experience as at root a symphony of cosmic reconciliations. The differences of individual character which have contributed to a person’s initiative and a conscious selfhood are here brought to their point of ultimate and single source in an overall existence, and each and every element of inharmony is reordered as a participating distinctiveness of the whole. All men are at one in the universal pattern. The keyword is WORSHIP. When positive, the degree is a unique gift for establishing a common interest and making it a power for the good of all, and when negative, personal aloofness and lukewarm loyalties.

Both musicians were categorized as folk singers when they started out in their careers. Bob Dylan went on to win numerous awards for his talents, including the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature, although he questioned his songs’ relationship to literature. A recipient of several awards herself, Joan Baez remains well known for her efforts in the field of social justice and the pursuit of peace. Among her accomplishments is The Institute for the Study of Nonviolence, which she started in 1961 in Carmel Valley, California. In addition, she is linked to the civil rights movement through her 1963 performance of Pete Seeger’s and Guy Carawan’s version of We Shall Overcome at the March on Washington alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Fire with fire signs, air with air signs, and fire with air signs are compatible with each other. Water with water signs, earth with earth signs, and water with earth are compatible.

Mars, Venus and Mercury Triad

The two famous songsters, although mutually attracted to each other by virtue of compatible Venus elements in air and fire, had no rapport of elements between their Mars’ and Mercuries. Her Mars in fire did not hold up well when saturated by his Mars in water. Their communication also fell short of clarity with his Mercury in air and hers in earth.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant Triad

Baez and Dyan were also not suited well as far as personal Wills were concerned, with his Sun in an air sign and hers in an earth element. Dyan’s Sun in air could have made him flighty while most likely Baez’s “feet” were anchored on the ground. Their Moons also clashing in element meant they would eventually part ways to go down differing paths. The Ascendants are the only match in this triad. Both are in the fire element and point to their similar approach to life and music at the beginning of their careers.

It is best to have two of the three in a triad compatible and one not, so that there is more harmony than discord between the parties. The one incompatibility in element normally brings a necessary stimulus and challenge to the union. For this potential couple, however, there simply were not enough harmonies to bring them lasting joy, and ultimately they went their separate ways.


Astrobite – United States Pluto Return

The United States Pluto Return includes a broad spectrum of topics that are included in the meaning of the planet Pluto, but it also incorporates the meanings of the planet as it is influenced by its configurations in the natal chart’s potentials. Pluto in the US chart is involved in a dynamic Mercury-Pluto opposition. Mercury represents mentality and specifically the personal perspective and thoughts concerning individual rights. The concern over Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential elections has brought the issue of each American’s right to vote in the Democratic process.

There are also concerns over women’s health, a woman’s right to choose, and the tense situation building over attempts to overturn Roe versus Wade. Pluto in Capricorn describes the age of old tradition of white, conservative men making decisions for young women, represented by Mercury in the feminine sign of Cancer. The opposition aspect clearly defines the escalating polarity between the powerful ingrained forces against the vulnerable average citizen.

Propaganda is very much a part of the “Pluto effect.” Both subtle and obvious forces influence the object or target to be manipulated. The US chart’s Pluto, opposite natal Mercury, can facilitate the process of exploitation of the average person’s mind and perspective. Propaganda is not necessarily a negative tool, used for one’s own advantage. It can be utilized to bring about positive results as well as being an invasive maneuver to achieve mastery or control over others.

Today’s climate of contention leading up to the Pluto Return reveals diametrically opposed political parties using both truth and lies to gain the attention of their target voter. Facts play a large part in any controversy, however, in today’s concerns many are prone to ignore information that does not bring them the end results they envision. An example, that leads up to the 2020 elections, is revealed when Trump’s followers say that they are unhappy with the details of some of his proposals, but will vote for him in 2020 because on the whole, he is implementing the concepts they embrace. For some, there is a heated contest between good and evil, right and wrong. The founders of the republic had certain goals in mind that are being challenged now, and there is no guarantee that the ultimate truth will prevail. It may just happen that the majority’s vision is realized until there is a balancing of powers that will shift toward the opposite point of view to gain its control and express its dominating objectives.

Solar System: The Seat of Consciousness

Modern-day astronomers and physicists are exploring the great and the small realms in the universal manifold that the ancients referred to by the axiom “As above, so below.” In their research, it would be beneficial if they were to take note of planetary cycles and their effects on human life on Earth. Astrology is an age-old discipline often overlooked by conventional science. Fortunately, the everyday citizen has a grasp of astrology’s relevance, not only for a better perspective on future events but for an understanding of their life potentials as shown in their birth horoscopes. An increasing number of curious individuals are discarding over-simplified newspaper astrological fortune-telling in an attempt to go beyond where scientists fear to tread.

There are modern scientific theories that have given credence to the all-pervading intelligence in the universe. Some find it in what they call the morphogenetic field, others find a source of life and intelligence in oscillating water molecules and their geometric patterning, as well as other theories that pervade the world as generally interpreted by science. The rhythm of vibratory rates created by the rotation of the planets on their axes in combination with their orbital cycles of the Sun defines numerical tones referred to as the music of the spheres. The source of the universe, consciousness and life on Earth is concealed and remains a mystery for humankind, however, to quote the notable physicist Richard Feynman, It does no harm to the mystery to know a little bit about it.

The Sun lightens and enlightens by the power of electrical fire and by its magnetic properties it pulls the planets along with it through the galaxy in a spiraling path, heading into the unknown, ever forward as it continues on its cyclic journey.

The planets give clues to the conundrum through the geometric patterning they weave in their synergistic fields of perpetual motion. Our bodies and emotions are a vessel for this energy intelligence and are essential for conducting the messages from these forces into the fiber of our physical being. Each heavenly body in the hierarchy of the planets is associated with attributes of human character.

The signs of the year (zodiac) are the backdrop of meaning to our lives as we reflect their archetypal natures in our own being. They are a catalyst, not the cause, of how we interpret universal influences through the sieve of personal consciousness. Each of us is born into a culture that molds and programs our perception of life and holds us back unless we hunger for wholeness and enlightenment. The outer planets in aspect with our natal planetary configurations mark breakthroughs of divine intervention to guide us toward a life worth living.

From the Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones:

LEO 7 The constellations in the sky This is a symbol of the infinite regression in all universal reality, not as a fact of some unreachable end in knowledge but rather as a demonstration that any abandonment of the known for the sake of the unknown is fruitless. The cosmos is illimitable in the sense that man’s questing may ramify in time and space to the extent of any given pertinence, but his assurance lies within his own being and experience. The stars are his confirmation, never his explanation. The keyword is SURETY. When positive, the degree is consistent effectiveness in understanding and self-ordering, and when negative, a loss of all present integrity through an unnecessary retreat to the remote or mysterious.